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to Yorston Last updated: 20 Dec 2018 |
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Y Z ? |
Yocum -- also see Yocom, Yokom, Yokum Yocum -- Alfred Yocum [sic] of Pasqua, Sask.'s son, Flight-Lieut. F. C. Yocum died 10 Feb 1919 overseas. Mrs. Aley Boughner of Norfolk Street South, Simcoe is Alfred's brother [SR19190220p1] -- see news report Yocom -- Amanda Catherine Yocom wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1878] Yocum -- Arthur Yocum -- see 1908 Waterford students Yocom -- Charles Yocom -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Yocum -- Clifford R. Yocum of Simcoe, machinist -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] Yocum -- Clifford Russell
Yocum of Simcoe (816328), 21, married Presbyterian machinist, Yocum -- Private C. R. Yokom [sic] and Mrs. Yokom [sic] returned to Hamilton after visiting Simcoe [SR19180314p12] Yocum -- Mrs. Clifford Yocum of Simcoe's brother-in-law, Howard Tomkins, died last Wednesday -- see his obituary Yocom -- E. C. Yocom has
opened a tailor shop in the store recently vacated by Yocom -- to wife of E. C. Yocom a son 5 Jul 1909 in Waterford [SR19090715] Yocum -- E. C. Yocom, men's tailor, has moved to the Heward Block next to Hill's Grocery [WS19101013p5] Yocom -- Edyth L., eldest daughter of C. W. Yocom, married Walter
Sovereign of Lucan, formerly an employee of the Reformer, 4 Jun 1903 at home of
bride's father, 54 Locomotive Street, Hamilton [SR19030612] Yocom -- Ella Mabel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Yocom of Dunnville, married Lauden D. Kelly of Glen Meyer Wednesday [22 Jun 1904] at home of bride's parents. Mr. Loyal Yocom, bride's brother, was groomsman [SR19040624] Yocum -- Ernest Seborn Yocum born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] Yocom -- Eugene Yocom of Hamilton visited his parents in Waterford [WS19011024p1] Yocom -- Miss Gertie Yocom, 18, died 20 Mar 1903 in Waterford
[SR19030402] Yocom ---- Jessie L. Yocom wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1880] Yocom -- [Compiler's Comment: John Yocom had a son John H. Yocom. Both lived in Waterford] Yocom -- John Yocom, 80, formerly of Waterford, died 1 May 1898 in Dunnville. Survived by widow, two sons, four daughters [ -- John Yocom, 80, formerly of Waterford, died 1 May 1898 in Dunnville. Survived by widow, two sons, four daughters [WS18980512p1] Yocum -- Waterford Council paid John Yocom 10 cents for fixing a bridge [WS18980707p5] Yocum -- John Yocum of London -- see 1899 Holiday Visitors Yocom -- John Edgar Yocom, son
of John H. Yocom, a native of Waterford, is now Deputy Reeve of Dunnville Yocum -- John H. Yocum of Waterford married Miss Mary Jane Saylor of Waterford, 5 May 1880 in Waterford [BC18800512p3] Yocum -- Mr. and Mrs. J. Yocum of Waterford have their son Arthur Yocum of Philadelphia visiting [SR19170222p2] -- Mr. and Mrs. John Yocom of Waterford have their son, Arthur Yocom of Hamilton, visiting [SR19180418p2] Yocom -- John Yocom of Waterford's sister, Mrs. E. J. Long, died last week at Pine City, Minn. [WS19170405p1] Yocom -- Mr. and Mrs. John Yocom of Waterford have their son, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Yocom of Hamilton, visiting [SR19190529p2] Yocom -- John Yockum [sic],
painter, Waterford Yocom -- John H. Yocom
1858-1925 | Mary J. Yocom 1863-1954 Yocom -- Kate, daughter of John Yocom of Waterford, married Wm. Lamont of Waterford, 22 May 1878 at her father's home [Items from 1878 WS19090422p5] Yocom -- Nellie Yocom of Jarvis married Albert Hayward, G.T.R. operator, of Jarvis, 11 Jan 1899 at home of her parents in Jarvis [SR18990119] Yocum -- R. J. Yocum signed 1914 temperance petition Yocom -- R. J. Yocom;s wife, Almeda Fess, 42, died 26 Feb 1918 in Simcoe. Funeral at her late residence on Kent Street this evening. Interment tomorrow at Selkirk [SR19180228p7] Yocum -- Wm. Charles Yocum of Woodhouse married Miss Martha Boughner of Port Dover, 23 Feb 1887 in Port Dover [NR18870303] Yoe -- Mr. and Mrs. Yoe moved to Woodstock last Friday Yokam -- One by one our boys drift westward. A. Yokam and T. DeWolfe left for the States 5 Sep 1892 [Walsingham Centre NR18920908] Yokam -- Walker Yokam wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] Yokom -- Mrs. Yokom of Pasqua, Sask. was a daughter of Andrew Moulton -- see his obituary Yokom -- Alfred Yocum [sic] of Pasqua, Sask.'s son, Flight-Lieut. F. C. Yocum died 10 Feb 1919 overseas. Mrs. Aley Boughner of Norfolk Street South, Simcoe is Alfred's brother [SR19190220p1] -- see news report Yokom -- Jacob L.
