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McCall, A. to B. Last updated: 08 Aug 2019 |
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McCall -- also see McCall-Fairchild Burying Ground photo McCall -- Col. McCall was proposed as committee member of the new agricultural association [NO18410529p3] McCall -- While engaged in felling trees in McCall Bros. woods in Charlotteville, Wallace Powell, 19 or 20, stumbled while running from under a falling tree and was very badly crushed by one of the limbs, his right leg being mangled. It is thought he will recover [NR18801217p3] McCall -- Messrs. McCall & Co.'s paint shop has moved closer to their manufactory. The Sterling Bank is building its new office for St. Williams on the lot vacated [St. Williams SR19200325p5] McCall -- Senator McCall: McCall
-- A. McCall: McCall -- the A. McCall estate -- see Fire in Port Rowan McCall -- Abraham McCall -- see McCall-Fairchild Cemetery video McCall -- Ada M. B., 6,
daughter of John A. & Mary McCall, died 7 Mar 1899 McCall -- Albert McCall -- see 1889 Vittoria Public School Students McCall -- Alexander McCall, 32, lumber merchant, born in Charlotteville, resident of Charlotteville, son of David W. and Harriet; married Sarah McInnes, 29, born in Charlotteville, resident of Charlotteville, daughter of Andrew and Sarah, 13 Oct 1872 at residence of bride's father "Aberfoyle" in Charlotteville. Witnesses: Walter J. McGill McInnes of Vittoria and Daniel A. McCall of St. Williams [Ontario Vital Stats] [Compiler's Comment: Walter was the bride's brother; Daniel was the groom's cousin and the bride's brother-in-law] McCall -- to wife of Alex McCall, Esq., a son, 28 Nov 1879 in Simcoe [NR18791203p3] McCall -- Alexander McCall -- see 1880 Simcoe Firemen McCall -- A. McCall and W. E. Tisdale nominated Charles Marlatt to 1897 Simcoe Council [SR18961231p1] McCall -- Alexander
McCall: McCall -- Mr. and Mrs. Alex McCall's guests have been Mrs. R. Grisman and Miss Mary Horn of Detroit [NR18860812] McCall -- Alex. McCall, Simcoe lumber merchant, was a provisional director of the Simcoe Pork Packing Co. Ltd. [WS19000104p4] McCall -- Alexander McCall, a native of Charlotteville, brother of his partner Thomas in lumbering business in Ontario and a score States, moved to Simcoe about 1880, two years mayor of Simcoe [photo] [SR19040108p1] -- Mayor McCall chaired Presentation to Ex-Mayor Campbell McCall -- Alex. McCall was chosen on Wednesday to represent the Conservative party for Norfolk in the next federal election [SR19080910] [Compiler's Comment: article includes his photo] McCall -- Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McCall of Simcoe visited Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brock at St. Williams for a few days [SR19090415] McCall -- newly appointed Canadian Senator Alexander McCall was welcomed home from Ottawa Saturday evening. Simcoe was in festive trim for the parade, marching band and dinner organized by H. P. Innes, W. E. Tisdale and Wm. Sutton [SR19130605p1] McCall -- Hon. A. McCall: McCall -- Mrs. Alexander
McCall had Miss Emma McCall of St. Williams visiting [SR19180425p12] McCall -- Senator and Mrs. A. McCall have their daughter, Mrs. Stanley Laing and children of Montreal, visiting [SR19181114p6] McCall -- Alex. McCall,
Senator, 190 Dean Street, Simcoe McCall -- Alice Louise,
36 years 6 months 28 days, wife of Walter F. McCall, died 30 Jul 1910 McCall -- Alice M. McCall of Vittoria passed 1882 Entrance Exams McCall -- Alice Maud, eldest daughter of James H. McCall of Vittoria, married Frank Schooley, one of South Yarmouth's most popular young farmers, 31 Oct 1900 at home of bride's father. Miss Eva McInnes of Vittoria and Eric Oille of Sparta attended. Only immediate relatives attended. Guests included: Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy of Detroit; Mrs. T. S. McCall of Owensboro, Kentucy; groom's parents of Sparta; groom's brother, A. G. Schooley of St. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. Robertson of Port Dover [article and B-M-D column SR19001108p1] [Compiler's note: Alice's second name spelled both "Maud" and "Maude"] McCall -- Mrs. Alm[onte] McCall was a cousin of L. R. Johnson -- see Johnson's obituary McCall-- Amert [sic]
K. Anderson, 67, widow of Oliver
McCall, died 3 Jan 1900 in Port Rowan
-- the will of Amoret Kern McCall of Port Rowan was probated in 1900 [Norfolk
Wills] McCall -- Amorette E.
