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Porter, A. to Z. Last updated: 05 Aug 2019 |
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Porter -- Mrs. Porter, widow of James Porter, died 15 Jul 1891 in Townsend [NR18910723] Porter -- Miss Porter was a 1918 public school teacher -- see 1918 teachers' salaries Porter -- Mrs. Porter of Toledo was daughter of John C. Ross Porter -- Mrs. Addie Lodemeia Porter of Toledo, Ohio, married William Hilliard Park of Simcoe, 22 Sep 1920 [SR19200930p9] Porter -- A. Porter played baseball in Jul 1884 Porter -- A. Porter -- see 1909 Townsend Officers Porter -- Lieut. A. M. Milton Porter of the Royal Flying Corps, Toronto, is home on leave at Lynnville [SR19180516p10] Porter -- Arthur Porter: Porter -- Arthur Porter of Townsend, son of late Jas. Porter, married Miss Rebecca Irvine of Townsend, daughter of Wm. Irvine of Townsend, 11 Mar 1891 at her father's home [BC18910318] Porter
-- Arthur Porter, 33, born 10 May 1867 in Ontario, farmer Porter -- to wife of Arthur Porter a son 21 Nov 1901 in Townsend [SR19011205] Porter -- Mrs. Arthur Porter, Mrs. Wesley Schuyler and Mr. L. Irwin have returned from Michigan where they attended the funeral of their sister, Mrs. Brown [Jarvis SR19150211p8] Porter -- Miss Beatrice Eileen Porter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Porter of Jarvis, married Leonard A. Blayney, son of Henry Blayney of Simcoe, 26 Feb 1920 in Jarvis. Her brother, James A. Porter gave her away. Bridesmaid: Miss Shirley Holmes. Groomsman F. W. Ward of Hamilton. They will reside in Hamilton [SR19200318p6] Porter -- Charles Porter,
farmer, RR2 Courtland Porter -- Cicero Porter of Townsend married Cassie, eldest daughter of Henry Jones of Charlotteville, 23 Mar 1887 at her father's home [BC18870330] [WS18870331] Porter -- Cicero Porter,
40, born 17 May 1868 in Ontario, farmer Porter -- Clara Porter: Porter
-- Miss Clara Porter was Lazelle Beemer's 1917 maid of honor -- see wedding
review Porter -- Douglas Porter was promoted from grade 4 to grade 5 at Simcoe Public School [SR19100701p1] Porter -- Douglas Porter -- see 1914 Elementary School Grads Porter -- Douglas Porter has been accepted in the Royal Navy, Canadian Volunteer Reserves, as an able seaman, and will report for examination at once [SR19180905p4] -- Douglas Porter of the Naval Service surprised his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Porter last Saturday, arriving here on an eight-day leave [SR19190102p4] -- Douglas Porter has received his discharge from the navy and returned home last week [SR19190410p12] Porter -- Norfolk County clerk and treasurer Douglas C. Porter was son of Jonathan Porter and Lillian Thel Cutting -- see Jonathan's 1947 profile Porter -- Elizabeth Porter wed Archibald Clark Olds [Ontario Vital Stats 1879] Porter -- Emerson Porter of Townsend passed 1882 Entrance Exams Porter -- to
wife of Emerson [F]. Porter a daughter 13 Jun 1898 in
Chicago [SR18980714] Porter -- Emerson Porter of
Chicago was a brother of Marshall Porter of Townsend Porter -- Floyd Porter of Hartford, Conn., son of N. Porter is recovering from illness [SR19160914p12] Porter -- Floyd E. Porter
of Province, R.I., insurance cashier Porter -- "Floyd Porter drifted in on Tuesday from Seattle, where his is manager for the Traveller' Assurance Co." [SR19200805p12] Porter -- Miss Frances H. Porter married William Hambly Porter -- Miss Hattie, fifth daughter of James Porter, married L. Scuyler 20 Mar 1889 in Townsend [BC18890403] Porter -- Harriet Porter, 32, widow of Leander Schuyler of Townsend, sister of Milton Porter of Townsend, died of consumption 17 Sep 1902 in Jarvis. Survived by son and daughter, ages 8 and 10 [SR19021002] Porter -- Miss Hortensie, daughter of Thomas Porter of Rockford, married Jas. Dunlop, son of Dr. Robt. Dunlop of Boston, 24 Dec 1889 at her father's home [BC18900108] Porter -- J. Porter played baseball in Jul 1884 Porter -- J. Porter was a 1885 Townsend Officer Porter -- Mrs. J. Porter was
neice of Mary Ann Chart, wife of Walker Messecar Porter -- J. Porter of Simcoe -- see 1909 Phone Directory Porter -- James Porter was a 1889 Townsend fenceviewer [BC18890327p1] Porter -- James Porter of