Yokom's relict, Mary Doan, 73, died 20 Feb 1898 at
her home in South Walsingham. She was born in Crowland Township, Welland County, Ontario,
and married 21 Feb 1844. They moved to South Walsingham 24 years ago. He died 22 Jun
1896 Yokom -- Jacob L. Yokom
1820-1891 | his wife Mary Doan 1824-1898 Yokom -- Miss Olive Yokom was cousin of Miss Jessie Pope Yokom -- Thomas A. Yokom, 35,
born 21 Oct 1865 in Ontario, [agricultural] agt.; Yokom
-- Mrs. Wm. Yokom was daughter of Mrs. Hannah Hagen [sic] Yokom -- Mr. and Mrs.
Alfred Boughner of Simcoe visited the former's uncle, William
Yokom Yokum -- also see Yocum Yokum -- Alfred A. Yokum of Walsingham married Sarah Moulton of Walsingham, 19 Feb 1895 in Simcoe [NR18950228] Yokum -- Alfred Yokum, 30,
born 27 Nov 1870 in Ontario, clerk general store Yokum -- Mrs. C. Yokum of Tillsonburg died Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown of Port Royal, where she had been visiting [Port Rowan SR19160914p2] Yokum -- Charles Yokum was stabbed by Conrad Snyder, an old man, and his son, 18, on 13 Apr 1899 in Port Ryerse. The Snyders have been arrested [WS18990420p1] Yokum -- Miss Pearl Thressa Yokum of Simcoe married Frank A. Shaw of Simcoe 30 Oct 1904 at Walsingham Centre [SR19041118] Yokum -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yokum of Walsingham moved to Tillsonburg on Monday [SR19180613p2] Yong -- Miss Edith Yong of Renton visited her aunt, Mrs. Calvin Hoover of Delhi [SR19180815p2] Yonger -- Mrs. Yonger is
attending her mother's funeral at Burk's Falls Yongson -- Mary E. Yongson -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Yonman -- James Yonman subscribed to Simcoe Pork Packing Yonson -- Mrs. Yonson -- see List of 1885 teachers Yonson -- Alexander Yonson attended Simcoe High -- see 1929 Monocle Yonson -- Elgin Yonson of Montreal has been in Simcoe, visiting his mother [SR19200304p12] Yonson -- Mrs, Elizabeth Yonson, eldest daughter of Samuel T. Potts, married Oliver Austin of Simcoe, 21 Nov 1907 in Toronto [SR19071121p1] Yonson -- Elizabeth Mildred, 4, daughter of T. Elgin Yonson, died 14 Jan 1914 at her parents' home in Ottawa [SR19140122p6] Yonson -- Emma A., 84, wife of George Yonson, died 23 Feb 1902 [Bayview Cemetery stone] Yonson -- George Yonson wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1874] Yonson -- George Yonson, 69, died 18 Oct 1899 in Forestville
[SR18991026] Yonson -- to wife of [H]. Yonson a son 4 Mar [1908] in Ottawa [SR19080326] Yonson -- James Yonson of Woodhouse married Miss Ella Young of Charlotteville 26 Jun 1895 in Charlotteville [NR18950704] -- Mrs. J. Yonson of Toronto was daughter of Burton Young of Atherton -- see Burton's obituary -- also see Young family marriage transcriptions Yonson -- to wife of Jas. Yonson, a son, 5 Aug 1900, in Windham [SR19000809] Yonson -- James G. Yonson subscribed to Simcoe Pork Packing Yonson -- Marion, daughter of George Youson of St. Williams, married Charles Harrison of St. Williams, 20 Mar 1877 at Vittoria [BC18770328p3] [Compiler's Comment: bride's surname listed as both Yonson and Youson] -- Marion Yonson wed Charles Harrison [Ontario Vital Stats 1877] Yonson
