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to McCluskey Last updated: 29 Jul 2019 |
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McCauley -- Agnes McCauley wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McCauley -- Ann Jane Elizabeth McCauley died -- see Ontario Vital Stats 1875 McCauley -- Clarence Brock, 6 months, infant son of Alexander McCauley, died 1 Feb 1882 in Simcoe [BC18820208] [NR18820208p3] McCauley -- F. Mae
McCauley, wife of Morley Pettit, 1894-1985 McCauley -- J. C. McCauley of Simcoe, fruit inspector -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] McCauley -- Mrs. J. W.
McCauley of Delhi was daughter of William Ball and Sarah Jane O'Neill McCauley -- Jean McCauley -- see 1921 Hartford pupils McCauley -- Joe/Joseph
McCauley: McCauley -- Joseph W.
McCauley, farmer, Delhi McCauley -- Melva McCauley -- see 1921 Hartford pupils McCauley -- Owen
McCauley, 71, died 10 Jan 1891 in Windham [BC18910121] McCauley -- Margaret C.
McCauley 1850-1924 McCauley -- Mary Margaret, 1 year 2 weeks, youngest daughter of Wm. McCauley, died 30th ult. at LaSalette [BC18901015] McCauley -- W. McCauley -- was a 1915 Windham Officer McCauley -- to wife of William McCauley, twins, a boy and a girl, 31 Aug 1891 near Delhi [BC18910909] [NR18910910] McCauley -- Wm. McCauley was a 1900 Windham officer McCauley -- William McCauley was a 1918 Windham Officer McCauley -- William
McCauley, farmer, LaSalette McCausland -- Rachel, fourth daughter of late William McCausland, Esq. of Simcoe, married Augustus Reeve of Simcoe, 28 Mar 1887 at home of minister [BC18870330] McCawill -- also see McCowell McCawill -- [Compiler's Comment: we have found no surviving, readable McCawill cemetery stones in Norfolk County] McCawley -- A. McCawley digs, cleans, builds and repairs wells and cisterns [ad in BC18770725p3] McCawley -- to wife of Alexander McCawley a son 8 May 1877 in Simcoe [BC18770523p3] McCawley -- to wife of Alexander McCawley a son 27 Nov 1878 in Simcoe [BC18781211p3] McCawley -- Ann J. E., 5 years 8 days, only daughter of Alex and Elizabeth McCawley, died 19 Nov 1875 -- see photo of her cemetery stone McCawley --Clarence Stanton McCawley born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McCawley -- Margaret McCawley wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] McCawley -- Owen McCawley wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] McClain -- Agnes McClain wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McClain -- Andrew McClain -- see Charlotteville Officers, 1908 McClain
-- Harry H. McClain, salesman, RR2 Simcoe
McClain -- Harry M., 17, son of James McClain, died 1 Feb 1900 in Charlotteville [SR19000208] McClain -- to the wife of Harvey McClain, a daughter, Thursday 12 Jul 1917 in Atherton [SR19170719p6] -- to the wife of Harvey McClain, a daughter: Allene May, 12 Jul 1917 at Atherton [SR19170726p11] McClain -- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McClain and daughters Hazel and Udene were guests so her sister, Mrs. J. Botright [Atherton SR19180110p8] -- Harvey McClain of Atherton had his sister, Mr. and Mrs. William Partridge of Walsh, visiting [SR19180627p9] -- James McClain and Mr. and Mrs. H. McClain and children visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Wm. Partridge [SR19190821p3] McClain -- Harvey
McClain, farmer, RR1 Simcoe
McClain -- Harvey McClain was a 1920 Charlotteville Officer McClain -- Miss Hattie McClain of Atherton visited her sister, Mrs. J. Botright at Hagersville [SR19170816p2] McClain -- Miss Hattie McClain of Atherton married William F. Partridge of Walsh, 3 Apr 1918 at her father's home -- see wedding review McClain -- James H. McClain wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1880] McClain -- James McClain
of Blayney was a son of William McClain [SR19100324p4] McClain -- James McClain: McClain -- Mr. and Mrs.