Townsend was a son of Thomas and Rachel Porter of Townsend Porter
-- James Porter
died 14 Jul 1891 in Townsend [BC18910722] Porter -- John Porter was a 1885 Townsend Officer Porter -- John Porter of Ridgetown, formerly of Simcoe, married Miss Ellen Mitton of Ridgetown, 24 Oct 1888 in Port Stanley [BC18881031] [NR18881101p3] Porter -- to wife of John Porter of the law firm Kelly & Porter, a son, 1 Feb 1900 in Simcoe [SR19000208] -- also see Jonathan Porter's 1947 profile Porter -- John Porter: Porter -- Jon. Porter -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Porter -- Jonathan Porter of Simcoe married Miss Lillian Ethel Cutting of Simcoe, 31 Aug 1898 in Simcoe [SR18980908] -- Miss Lillian Cutting and John Porter of Simcoe were married Wednesday of last week in Simcoe [WS18980908p1] -- Mrs. Jonathan Porter was a daughter of James Cutting -- see James' obituary Porter -- Jonathan Porter and wife of Simcoe visited his sister, Mrs. James Dunlop at Boston [WS19010919p8] Porter -- John Porter was elected Chairman of Simcoe Board of Education last night [SR19130206p1] -- John Porter was re-elected Chairman of Simcoe Board of Education for 1914 [photo caption, SR19140212p1] Porter -- John and Nathaniel of Simcoe's niece: Miss Letha Kortum, B.A., daughter of John Kortum of Townsend, married William D. Ross of Boston, Mass., [8] Jan 1914 at Villa Nova [SR19140108p7] Porter -- John Porter of Simcoe was a brother of Marshall Porter -- see Marshall's obituary Porter -- John Porter of
Porter -- Simcoe barrister Jonathan Porter has been appointed Norfolk County treasurer -- see his 1918 profile Porter -- Mrs. John Porter has her neice Clara McKiee, wife of Dr. Elliott of Crete, Neb., staying with her [SR19181121p7] Porter -- John Porter,
barrister, 99 Colborne Street North, Simcoe Porter -- Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan of Colborne Street, Simcoe, have their son, Douglas Porter of Toronto, spending Christmas with them [SR19191225p10] Porter -- Jonathan Porter Porter -- Kenneth Eugene, infant son of W. T. Porter, died 27 Jan 1912 in Courtland [SR19120215p6] Porter -- Capt. L. E. Porter married Miss Isobel McGee of Toronto -- see April Weddings Porter -- Capt. and Mrs. Porter of Toronto attended -- see Porter-Evans wedding Porter -- Laura Isabel, daughter of Wm. Porter, married Albert Morgan Williamson of 114th Battalion, Brock's Rangers, Camp Borden, son of James Williamson of Jarvis, Mon 31 Jul 1916 in Jarvis [SR19160810p5] Porter -- Miss Lottie Porter, daughter of Rev. W. H. Porter, married John C. Kirkwood of Brampton, 23 Nov 1896 in Brantford. Married by her father [SR18961210] Porter -- Miss Maidie W. Porter of Townsend married Fred. J. Herron of Townsend 14 Jun 1905 at home of her father, Marshall Porter of Rockford [SR19050623] Porter -- Margaret A. Porter, 75, died 28 Oct 1929 | her husband Joseph McCarter, 53, died 25 Mar 1906 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] Porter -- Marshall Porter
wed Melvina Rusling [Ontario Vital Stats 1879] Porter -- to wife of Marshal [sic] Porter a son 2 Aug 1880 in Townsend [BC18800811p3] Porter -- Marshall Porter was a 1885 Townsend Officer Porter -- Marshall Porter
of Rockford was an uncle of Archie Walker of Chicago Porter -- Marshall Porter,
47, born 19 Aug 1853 in Ontario, farmer Porter -- Mrs. M. Porter of Rockford visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Rusling of Boston [WS19100915p8] Porter -- Marshall Porter died Saturday at his home in Rockford -- see his obituary Porter -- Marshall Porter 1852-1915 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] Porter -- Martha Porter, 93, widow of William S. Mason, died 25 Dec 1908 in Waterford [SR19081231] -- Martha Porter, 92 years 6 months, born in England, married Robt. Somers, married William Mason, settled at Mt. Hope in Townsend, died 25 Dec 1908 at home of her son Wallace Mason [obituary, WS19090218] [Compiler's Comment: obituary has more] Porter -- Mary Porter wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1874] Porter -- Mary Porter, 79, widow of Thomas Porter, mother of Nathaniel and John Porter both of Simcoe, died 15 May 1905 in Townsend [SR19050519] Porter -- Mary Porter
