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Darby, Jacob (c. 1760) married Phoebe Cope, a daughter of William Cope Sr. He was in the 1793 Cope party which took an interest in Walsingham Township but settled in Beverly Township, Wentworth County. Includes four to five generations of descendants Davis, Eli Marc (1816-) came to Norfolk County and married Loretta Lefler before 1840. They settled in Walsingham Township near Silver Hill. John M. Davis (c. 1820-) lived next to Eli Marc Davis for a time then married Abigail Wilcox and settled west of Walsingham Centre. Includes children and grandchildren for each Davis, Joel (1808-1899) and his wife Mary Jane lived at Walpole Township, Haldimand County, then at Vittoria, Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants. His possible brother William Davis (c. 1807-) lived at Stamford Township, Welland County then Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildrenDavis, Thomas (1764-1822) came from Orange County, North Carolina to Barton Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada in 1790 and lived for a time in Woodhouse Township where some of his children settled. He was joined by his mother Jane (widow of Robert) Davis and brothers John Davis (1759-1827) and Robert Davis (1765-1848), both of whom settled in Windham Township, in the north part of present Town of Simcoe. Includes three generations of descendants from Thomas and Robert (John had no issue) Dawson. Includes several unrelated families with this surname. Thomas Dawson (1806-1873) came from England by 1842 when he married Catharine Newkirk and settled in Walsingham then Houghton townships. Includes children and grandchildren. John Dawson (c. 1809-) came from Ireland before 1859 and married Abigail Baker then settled in Houghton township. Includes children and grandchildren. William Dawson (1827-1906) and Robert Dawson came from Aberdeen, Scotland and married respectively Agnes and Sarah Cowan. William settled in Charlotteville township; Robert settled in Burford Township, Brant County. Includes children and grandchildren. William Dawson (c. 1807-) came from England by 1838 when he married Rebecca Anne Green. They settled in Windham Township. Includes children and grandchildren Dean, Perez (1772) and his wife Keziah Stafford moved from New York to Clinton Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada in 1799. Four of their sons settled in Norfolk County: Silas (1791) and Horace (1799-1866) in Middleton Township; Miel (1809-1887) and Stafford (1811) in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descent from the brothers. John Dean (c. 1798) and his wife Sarah lived in Connecticut and Batavia, New York, then came to Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descent. Philemon Dean (c. 1794) moved from Massachusetts to Townsend. Includes children and grandchildren Dease, Richard William (1780-1825) a son of Dr. John Dease, Deputy Superintendant of Indian Affairs, grew up at Fort Niagara and Fort Michilimackinac. He married Sarah Holmes and settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes four generations of descendants. The full biography is in The Long Point Settlers Journal (Vol. 2, No. 4) Decew, John Bloome (1766-1855) came from Oxford Township, Sussex County, New Jersey and settled at Decew Falls, Welland County, then at Decewsville, Haldimand County. He was a cousin of the Decow family of Norfolk's Woodhouse Township. Includes ancestry and three generations of descendants Decow, Abner (c. 1743-1826) and his wife Elizabeth Flummerfelt lived in New Jersey then came to Upper Canada in 1788 or 1790 settling furst in Thorold Township, Welland County. They then settled in Woodhouse Township by 1800. Includes biographies of Abner’s parents and grandparents and four generations of descendants Dedrick, Lucas (1760-1808) born in Ulster County, New York, joined Butler’s Rangers at Fort Niagara during the American Revolution, returned to the Catskills and married Lucretia Parsin. In 1793, they settled in Walsingham Township. Includes four generations of descendants Dell, William (1766-1855) and his wife Hannah Steinhoff came from Sussex County, New Jersey to Upper Canada with her parents in 1786 and took up a land grant in Willoughby Township, Welland County. He settled in Windham Township by 1800. Includes three to four generations of descendants Deming -- Albert Deming (c. 1789-) came to Upper Canada from United States by c. 1826 and operated an inn in Woodhouse Township. Includes children and grandchildren. Warren Deming (c. 1801-) came from Connecticut by 1830 and lived in Townsend Township. Includes children. Dench, John (1805-1886) emigrated from London, England to Port Rowan, Walsingham Township about 1835. Includes three generations of descendants Dennis, Joseph (c. 1775-1807) settled in Townsend Township before 1797 then married Hannah Williams and lived in Woodhouse Township. Includes children Depew, John C. (c.1785-1856) and his brother William Depew (1793-1843) sons of Charles Depew UE and Magdalena Showers lived in Barton Township in Wentworth County then settled in Windham Township. Includes ancestry and three generations of descent Derrickson, James (1760-1824) and his wife Edywyck Davis travelled in the Davis party from Orange County, North Carolina in 1794 and settled first in Saltfleet Township, Wentworth County, then in Windham Township in 1801. Includes four generations of