James McClain have their daughter, Mrs. Botwright, her husband, and
their daughter, visiting from Hagersville [Blayney SR19150408p9] McClain -- Mrs. James McClain's funeral was Sunday [Blayney SR19170118p11] -- also see her obituary McClain -- James McClain of Atherton's second daughter, Hattie, married William Francis Partridge of Walsh, 3 Apr 1918 -- see wedding review McClain -- James McClain and granddaughter Hazel visited his daughter, Mrs. John Botwright of Selkirk [SR19180627p9] McClain -- James McClain of Atherton had his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Botwright of Selkirk, visiting [SR19200819p11] McClain -- James H.
McClain 1857-1933 McClain -- John McClain -- also see John McLain McClain -- to wife of John McClain (nee Annie Barber) a child 4 May 1898 in Charlotteville [Charlotteville Births 1876-1900] McClain -- to wife of John McClain a daughter 21 Jun 1903 in Simcoe [SR19030626] McClain -- to wife of John McClain a son 7 Jun 1906
in Simcoe [SR19060608] [BC19060613] McClain -- John McClain -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List McClain -- to wife of John McClain a daughter 27 Oct 1907 in Simcoe [SR19071107] McClain -- John McClain of Corinth, formerly of Atherton, was buried Monday. Survived by wife, three daughters, a son, sister: Mrs. S. Alwood of Simcoe, brother: Arthur of Hamilton, James of Atherton [SR19171122p2] McClain -- John W. McClain
1866-1917 | his wife Ammie M. 1878-1942 McClain -- Kenneth McClain was a 1920 Simcoe Kindergarten student [SR19200708p3] McClain -- Laura McClain: McClain -- Sarah Ann McClain wed Samuel Smoke [Ontario Vital Stats 1875] McClain -- Vietta Victoria, [.4] months 18 days,
infant daughter of John and Annie McClain, McClain -- Wm. McClain was an officer of 1887 Charlotteville Council McClain -- Wm. McClain -- see March 1914 changes to Simcoe Exchange McClain -- William McClain, father of James McClain of Blayney, died Saturday at the home of his son Arthur McClain at St. Ann's. His remains were brought to Simcoe on Monday and interred on Tuesday in Salem Cemetery [SR19100324p4] McClane -- Mary Jane McClane wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] McClaren -- Mrs. R. McClaren of Vancouver was a daughter of Alfred Benson Anderson and Cynthia Winter Anderson Challen -- see Cynthia's obituary McClarey -- Fitzgerald McClarey, [6]2, brother-in-law of Miss Wood of Port Rowan, died Monday, 1[3] Apr 1921 at Kerrisdale, Vancouver, B.C. [SR19210428p9] McClary -- ____, 3 weeks, infant child of John McClary, died 11 Apr 1911 in LaSalette [SR19110420p12] McClary -- Fred McClary of Delhi married Miss Ethel Wark of Delhi 20 Dec 1905 in Delhi [SR19051229] [Compiler's Comment: compare McClary and McCleary] McClary -- Fred McCleary
1882-1909 [Delhi Cemetery
stone] McClary -- Mrs. Fred McClary of Delhi married George Andrews of Tillsonburg, 2 Sep 1911 at the home of her father James Wark, in Delhi [SR19110821p12] McClary -- George McClary -- see 1910 LaSalette promotions McClary -- James Frederick McClary, 6 months, died
23 Mar 1907 in Delhi [SR19070329] McClary -- John McClary,
25, single, born 26 Jun 1875 in Ontario, farmer McClary -- to wife of John McClary a son, 14 Oct 1902 at LaSalette [SR19021023] McClary -- Mrs. John McClary, 35, died 3 Apr 1911 in LaSalette [SR19110420p12] McClary -- John McClary's child, 3 weeks, died 11 Apr 1911 in LaSalette [SR19110420p12] McClary -- Mrs. P.