1845-1926 | her husband Lewis Walker 1839-1923 Porter -- Mary Ann Porter born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] Porter -- Mary Eliza Porter wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1880] -- Mary Eliza, daughter of James Porter of Townsend, married David Jeffrey of Townsend, 7 Apr 1880 at her father's home [BC18800414p3] Porter -- Mary Elizabeth,
59, wife of James Porter, died 14 Jul 1891 Porter -- Miss Maude Porter: Porter -- Melvina Porter, widow, RR3 Waterford; Townsend [1919 Voters List] Porter -- Milton
Porter: Porter -- Milton Porter,
37, born 24 Jul 1864 in Ontario, farmer Porter -- Milton Porter -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Porter -- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Porter had Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Porter and son Paul, visiting [SR19190102p8] Porter -- to the wife of Milton N. Porter, a daughter: Lydia Jeanette (Jean), 15 Jul 1919 in Woodhouse [SR19190731p5] Porter -- Mr. and Mrs. Milton Porter announce the engagement of their daughter, Myrtle Hawthorne, to Mr. Harvey G. Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Evans of Tillsonburg [SR19190807p5] Porter -- Milton Porter,
farmer, 92 Norfolk Street South, Simcoe Porter -- Milton Porter: Porter -- Milton Porter
married Miss Nora Hellyer, 17 Feb 1916 in Townsend [SR19160302p7] Porter -- Milton Porter donated to Ag. Society in 1916. Porter -- to the wife of Milton Porter, a son, 1 May 1917 at Marburg [SR19170503p6] Porter -- Milton Porter
1864-1940 | his wife Isobel Hawthorne 1862-1932 Porter -- Milton N. Porter,
farmer, RR1 Port Dover Porter -- Milton N. Porter
1888-1936 | his wife Nora Dell Hellyer 1890-1955 Porter -- Miss Myrtle Porter of bridesmaid for Mary Peachey -- see Peachey-Cameron wedding Porter -- Miss Myrtle Porter to wed -- see Bride-to-Be showered Porter -- Myrtle Hawthorne
Porter married Harvey George Evans, 4 Sep 1919 in Simcoe [SR19190911p7] Porter -- Myrtle M. Porter 1894-1980 | her husband Harvey George Evans, born 25 Dec 1894, died 7 Oct 1959 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] Porter -- N. Porter: Porter -- Mrs. N. Porter was a sister of Mrs. H. E. Beemer -- see Beemer obituary Porter -- N. Porter, collector of Inland Revenues, reports 1909 collections for Simcoe equal $7,469.44 ["Inland Revenue" in SR19090401] -- also see Evidently Suicide Porter -- N. and F. Porter donated to Belgium Relief [SR19141126p1] Porter -- N. Porter is visiting his son in Providence, R.I. [SR19170906p12] Porter -- N. Porter,
customs, 176 Talbot St. North, Simcoe Porter -- Mrs. N. Porter of Simcoe's mother, Margaret Price, widow of Edward Moore of Townsend, died 10 Feb 1920 in Tillsonburg. Funeral tomorrow to Greenwood Cemetery [SR19200212p5] Porter -- Nathaniel Porter
was a son of Thomas and Rachel Porter of Townsend Porter -- Nathaniel Porter,
64, died 10 Sep 1887 in Windham [BC18870914] Porter -- Nathaniel Porter was a 1889 Townsend pathmaster [BC18890327p1] Porter -- Nathaniel Porter of Townsend married Miss Jessie, daughter of Edward Moore of Townsend, 8 Jan 1890 in Townsend [BC18900115] -- also see Mrs. Beemer's obituary Porter -- Nat Porter of Simcoe -- see 1909 Phone Directory Porter -- Nathaniel and John Porter of Simcoe's niece: Miss Letha Kortum, B.A., daughter of John Kortum of Townsend, married William D. Ross of Boston, Mass., [8] Jan 1914 at Villa Nova [SR19140108p7] Porter -- Nathaniel Porter
of Simcoe was a brother of Marshall Porter of Townsend Porter -- Mrs. Nathaniel Porter of Simcoe's niece, Miss Ruth Dunn of South Haven, Michigan, died recently there. Ruth was the daughter of George Dunn, a veterinarian in South Haven, was the adopted son of Captain Willet G. Miller of Simcoe [SR19210512p9] Porter -- "Miss Olive Porter, while driving home from high school, met with an accident when her horse took fright at some logs that were beside the road and dropped dead." [SR19180221p10] Porter -- Miss Olive Porter of Jarvis sang -- see Porter-Evans wedding Porter -- Miss Orpah, youngest daughter of James Porter of Townsend, married William E. Nuser of Rockford, 16 Dec 1890 at her parents' home [BC18901224] Porter -- Orpha, 13, daughter of Wilson Porter, died 5 Nov 1900 in Woodhouse [SR19001115] Porter -- Peter Porter donated to Ag. Society in 1916. Porter -- Rachael Porter wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] Porter -- Miss Rosa,
