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Pace, Michael (c.
1770) came from New Jersey to Charlotteville Township in 1810 He moved to
Bayham Township about 1818, then took residence in Yarmouth Township, Elgin
County. Includes children and grandchildren
Palmerton, Benjamin (c. 1781-1860) and his wife Sarah brought their family from near Albany, New York to Charlotteville Township in 1811. Includes four generations of descent Park, Halsey came with his parents from New York to the Niagara District. He married Catharine Buchner and settled in Walpole Township, Haldimand County. Includes three generations of descendants in Haldimand and Norfolk counties and elsewhere Park, William (1764-1830) and his wife Abigail Axford came from New Jersey to Woodhouse Township by 1801. Includes children and grandchildren. Richard Park and his wife Sarah Lodor settled in Townsend Township by 1820. Includes three generations of descendants Parney, Ezra (1780-1865) moved from Long Island, New York to the Niagara area of Upper Canada, then in 1797 settled in Townsend Township and married Elizabeth Slaght. Includes three generation of descendants Parsons: Includes several unrelated families of this surname in Norfolk. Josiah Parsons (c. 1809-) and his wife Edna came from England and settled in Charlotteville Township about 1845. Includes three generations of descendants. David Walter Parsons (c. 1840) married Harriet Masecar and lived in Walsingham Township. Thomas Parsons (c. 1799-) and his wife Margaret lived in Charlotteville Township. Walter Parsons (c. 1826) and his wife Mary Ann lived in Woodhouse Township Passmore,
George (c. 1800-1870) and his wife Data Nickerson lived in New York and
came to Upper Canada by about 1838. George was a shoemaker in Port Dover,
Woodhouse Township. Includes three generations of descendants Peach, James, (1822-) came from Alfreton, Derby County, England to Norfolk County with the William Argyle family in 1842 and upon arrival married Hannah Argyle. They settled in Walsingham Township near Port Rowan. Includes three generations of descendants Pearsall, John (c.1796- ) came from New York to Upper Canada amd married Catharine Powell. They settled in Windham Township then in Townsend Township near Wilsonville. Includes three generations of descendants Pegg, John (1775-1850) lived at Sussex County, New Jersey; came with the 1794 Austin Party to Woodhouse Township, then married Elizabeth Austin. Includes ancestors and three generations of descendants Perley, Israel (1765-1801) lived at Maugerville, New Brunswick and married Hannah Tisdale. Following Israel’s death, Hannah and her children moved with her brother Ephraim Tisdale to Charlotteville Township in 1801. Includes ancestors and three generations of descendants Perry, Barnabus (c. 1769) and his wife Rebiah moved from North Carolina to Townsend Township in 1795. Includes three generations of descendants Gifford, Perry (1776-c. 1850) came from Connecticut and settled at South Cayuga Twp., Haldimand County. Some of his descendants settled in Norfolk County. Includes children and grandchildren Petheram, Richard (1815-1888) and his wife Elizabeth Baker came from Somerset County, England to Ontario about 1843. His brother James Petheram (1819-1863) came with them and married Susan Connell. They settled in Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildren Pettit, Jonathan (c. 1748) lived at Sussex County, New Jersey then came to Upper Canada in 1793 and settled in Grimsby Township, Lincoln County. He came to Windham Township in 1796. Includes three generations of descendants. Isaac Pettit (c. 1727) came from Newton, Sussex County, New Jersey to Saltfleet Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada in 1787, then by 1800 settled in Windham Township. Includes ancestors and four generations of descendants Pew, William (c. 1802-1877) and his wife Mary Biggar settled at Round Plains in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descendants Phelps, David (1767-1833) and his first wife Mary Sperry came from the United States to Brantford Township, Brant County by 1820. In 1834, he married Hannah (Woodley) Omstead, daughter of Norfolk Pioneer George Omstead. Several of their children settled in Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Phillips, John (1753-1844) and his wife Isabella lived in New Jersey during colonial times. In the American Revolution, John served as a Corporal in the New Jersey Volunteers. Following the war he took his family in the Loyalist exodus from New York to New Brunswick. They arrived at Woodhouse Township by 1800 then about 1815 settled in Ekfrid Township, Middlesex County. Includes three generations of descendants Pierce, Thomas (1808-1894) came from Cuckfield, Sussex County, England to Port Rowan, Walsingham Township in 1827. He married Agnes Ellis, daughter of Norfolk Pioneer Cornwall Ellis and settled in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descendants Pitman, Francis (1806-1886) came from England to Walsingham Township about 1850. Includes three generations of descendants Ponting, George (c. 1823-1896) and his wife Elizabeth came from England to Walsingham Township by 1844. Mark Ponting (1825-1884) and his wife Harriet came from Compton Bassett, Wiltshire, England to Walsingham Township about 1852. Includes three generations of descendants Post, Abraham (c. 1770) brought his family from Albany, New York to Charlotteville Township after 1818. Includes three generations of descendants Potts, Jacob (1761-1838) and his wife Susannah Coard brought their family from Maryland to Upper Canada in 1789 and lived at Willoughby Township, Welland County until 1800 when they settled in Woodhouse Township. Includes four generations of descendants Pow, John (1810/16-1888) and Robert Pow (c. 1821-1889) came from England to Charlotteville Township during the 1860s. Includes children and grandchildren Powell, Abraham (1763- aft. 1826) during colonial times lived at Fishkill Precinct, Dutchess County, New York. During the American Revolution he served in the Loyalist forces and then went in the Loyalist exodus from New York to New Brunswick where he married Ruth Wood. They came to Woodhouse Township. in 1796. Includes ancestry and four generations of descendants Powell, Thomas and his wife Mary (c. 1798-) brought their family from Kerry County Ireland to Charlotteville Towmship in 1840. Includes three generations of descendants Pratt, John (c.1799-) and his wife Margaret Gould came from Ireland to Quebec by 1838 then Upper Canada about 1840 and settled in Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildren. A grandson, Lt. Col. Arthur C. Pratt, was instrumental in the establishment of the St. Williams Reforestry Station Preffer, Jacob (1767- ) and his wife Betsey settled in Woodhouse Township by 1812. Includes children Pretty, Thomas c. 1793-) and his wife Sarah Renards lived at Downton, Wiltshire, England then in 1836 emigrated to Walsingham Township and settled west of St. Williams. Includes four generations of descendants Price, Thomas (1777-1836) came from Elizabeth, Union County, New Jersey to Walsingham Township. with the 1796 McCall party and married Frances Montross. His brother Stephen Price (1788-1839) followed by 1813. Includes their ancestry and four generations of descendants from each Procunier, Peter (1764-1847) came from Elizabeth, Washington County, Maryland to Walsingham Township by 1803. Includes ancestry and four generations of descendants
Pullen, John (c. 1806-1888) and his wife Susannah came from England
about 1842 and settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes three
generations of descendants |
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