McClary, 80, died 1 May 1917 in Burford [SR19170510p7] McClary -- Patrick McClary
1833-1911 McClary -- to wife of Thos. McClary a son 30 Oct 1903 in LaSalette [SR19031113] McClean -- the will of James McClean of Windham was probated in 1884 [Norfolk Wills] McClean -- Magdolene McClean was brought before Squire Beam last week, charged with having disturbed religious worship in the Methodist Church at Teeterville. She was found guilty, order to pay $1[.], and in default was committed for 20 days in goal [NR18791127p3] McCleary -- also see McClary, McClery McCleary -- to wife
of Fred. McCleary a child [BC19060926] McCleary -- Margaret
McCleary, 39, single, born 15 Feb 1862 in Ireland, immigrated 1882, canning factory
hand | her single son Frederick, 20, born 14 Jun 1882 [on ...
British ship], McCleary -- Margaret
McCleary 1862-1908 McCleish -- Andrew McCleish and Mary Jane Franklin were parents of Mrs. Helen E. Chute of Aylmer and Austin McCleish of Riverside, California -- see Mrs. Chute's obituary McCleish -- Jane, 45
years 6 months 15 days, wife of Andrew McCleish, died 1 Dec 1866 McClellan -- George McClellan of Bookton was brother of William McClellan of Boston [WS19010530p8] McClellan -- to wife of Oscar McClellan a son 11 Nov 1902 in Waterford [SR19021120] McClellan -- Oscar McClellan, about 53, husband of Ella Baird, who died in Wyoming, was buried in Greenwood Cemetery -- see his obituary McClellan -- Sarah McCellan wed James H. Bradt [Ontario Vital Stats 1877] -- Miss Sarah McCellan of Port Rowan married James Bradt of Port Rowan, 4 Apr 1877 at Port Rowan [BC18770411p3] McClellan -- William
McClellan: McClellan -- William
McClellan, 37, born 1 Jan 1864 in Ontario, farmer McClellan -- Wm. McClellan had his brother-in-law, J. Bruce Walker of the Expositor, Brantford, visiting [WS19011003p8] McClelland -- Betsy, daughter of John McClelland of Walpole, married David Voakes of Walpole, 17 Oct 1900 at her father's home [SR19001101] McClelland -- Charley McClelland -- see 1918 Simcoe Public School students McClelland -- J. K. McClelland of Vittoria -- see 1915 elections McClelland -- J. R. McClelland signed 1914 temperance petition McClelland -- to wife of James Robert McClelland, a daughter, [4] Jan 1915 in Simcoe [SR19150107p5] -- J. R. McClelland's four-week old daughter died 1 Feb 1915. Funeral 3 Feb 1915 at the family residence. Interment at Cheapside today [SR19150204p1] -- M[ ] Irene McClelland, infant daughter of J. R. McClelland, died 1 Feb 1915 in Simcoe [SR19150204p5] McClelland -- James McClelland will speak next Sunday. R. D. Imrie, 197 Colborne street north in Simcoe hosts Christian Brotherhood meetings at his home [SR19150121p5] McClelland -- Mr. and Mrs. James R. McClelland of Simcoe, removed to Norwich on Tuesday [SR19190227p11] McClelland -- John McClelland -- see 1918 Simcoe Public School students McClelland -- Lizzie McClelland wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] McClelland -- Stanley McClelland -- see 1918 Simcoe Public School students McClelland -- William
McCelland, 32, died 18 Mar 1859 [Bayview Cemetery stone] McClelland -- to wife of Wm. McClelland a daughter 5 May 1890 in Townsend [BC18900514] McClennand -- Willie McClennand -- see Simcoe Public School 1914 Promotions McClentic -- Alexander
and Hulda McClentic's daughters: McClentic -- Miss Caroline McClentick [sic], 17, born 23 Nov 1883 in Ontario, domestic, residing in the household of dry goods merchant Aquila Crysler [1901 Census of Delhi] McClentic -- Cyrus William
McClentic of Delhi, born 17 Nov 1891 in Windham Township, son of Serpta
McClentic (mother) of Delhi, occupation: farmer, attested 8 Mar 1916 McClentic -- Cyrus William
McClentic, 797623,