-- Mary E. Yonson, 50, born 6 Nov 1850 in Ontario, widow, dressmaker Yonson -- Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Yonson, eldest daughter of late Samuel
T. Potts, married Oliver Austin 21 Nov 1907 in Toronto [SR19071121] Yonson -- Sarah Yonson wed George W. Price [Ontario Vital Stats 1875] Yonson -- to wife of T. Elgin
Yonson: Yonson -- T. E. Yonson of Ottawa -- see 1910 Visitors to Simcoe Yonson -- Thomas Elgin Yonson of Ottawa, formerly of Simcoe, son of late Capt. Walter Yonson of Simcoe, married Clara Mildred, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Franklin Cole, 25 Jun 1907 in Ottawa [SR19070705] Yonson -- W. Allan Yonson has graduated County Model School with Professional Certification as teacher [SR18961224] Yonson -- to wife of W. Allan Yonson a son 28 Mar 1904 in Omaha, Neb. [SR19040408] Yonson -- A petition has been filed in the U.S. district courts by Walter Allen Yonson, his wife and three sons, requesrinf permission to change their name to Sinclair, the maiden name of Mr. Yonson's mother. The reason given is the frequent confusion of their name with Johnson [SR19180425p7] Yonson -- Capt. Walter
Yonson, 39, son-in-law of Samuel Potts Sr. of Woodhouse, died 24 Dec 1883
near Forestville [NR18831227]
-- Walter Yonson, 39 years 4 months 11 days, died 24 Dec 1883 York -- [female] York died [Ontario
Vital Stats 1872] York -- Clement York, blacksmith on Kent street in Simcoe, has long experience in England and elsewhere [14 Aug 1841 ad in NO18420101p3] York -- Clemintine York, 28, born in Simcoe, resident of Simcoe, daughter of Clement and Maria; married James Hervey McCall, 35, widower, yeoman, born at Vittoria, resident of Simcoe, son of Duncan and Frances; 11 Oct 1870 at Simcoe. Witnesses: Dr. Winford York of Simcoe, Benjamin Franklin Chadwick of Simcoe [Ontario Vital Stats] York -- Elizabeth, 37, wife of Dr. Winford York, formerly of Simcoe, died 7 Mar 1878 in Toronto [BC18780313p3] -- Winford York, M.D., 39 years 9 months, died 13 Apr 1880 | his wife Elizabeth H., 37 years 5 months, died 7 Mar 1878 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] York -- Emma, 5, daughter of
Winford and Elizabeth York died 20 Oct 1872 York -- Florence York born [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] -- to wife of Winford York, M.D., a daughter, 9 Sep 1870 [NR1870922p3] York -- G. B. York was a 1910 Waterford high school student York -- G. W. York -- see Early Waterford [pdf] York -- George York, farmer,
Main Street,
Waterford York -- Gordon Becker York -- see Early Waterford [pdf] York -- Gordon B. York of
Townsend, farmer -- see 1917
Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] York -- "Capt. C. A. Marlatt and Private Gordon B. York have left for Siberia." [SR19181003p2] York -- Gordon B. York -- see Saunders-Gibson funeral York -- Edward York, father of Lt.-Col. York, died Wednesday of last week at his home in Brownsville, after an illness of some two years [WS19000426p1] York -- Mr. Geo. York of Buffalo visited Mrs. I. E. York who is seriously ill, yesterday [WS19210512p5] York -- Howard S. York passed 1901 Waterford High entrance exam York -- Howard S. York of Waterford -- see Norfolk Students banqueted York -- Dr. Howard Sovereign
