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to Gunwell Last updated: 05 Aug 2019 |
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Gunton -- Alfred Gunton was promoted from grade 2 to grade 3 at Simcoe Public School [SR19100701p1] Gunton -- Alfred Gunton -- see Simcoe Public School 1914 Promotions Gunton -- Alice Gunton: Gunton -- Alice Gunton: Gunton -- Annie Gunton was promoted from grade 6 to grade 7 at Simcoe Public School [SR19100701p1] Gunton -- Miss Annie Gunton: -- see Women Honored Gunton -- Annie Gunton married Alanson Avery, 22 Nov 1923 in Simcoe -- see wedding review Gunton -- Arthur Willie Gunton born [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] Gunton -- Billy Gunton was a 1920 Simcoe Kindergarten student [SR19200708p3] Gunton -- Charles, 9 months, son of John Gunton, died 20 Jul 1877 in Simcoe [BC18770725p3] Gunton -- Clarence, 4 years 7 months, son of Lewis [S]. Gunton, died 28 Nov 1909 in Woodhouse [SR19091202p7] Gunton -- David Duncan
Gunton born [Ontario
Vital Stats 1881] Gunton --
David Gunton of Simcoe married Miss Margaret Church of Jarvis 5 Sep 1906
in Jarvis. Married by his brother, Rev. Walter Gunton [SR19060907]
[BC19060912] [BC19050919] Gunton -- to wife of David Gunton a daughter [.]5 Sep 1912 in Simcoe [SR19121006p10] Gunton -- to wife of David D. Gunton a son 6 Dec 1907 in Simcoe [SR19071212] Gunton -- to wife of David [D]. Gunton a daughter 29 May 1909 in Simcoe [SR19090603] Gunton -- David Duncan Gunton of Simcoe -- see 1915 elections Gunton -- David Duncan
Gunton, 24, married Baptist contractor, born 5 Sep 1881 in Gunton -- Lieut. D. D. Gunton -- see 1915 Sons of England Concert Gunton -- Mrs. D. D. Gunton, Union Street, Simcoe, hosted her sister, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Goodale of Detroit over Christmas. Mrs. C. M. Howard and Master Bruce of Cayuga were also here [SR19160106p4] Gunton -- D. D. Gunton, 256 Union Street, Simcoe [Billet Hosts SR19160601p4] Gunton -- Mrs. D. D. Gunton's brother, Private Kenneth R. Church fell in action 1 Oct 1918 [SR19181024p8] -- Mrs. David Gunton and Mrs. John LaPlante's brother, Pte. Kenneth Church of Jarvis, has died in action [SR19181024p5] Gunton -- Mrs. D. D. Gunton and children leave this week for Tara, near Owen Sound, where they will spend the winter [SR19181031p12] Gunton -- Capt. David D. Gunton home from war -- see Soldier return Gunton -- D. D. Gunton has been appointed overseer of construction in Owen Sound. He and his family intends going there for the winter [SR19190925p12] Gunton -- D. D. Gunton,
soldier, 256 Union Street, Simcoe Gunton -- David D. Gunton, 90, died in 1971 in London -- see his obituary Gunton -- Lt. Col. David D.