descendants Dewitt, James (est. 1765-) and his wife Catharine came from New York to Walsingham Township before 1805. Includes three generations of descendants Dickinson, Edward (c. 1800-) came from England to Walsingham Township by 1830 and lived in Port Rowan. Includes three generations of descendants. Two more of this surname, relationship unknown, are included: Robert Dickinson (c. 1800-1850) came from Northumberland County, England with his wife Mary about 1845 and settled in Houghton Township. Includes children and grandchildren. Charles Dickinson (c. 1830-1900) came from England to Houghton Township by 1852. Includes children Disbrow, Rowland (1773/4-1848) went with his parents from Fairfield, Connecticut to several locations in New York then about 1810 with his wife Elizabeth Edmonds settled in Townsend Township. Includes ancestry and three generations of descent Doan, Elijah (1787-1865) was an infant when his parents moved from the Delaware River area of New Jersey and Pennsylvania to Upper Canada in 1789, settling near Port Colborne, Humberstone Township, Welland County. Elijah married Esther Winters and the couple settled in Woodhouse Township near Simcoe by 1814. Includes three generations of descendants Donaldson, Peter (1781-1841) and his wife Margaret Hutton lived in Scotland then brought their family to Townsend Township about 1840. Includes three generations of descendants Dougherty, Anthony (c. 1755-1797/8) served in Loyalist forces during the American Revolution and with his wife Mary McCool lived afterwards near Hillsborough, Orange County, North Carolina. The couple and their family went with Mary’s father, William McCool, to Upper Canada in 1794 and about 1795/6 settled in Townsend Township. Includes parents, the family of brother James who remained in North Carolina and Anthony’s children Douglass, Levi (1777-1852) and his wife Elizabeth Munro, a niece of Long Point Settlers James, John and Robert Munro, came from New Jersey to Norfolk County before 1809 and settled in Woodhouse Township south of Simcoe. Includes five generations of descendants [Revised and extended Oct 2007] Doxsie, John (c. 1780-1827) and his wife Asenath Love moved from New York to Charlotteville Township by 1810 and then settled at Burgessville, North Norwich Township, Oxford County. Includes three generations of descendants Doyle, Benjamin (c.1750) served in Butler’s Rangers during the American Revolution and married Catharine Summers during the war. They lived at Stamford Township, Welland County, Upper Canada, then in the Grand River area, and from 1797 in Townsend Township. In 1807 they moved to Blenheim Township, Oxford County. Includes five generations of descendants in Oxford and elsewhere Dowling, Dennis (c. 1776-1839) and his wife Mary Edison came from Marshalltown, Digby County, Nova Scotia and settled in Bayham Township, Elgin County in 1811. Most of their children married into Norfolk families; some lived in Walsingham and Houghton Townships. Includes children and grandchildren Drake, William (1761-1842) and his wife Margaret Dowdle came with her parents to Walpole Twp., Haldimand Co. about 1794. During the War of 1812, William was a Captain in the 2nd Regiment of Norfolk County Militia. They settled later in Yarmouth Twp., Elgin Co. and his sons were instrumental in the founding of Talbotville Royal and St. Thomas. Son Benjamin settled late in life in Houghton Twp. Includes three generations of descendanta in Norfolk and elsewhere Drake, William (c. 1776) came to Charlotteville Township and married Hannah Montross before 1810. The couple lived at Ancaster Township, Wentworth County in 1810, then near Hannah’s father Peter Montross in Charlotteville Township by 1813. They settled later in Aldborough Township, Elgin County. Includes four generations of descendants Dredge, George Henry (1811-1881) and his wife Frances Webb came from Wiltshire, Egnland to Simcoe about 1837. Includes children and grandchildren Duggan, Cornelius (c.1755-1805) served in New Jersey Volunteers during American Revolution, was early settler of Brant County, Upper Canada, by 1799 he and wife Ann Stewart settled in Woodhouse Township. Includes three generations of descendants Duncombe, David (1802-1887) came with his brother Charles Duncombe from New York to Westminster Township, Middlesex County, Upper Canada in1819; trained as a physican; established practice at Waterford in Townsend Township in 1824. Dr. Charles and Dr. David Duncombe were leaders of the popular cause in 1838 Rebellion. Includes ancestors and three generations of descendants Dunkin, Joseph (1806-1878) and his wife Elizabeth came from Ireland to Ontario before 1829 and settled in Charlotteville Township, west of Simcoe by 1842. Includes three generations of descendants Durant, Alfred (1813-1898) came from Wrentham, Suffolk County, England and settled in Norfolk County by about 1857 when he married Martha Elizabeth Peaker. They lived in Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants Dusten, Paul (c. 1750-1822) from either Massachusetts or New Hampshire, after the American Revolution lived at Castine, Maine then in New Brunswick. In 1799, he settled in Walsingham Township. Includes four generations of descendants Dutcher,
John (c. 1789) came
with his parents to Upper Canada in 1809 and lived in Woodhouse
Township. Includes parental biography and children |
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