York, 28, died Sun 22 Oct 1916 in Waterford York -- I. E. York of Waterford married Alice Louise, daughter of Leonard Sovereign of Waterford, 1 Oct 1884 at home of her brother-in-law, L. Becker [BC18841008] [NR18841002p3] York -- I. E. York: York -- Colonel Isaac E. York -- see Early Waterford [pdf] York -- I. E. York & Co. purchased the stock of drugs, stationery, etc. from Mr. J. R. Kestell in 1885 [WS19100915p1] York -- to the wife of I. E. York: York -- I. E. York has
purchased the stock of J. F. Aitken, who is leaving Waterford
York -- I. E. York & Co., druggists and stationers [WS18980707p8] York -- Lt.-Col. York has his mother, Mrs. E. York of Brownsville, visiting [WS19000222p1] York -- Lieut.-Col. I. E. York's son, Dr. Howard York of New York, formerly of Toronto, died 22 Oct 1916 at his father's home in Waterford -- see Howard's obituary -- also see York Block York -- Colonel I. E. and Mrs. York attended his mother's funeral Monday at Brownsville. She died suddenly Saturday at the home of her son Dr. George York, in Buffalo [Waterford SR19170412p7] York -- Colonel I. E. York of
Waterford York -- I. E. York: York -- Colonel and Mrs. I. E. York of Waterford have Dr. York of Buffalo visiting [SR19180912p2] York -- I. E. York was pallbearer -- see Robinson funeral York -- Col. I. E. York
and Miss York attended both the wedding and the 31st anniversary York -- Mrs. I. E. York's funeral was Friday -- see York-Sovereign York -- Lt.-Col. I. E. York died Tuesday [4 Feb 1930] in Waterford -- see his obituary York -- Lt.-Col. I. E. York
1855-1930 | his wife Alice L. Sovereign 1855-1921 York -- Louie, eldest daughter of late Winford York, M.D. of Simcoe, married Edwin E. Davis of M.C. Railway 16 Jul 1889 at Aylmer [BC18890724] York -- Louie York, daughter of the late Dr. York of Simcoe and relict of Edward E. Davis of Aylmer, died Fri 28 Jan 1910 in London -- see her obituary York -- Winford York, M.D., office north side of Peel Street, Simcoe [NR18700414p1] York
-- Winford York, M.D. married Eva Rose, daughter of Rev. H. P. Fitch, 14 May
1879 at home of her father in Simcoe [NR18790515p3] -- Winford York, 37,
widower, physician, born in Simcoe, resident of Simcoe, son of Clement and
Maria, married
Eva Rose Fitch, 20, born in Harwich, Ont., resident of Simcoe, daughter of
Rev. Herman Parker Fitch and Melissa, 14 May 1879 in Simcoe. Witnesses: John
Dixon of Simcoe, J. H. McCall of Waterford York -- Winford York, M.D.,
39, died 13 Apr 1880 in Simcoe [BC18800414p3] York -- the funeral of Mrs. Washington Elliott of Brownsville, daughter of Mr. York of Brownsville and sister of Major York of Waterford, took place Monday [WS18980106p1] Yorks -- Miss Delia, oldest daughter of Capt. M. Yerks of Waterford, married Thomas F. Clark, oldest son of Frederick Clark of St. Thomas, married 15 Apr 1890 at her father's home [BC18900423] [Compiler's Comment: she is both Yerks and Yorks. Yerks is assumed correct] Yorks -- William Yorks had mail waiting at Simcoe in Dec 1840 Yorks -- William Yorks born
[Ontario Vital Stats 1870] Yorston -- Miss Charlotte Yorston, daughter of Rev. John Yorston, married Frank Oliver of Tillsonburg, 11 Mar [1908] at the home of her parents in Houghton. Married by bride's father [SR19080326] Yorston -- Robert Yorston, 31, died 25 Feb 1906 in Glen Meyer |