Gunton 1881-1971 Gunton -- Elizabeth Morris, 83, widow of Robert Gunton, died 22 Oct 1891 at "Point-des-Pas, St. He[h]er's Jersey" [NR18911112] -- Elizabeth Morris, 83, widow of Robert Gunton and mother of John Gunton of Simcoe, died suddenly 22 Oct 1891 at her home in Point-des-Pas, St. Helier's, Jersey. She was office keeper at Ordnance Store Department for last 59 years [BC18911111] Gunton -- Eliza Gunton -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Gunton -- Ellen Gunton: Gunton -- Geo. Gunton: Gunton -- George Edwin
Gunton of Simcoe, 20, Baptist student, born Gunton -- George E. Gunton (photo), youngest son of R. E. Gunton, was a University of Toronto freshman when he obtained his sergeant's certificate. Now in 3rd Battery of Canadian Artillery [SR19170111p8] Gunton -- Word has been received this week by Mr. R. E. Gunton, that his son, Driver George E. Gunton (photo) of the Second Canadian Heavy Battery, France, has been sent to hospital in England, ill with nephritis [SR19171101p7] Gunton -- Gunner George Gunton, son of Mrs. R. E. Gunton update -- see Gunton-Austin news Gunton -- Bombardier George Gunton has gone to attend the State University of Illinois, to resume his studies in chemistry. His elder brother, John Gunton, M.A., is a member of the faculty of this university [SR19190130p16] Gunton -- Harry Gunton: Gunton -- Joe Gunton: Gunton -- to wife of John Gunton a son 6 Sep 1881 in Woodhouse Gore [NR18810922p3] Gunton -- to wife of John Gunton a daughter 7 Mar 1885 near Simcoe [NR18850312] Gunton -- John and Eliza
Gunton's son Ernest, 1 year 2 months 27 days, died 21 Feb 1869 Gunton -- John Gunton -- see 1910 Simcoe High honor roll Gunton -- John A. Gunton, B.A., son of ex-Mayor Robert Gunton, has been granted the degree of M.A. by McMaster University [SR19170503p2] Gunton -- John A. Gunton, M.A. of the University of Illinois at Urbana, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gunton of Simcoe, is engaged to marry Carlesta Pearl, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Wilson of Vittoria, next month [SR19190807p10] -- see wedding review Gunton -- to the wife of John A. Gunton, a son: Robert Carl, on 9 Oct 1920 at Champaign, Ill. [SR19201014p7] Gunton -- John R. Gunton,
64, born 24 Sep 1836 in England, immigrated 1856, carpenter Gunton -- Mrs. John Gunton donated to Belgium Relief at Simcoe [SR19141210p7] Gunton --
John Russell Gunton, 65, of the firm J.
Gunton & Son, builders, of Simcoe, died of pneumonia Friday at his
residence in Gore of Woodhouse. Born 1837 in the [island] of Jersey.
Married Miss Eliza Jarvis in 1860. Survived by widow and children: Mrs.
A. Buchner of Middleton, Robert of Simcoe, Walter J. of British Columbia,
Rev. William A., of Peterboro, Miss Lucy at home, Lewis of Simcoe, David
of of Hamilton, and Ruth at home. Funeral this afternoon [obituary SR19020417p1] Gunton -- Mrs. John Gunton is quite ill at her home in Simcoe. Her daughters, Mrs. Buchner of Hespeler and Mrs. Schafer of Buffalo, have been called to her bedside [SR19170329p12] Gunton -- John R. Gunton's relict, Eliza, 77, died 23 Nov 1918 in Simcoe [SR19181128p7] [WS19181205p1] -- Mrs. John Russell Gunton, nee Eliza Jarvis, died Saturday in Simcoe -- see her obituary Gunton -- John R. Gunton, a
native of the Island of Jersey, 1837-1902 Gunton -- Kathleen/Kath. Gunton: Gunton -- Lewis Alfred Gunton of Simcoe married Annie Hornblower of Simcoe, 16 Jan 1901 in Simcoe [SR19010124] Gunton -- Lewis A. Gunton,
21, born 1 Jul 1879 in Ontario, carpenter Gunton -- to
wife of Lewis Gunton: Gunton -- to wife of Lewis
Gunton: Gunton -- Lewis Gunton of
Woodhouse was son of John Russell Gunton and Eliza Jarvis Gunton -- Lewis A. Gunton,
carpenter, Box 384, Simcoe Gunton -- Lewis A. Gunton
