Mr. Bruce
D. McCall, son of the late D. W. McCall of Vittoria, who died in 1900*
is home on a visit to his mother who now lives in Simcoe.
It is twenty
years since Bruce left for the West and he certainly looks as though
the West agreed with him. Like his father before him he is
passionately fond of bass fishing and has timed his holiday visit home
to enable him to visit the old fishing haunts in the bay where the big
ones are found.
He has been in big business
out west. He has spent five years in Chicago, five in Winnipeg, five
in Vancouver, and four years ago he joined the Millar, Backus
interests in the search for oil and other big projects in Alberta.
the present time he is connected with Prairie Oils Limited, and has
given the Reformer some interesting details regarding the manufacture
of carbon black which this company is about to undertake on its fields
north of Edmonton.