McCall, widow, Box 130, Simcoe McCall -- Mrs. Amorette McCall of Simcoe had Mrs. Walker P. Ferris of Port Rowan, visiting [SR19190327p1] McCall -- Andrew McCall -- see 1916 St. Williams McCall -- Andrew D. McCall of St. Williams, eldest son of D. A. McCall, married Miss Emma Dease of St. Williams, sister of W. Dease who escorted her, 1 Oct 1889 in St. Williams. Bride attended by groom's sister Sadie McCall. Groom attended by John Brock and groom's brother Walter McCall [article and B-M-D column BC18891009p1] -- Andrew D. McCall of Charlotteville, son of D. A. and Ann McCall, married Emily A. Dease of Charlotteville, daughter of Chas. and Nancy A. Dease. Witnesses: John F. Brock and Sadie McCall [Divisional Register] [Compiler's Comment: Register has more. No date or place of marriage provided. From independent research: witness Sadie McCall was groom's sister Sarah Shearer McCall, who married John F. Brock on 18 Feb 1891] McCall -- Andrew D.
McCall, bookkeeper, St. Williams McCall -- Ann, 65, relict of D. A. McCall, died 28 Jul 1900 in St. Williams [SR19000809] McCall -- "It is with
sadness that we report the death of Mrs. Ann McCall. McCall -- Anna Palmerton,
born 2 Sep 1821, died 13 Apr 1897, wife of Jacob McCall McCall -- Annie Christiana McCall died [Ontario Vital Stats 1875] McCall -- Archibald Hamilton Y. McCall born [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] McCall -- Archie McCall of New Ontario is visiting his brother, Clarence McCall of Vittoria [SR19170118p5] [Compiler's Comment: Archie was here to attend the funeral of their mother Mrs. J. H. McCall] McCall -- Ardah Clayton McCall born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McCall -- "Arthur McCall had a field of corn last fall which was one of the best in the county. 4 1 2 acres yielded [826] bushels of Sweet Rose Yellow Ears." [Rowan Mills SR18970225p1] McCall -- Arthur Earl
McCall, 796211,
Private [1916 Norfolk's Own] --
Arthur Earl McCall of Osceola Pa., 18, laborer, born 22 Dec 1896 in
Osceola Pa., son of Jake McCall of Osceola Pa. McCall -- [Compiler's Comment: for descendants of Arthur F. McCall, see McCall, Fred] McCall -- Arthur F.
McCall, 50, died 19 May 1900 | his wife Joanna A. 1847-1921 McCall -- Arthur S. McCall wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1874] McCall -- Sgt. B. McCall of 133rd Battalion spent Sunday with his family here [St. Williams SR19160525p7] [Compiler's Comment: see Charles Bruce McCall] McCall -- Mr. and Mrs. Basil McCall of Cleveland visited friends in Port Rowan. While here, they sold their place just east of the village to John Clemens [SR19190918p5] McCall -- Bert McCall -- see Herbert A. McCall McCall -- Bertha Stella McCall born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McCall -- Miss Bertha McCall was bridesmaid when her cousin, S. Jeannette Brock married Harold M. Jackson -- see Brock-Jackson wedding McCall -- Bertha McCall -- see 1920 St. Williams School Promotions McCall -- Miss Bertha
McCall played the wedding march at her cousin Robert A. MacInnes'
wedding -- see wedding review McCall -- Bessie,
daughter of the late John McCall, married Charles Beauchamp of St.
Williams, 25 Dec 1915 at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Frank McCall,
in St. Williams [SR19150107p5] McCall -- Bruce, 18, youngest son of Thomas McCall, died 25 Feb 1902 in Simcoe [SR19020227] -- Bruce McCall born 10 May 1883 died 25 Feb 1902 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] McCall -- Bruce McCall was a 1921 Census Enumerator McCall -- Bruce D.
McCall, son of D. W. McCall of Vittoria, visited from the West in 1924 |