1879-1962 | his wife Annie Hornblower 1880-1960 Gunton -- Lindsay Gunton of Port Dover called for help -- see Triple Tragedy Gunton -- Lucy Gunton signed 1914 temperance petition Gunton -- Lucy Gunton, single, 20 Talbot Street, Simcoe [1919 Voters List ] Gunton -- Margaret Gunton: Gunton -- Mary Gunton: Gunton -- Miss May Gunton as taken a position in the Women's Hospital, Chicago [SR19200819p7] Gunton -- Nellie, eldest daughter of John Gunton, married Edward Buchner of the firm Buchner Bros. of Simcoe, 7 Sep 1887 at her father's home in Woodhouse [BC18870914] Gunton -- Nellie Gunton: Gunton -- R. Gunton, Simcoe builder and contractor, was a provisional director of the Simcoe Pork Packing Co. Ltd. [WS19000104p4] Gunton -- R. E. Gunton: Gunton -- to the wife of mayor R. [E]. Gunton, a daughter, 28 Dec 1906 in Simcoe [SR19070104] Gunton -- R. G. Gunton -- see 1916 Items of Local Interest Gunton -- Ex-Mayor Gunton has been appointed Police Magistrate of Simcoe by the Ontario government, following the resignation of W. G. Jackson. [It is a] "poorly paid and rather thankless job." [SR19161221p5] Gunton -- to wife of Robt. Gunton, a son, 20 Mar 1896 in Simcoe [SR18960326] Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton of Simcoe married Miss Annie Austin, daughter of John Austin, of Simcoe 29 Mar 1893 at her father's home in Simcoe [NR18930406] Gunton -- to wife of Robt. E. Gunton a son 10 Sep 1894 in Simcoe [NR18940913] Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton nominated deputy reeve by H. B. Donly and Frank Reid [SR18961231p1] Gunton -- to wife of deputy reeve Robert E. Gunton, a daughter, 15 Nov 1897 in Simcoe [SR18971118] Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton,
37, born 22 Jun 1863 in Ontario, building contractor Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton, born 22 Jun 1863 at Vittoria, son of late John R. Gunton, brother of W. J. Gunton, husband of Annie, daughter of John S. Austin, was Simcoe's mayor in 1905 [photo] [SR19050113p1] [Compiler's Comment: more genealogy in article] Gunton -- Robert Edward Gunton of Simcoe -- see 1915 elections Gunton -- Robert Gunton's sister, Mrs. E. C. Buchner of Hespeler and husband are visiting [SR19160406p10] -- also see their mother's obituary Gunton -- Mrs. R. E. Gunton, 97 Norfolk Street, Simcoe [Billet Hosts SR19160601p4] Gunton -- ex-Mayor R. E. Gunton's eldest son, John A. Gunton, B.A., an honor graduate of McMaster University, has been appointed assistant chemist in the Department of Inland Revenue at Ottawa [photo caption SR19170104p12] Gunton -- R. E. Gunton: Gunton -- Mrs. Robert Gunton attended the funeral of her neice, Miss Nettleton, in Strathroy yesterday [SR19181128p7] -- also see Gunton-Austin news Gunton -- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gunton had their son, John Gunton, a professor on the staff of the University of Illinois at Urbana, Ill., visiting [SR19190102p8] Gunton -- Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Gunton of Simcoe have John E. Gunton and daughter Phoebe of Chicago and Mrs. Wm. Nettleton of Strathroy, visiting [SR19190717p10] Gunton -- R. E. Gunton has been awarded the contract to build a 10-room school in the North Ward, and for a 4-room addition to the South School [SR19190814p1] Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton,
contractor, 97 Norfolk St. S., Simcoe Gunton -- Mrs. R. E. Gunton has her cousin, Mrs. Franklin of Muskegon, Michigan, nee Miss Flora Mabee, visiting [SR19200513p1] Gunton -- Robert Gunton's eldest daughter married Alanson Avery in 1923 -- see wedding review Gunton -- Robert E. Gunton
1863-1935 | his wife Annie Perry Austin 1862-1918 Gunton -- Russel Gunton: Gunton -- Miss Ruth Eliza Gunton married Frank Adam Shafter of Buffalo, N.Y. 23 Aug 1905 at home of her mother, Mrs. John Gunton in Simcoe [SR19050901] Gunton -- to the wife of W. A. Gunton, a daughter, 29 Jun 1896 in Vancouver, B.C. [SR18960723] Gunton -- Rev. W. A. Gunton, third son of John R. Gunton, contractor, Simcoe, married Miss J. Ross, eldest daughter of Rev. R. Ross of Shoal Lake, Manitoba, 10 Dec 1894 at home of Dr. B. Patterson in Barrie [NR18941220] Gunton -- W. J. Gunton,
builder, Port
Gunton -- Walter Gunton -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Gunton -- Walter J. Gunton of Simcoe married Miss Margaret Lindsay King, daughter of John Young King of Renton 14 Jan 1907 in Hamilton [SR19070118] Gunton -- to wife of Walter Gunton a son 16 Oct 1907 in Simcoe [SR19071018] [Compiler's Comment: In a 5 Apr 2014 email Donna Bonaccorso reported this son was James King Gunton.] Gunton -- to the wife of Walter
J. Gunton: Gunton -- Walter J. Gunton of Hamilton's wife, Margaret Lindsay King, 39, daughter of John Y. King of Port Dover, died 4 Mar 1920 at St. Joseph's Hospital in Hamilton. Funeral on Sunday from the residence of D. D. Gunton, Union Street, Simcoe to Oakwood Cemetery [SR19200304p7] -- Remembered by husband and family: James, Joyce, Lindsay and Isobel [SR19210303p7] Gunwell -- George Gunwell died
Vital Stats 1881] |