Private [1916 Norfolk's Own] McClentic -- Miss Clara McClentic of Delhi married George Veit of Rhineland married 21 Feb 1905 in Delhi [SR19050303] McClentic -- Emily McClentic, wife of Jacob Pegg, born 1845, died 1908 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] McClentic -- Miss Ethel McClentic of Windham married William Awde of Delhi, 2 Dec 1899 in Simcoe [SR18991214] [WS18991221p1] McClentic -- Ethel Isabel McClentic born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McClentic -- Mrs. Huldah McClentlik [sic], nearly 90, a former resident of Simcoe, died in Windham last week. Interment was Saturday [SR19101110p1] -- Robert McClentic of Brantford attended the funeral of his grandmother, Mrs. Huldah McClentic [SR19101110p7] McClentic -- Mrs. McClentic was daughter of John B. Sanderson -- see his obituary McClentic -- Jas. Henry
McClentic 1845-1910 | his wife Serepta Sanderson 1858-1934 McClentic -- Nancy McClentic wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1873] McClentic -- Robert Sela McClentic wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] McClentic -- Mrs. Susan McClentic, 78, who lived near Renton for many years, died 14 Nov 1900 in Shelby, Michigan; leaving 5 children: Mrs. Emily Pegg of Simcoe, Mrs. O. Misner, Mrs. A. E. Souter and Thomas McClentic, of Shelby, Mich., and J. W. McClentic of Chicago, Ill. [SR19001122] McClentic -- Sarapta Elizabeth McClentic of Windham married William Avery Bratt of Dunville [sic], 2 Aug 1917 at Delhi [SR19170823p5] -- "We have been requested to state that a wedding announced to have taken place on 22 Aug, the contracting parties being Mrs. Sarepha McClentic of Delhi and Mr. H. Brett of Dunnville, was not solemnized. It was postponed. The notice in this paper was taken from the official records of the local registrar." [SR19170920p7] [Compiler's Comment: all dates and spellings in these two items were transcribed accurately from the source documents] McClentice -- Miss A[.....] McClentice of Woodhouse married Oliver Mabee of Woodhouse [NR18510905p3] McCleod -- Miss McCleod of Vittoria donated to the Belgian Relief [SR19150128p1] McClery -- also see McCleary McClery -- Patrick McClery, 79, died 12 Oct 1914 in LaSalette [SR19141015p4] McClintic -- John Wesley McClintic wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1874] McClintick -- to wife of Henry McClintick a daughter 15 Sep 1889 in Windham [BC18890925] McClintick -- H. McClintick was a 1900 Windham officer McClive -- Alex. McClive was a 1885 Townsend Officer McClive -- Alexander McClive was 1889 Townsend pathmaster [BC18890327] McClung -- Mrs. A. J. McClung, mother of Mrs. Elizabeth Dunn and grandmother of Albert Dunn of William strret Delhi, celebrated her 93rd birthday 15 Sep 1935 at Delhi [SR19350919p6] McClung -- Helen (Flock) McClung, 27, of Detroit, second daughter of J. Hamilton Flock, died 21 Jul 1920 in Chicago and was buried in Greenwood Cemetery -- see her obituary McClung -- Howard Ray
McClung, 797201,
Private [1916 Norfolk's Own] McClung -- Pte. Howard McClung of the 133rd returned home to Lynedoch Monday looking fit and healthy after an absence of three years [SR19190410p8] -- Howard McClung is back from the front [Wyecombe SR19190410p9] McClung -- Howard
McClung, farmer, Wyecombe McClung -- James McClung donated to Belgium Relief at Wyecombe [SR19150211p5] McClung -- James Henry McClung of Middleton married Edith Catharine Craig of North Walsingham, 26 Mar 1913 in Delhi [SR19130403p7] McClung -- James McClung,
farmer, Wyecombe McClung -- Jane A. McClung, housekeeper, Williams street, Delhi [1919 Voters List] McClung -- Robert
McClung, laborer, Lynedoch McCluskey -- Miss Norah
McCluskey, who has been a sufferer from influenza, was removed to the
hospital at Hamilton early this week
[SR19181017p1] |