daughter of James Porter of Townsend, married Daniel B. Scott of Townsend
13 Jul 1877 in Townsend [BC18770627p3] Porter -- Samuel Porter born [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] Porter -- Samuel Porter was 1876 Townsend Official -- see 1876 Waterford Star Porter -- Miss Sarah Jane, daughter of James Porter of Townsend, married Johnston Hair of Townsend, 26 Jan 1881 at her father's home [BC18810202] [NR18810204p3] Porter -- Thomas Porter 1789-1855 -- see his profile Porter -- Thomas Porter,
born 1789 near Banbridge, County Down, Ireland; enlisted 7th Battalion
Royal Artillery at Rathfryland County Down, Ireland; discharged to pension
rank of sergeant, 31 Jul 1825; died 1855 near Rockford, Ontario; symbolic
re-interment in Greenwood Cemetery, 20 Aug 1952 | his wife Rachel Wilson,
born 1793 Stockport, Cheshire, England Porter -- Thomas Porter was 1876 Townsend Official -- see 1876 Waterford Star Porter -- Thos. Porter, 76, died 2 Jun 1895 in Townsend [NR18950606] Porter -- Thomas and Mary
Porter of Rockford were parents of Jonathan Porter Porter -- Thomas Porter of Townsend was a son of Thomas and Rachel Porter of Townsend -- see Thomas Sr.'s profile Porter -- Thomas Porter, 76, died 2 Jun 1895 | his wife Mary Baker, 79, died 15 May 1905 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] Porter -- Thos. Porter of Essex, England married [Kezia] Down of Courtland, 18 Jan 1881 at Lynedoch [NR18810211p3] Porter -- Thomas Porter of Simcoe married Eitah, daughter of John Lemon, 3 Jun 1884 at her father's home in Walpole [BC18840611] Porter -- to wife of W. T. Porter a son, 27 Jan 1912 in Courtland [SR19120215p6] -- Kenneth Eugene, infant son of W. T. Porter, died 27 Jan 1912 in Courtland [SR19120215p6] Porter -- W. W.Porter's wife, Isabella [Hanns], [63]. died Thursday 19 Apr 1917 in Jarvis [SR19170503p6] Porter -- Weldon Porter of Townsend married Miss Ethel May Rusling of Townsend, 3 Sep 1899 in Brantford [SR18990914] -- Weldon Porter of Townsend married Miss Ethel May Rusling of Townsend, Tue 5 Sep 1899 in Brantford [WS18990907p5] Porter -- Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Porter of Rockford visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Rusling of Boston [WS19000125p8] Porter -- Weldon Porter,
22, born 4 Dec 1878 in Ontario, farmer Porter -- Mrs. Weldon Porter of Rockford has her brother, Robert Rusling of Boston, visit [SR19100113p2] Porter -- Weldon Porter -- see 1910 Townsend Officials Porter
-- Weldon Porter, farmer, RR4 Simcoe
Porter -- Weldon Porter
1878-1963 | his wife Ethel May Rusling 1878-1963 Porter -- William Porter,
52, born 23 Dec 1848 in England, immigrated 1875, farmer Porter -- Wm. Porter narrowly missed in accident -- see Cave-In Porter -- William H.
Porter, farmer, RR2 Courtland Porter -- William Harold, 6, youngest son of Weldon Porter, died 7 Mar 1907 in Townsend [SR19070308] Porter -- William T.
Porter, farmer, RR2 Courtland Porter -- to the wife of W. T. Porter, a daughter, 28 Feb 1920 in South Middleton [SR19200304p11] Porter -- William T. Porter 1884-1978 | Maude 1888-1969 [Jackson Cemetery stone] Porter -- Wilson Porter was 1876 Townsend Official -- see 1876 Waterford Star Porter -- Wilson Porter wed Lydia A. Smith [Ontario Vital Stats 1879] -- Wilson Porter of Townsend married Lydia A., daughter of C. W. Smith, Esq., of Woodhouse, [24] [Jun] 1879 at her father's home [NR18790703p3] Porter -- Wilson Porter wed [BC19060808] Porter --
Wilson Porter: Porter -- Wilson Porter -- see Carillon Tower's WWI Plaque Porter -- Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Porter of Port Dover -- see Porter-Evans wedding Porter
-- Wilson Porter, farmer, Port
Porter -- Wilson Porter
1853-1931 | his wife Lydia Amret Smith 1858-1942 |