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Backhouse, John (1755-1827) and his first wife Margaret Longbottom left Yorkshire England for New Jersey in 1791. In 1794, they settled in Grantham Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada. Three years later John and his second wife Jane (Moore) White settled in Walsingham Township, Norfolk County, north of Port Rowan. The 1798 Backhouse Mill still stands and is a tourist attraction. Includes four generations of nineteenth century descendants in Ontario and elsewhere. The full John Backhouse story is in The Long Point Settlers Journal ($6. 00) Bacon, Benjamin (c. 1747) and his son Benjamin Bacon (1767-1847) left Scipio Township, Cayuga County, New York for Woodhouse Township by 1812. Benjamin Jr. and his wives Nancy and Mary Howe lived alternately in New York and Upper Canada during the ensuing years. Their children lived in Townsend Township. Includes four generations from Benjamin Jr. in Norfolk and elsewhere. Of no known relationship colonial New Jersey ancestors Jeremiah Bacon and his wife Eunice were parents of Nathaniel (c. 1765) and John (c. 1767) Bacon who came to Upper Canada about 1797 and lived in Norfolk County. Includes four generations of Nathaniel’s descendants who changed their name to Beckon Bagley, Henry (c.1811- ) and his brother Philander G. Bagley (181601893) settled in Houghton township and Port Dover respectively. Includes children and grandchildren Baker, Christian (1778-1841) and his wife Eve came from the United States and settled in Charlotteville Township by 1812. Includes their children Baker, Jonathan, Jesse and Samuel. The story of the three brothers begins with their father Anthony Baker of Connecticut who served in Delancey’s Brigade during the American Revolution and afterwards took his family to New Brunswick, Canada. Jonathan, Jesse (1784-1874), and Samuel (1797-1865) arrived and lived in Charlotteville Township, Norfolk County in the first decade of the 1800’s then moved to Malahide Township, Elgin County. Includes four generations of their descendants Baker, Sampson (1810-1868) emigrated from Gloucester County, England by 1833 and settled in Charlotteville Township, west of Simcoe. Includes children and grandchildren Baldwin, John (1827-1887) and Eliza Jane Hill settled in Walsingham Township near St. Williams. Includes children and grandchildren. Moses Baldwin (c. 1791-) settled in Oakland Township, Brant County. Includes children and grandchildren Barber, John E. (c. 1821-1901) and his wife Ann Elizabeth Barrett came from Northampton County, England and in 1845 settled in Townsend Township. They lived next in Charlotteville Township, then Windham Township, and finally at Simcoe. Includes three generations of descendants Barber, Samuel (1753-1801) includes his colonial parents in Morris County New Jersey and the background of his wife Abigail Cozad. They moved to Townsend Township in 1800. A year later Samuel met a tragic end while recovering property on a return trip to New Jersey. Includes five generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere. The full Samuel Barber biography is in The Long Point Settlers Journal Vol. 6, No. 3 ($6) Barnes, Jonas (c. 1780-1858) came from Stamford Township, Welland County where his parents Jonas and Anna (Millard) Barnes lived. Jonas and his wife Deborah lived briefly in Charlotteville Township around 1817 then settled in Southwold Township, Elgin County. Includes three generations of descendants from Jonas Jr. Barnhardt, John Jacob (1745-1822/24) served in the King’s Royal Regiment of New York during the American Revolution, then settled in Woodhouse Township during the first decade of the 1800s. Includes three to four generations of descendants Barnum, Nathan (1732-1795) and his wife Lois Wheeler lived in Fairfield, Connecticut in colonial times then served in the British forces during the American Revolution. He moved to New Brunswick then brought his children to Charlotteville Township. Includes four generations of nineteenth century descendants. The full Nathan Barnum biography is in The Long Point Settlers Journal Vol. 4, No. 3 ($6) Barrett, Marks brought his family from Pennsylvania to Walsingham Township in 1811. Includes four generations of descendants. Barton, John (1787-1842) and his wife Elizabeth Day came from Dutchess County, New York to Upper Canada and settled in Townsend Township in 1831. Includes children and grandchildren. Bartow,
Stephen arrived
in Charlotteville Township in 1799 and owned properties in Fisher’s Glen and
the old District Capital of Charlotteville village. One generation
biography. Bates, Joseph (c. 1798-1865) came from New Jersey and married Phila Rogers about 1823. They settled near Boston, Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Baumwart, Henry (1755-c. 1830) and his wife Margaretha Procunier brought their family from Hagerstown, Maryland to Walsingham Township about 1801-3. Includes ancestry and three generations of descendants Bayar, Jacob (est. 1775- ) came from Pennsylvania to Charlotteville Township by 1801 and married Mariah Hutchison. Includes children and grandchildren Beacham, William (c.1770) and his wife Tabitha Srowbridge came from Maryland to Upper Canada by 1796 and settled in Gainsborough Township, Welland County. Their sons Richard (c.1790) and John (c.1796) settled in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descendants. Beal, Barzillai (1764-1837) and his wife Margaret Corlis moved from Monmouth Township, New Jersey in the 1790s, then to Herkimer County, New York by 1800. In 1804, they settled in Townsend Township. Includes ancestry and three generations of descendants. Unrelated John Beal (c. 1820) and his wife Catherine Wingert lived in Windham Twp. Includes their children Beam, Peter (1809-1882) moved from Grimsby Township, Lincoln County to Townsend Township about 1840. Includes ancestry and four generations of family genealogy in Norfolk and elsewhere Beaupré, Francis Charles (1772-1855) moved with his first wife Josette from Quebec to Woodhouse Township by 1812. He and his second wife Josephine lived in Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants Beck, Jacob (c. 1783-) and his wife Barbara Stollsheimer came from Wurttemberg, Germany and settled in Middleton Township about 1844. Includes three generations of descendants Becker, Jacob (1761-1854). Begins with his parents who came from Germany to New York. Jacob and his wife Elizabetha Schneider lived at Rhinebeck then Catskill, Greene County, New York and in 1815 moved to Walsingham Township. Includes three generations of descendants in Norfolk County and elsewhere Becker, John (1748-1813) and his wife Elizabeth Broodbeck lived at Green County, New York then came to Walsingham Township by 1807. Includes John’s parents, grandparents and four generations of descendants. His daughter-in-law was Abigail (Jackson) Becker, the heroin of Long Point Becker, Jeremiah (1762-1848) and his wife Grietje Wolven lived at Saugerties, New York then came to Charlotteville Township. Includes his daughter Mary who married Jeremiah Bear and their children Beebe, Joshua (1738-1779) from East Haddam, Connecticut settled in the Susquehana Valley, Pennsylvania where he married widow Marie (Secord) Krookston. During the American Revolution Joshua served in Butler’s Rangers and died in the service. Some of his children lived in Quebec and others in Oakland Township, Brant County, Ont. Includes three generation of descendants Beemer, Philip (1738-1811) immigrated with his parents from Germany in 1751 then married Anna Marie Dewitt and settled in the German Valley, Morris County, New Jersey in 1763. Their son John came to Upper Canada in 1787 and Philip followed with the rest of his family in 1794, settling in Townsend Township. Includes four to five generations of nineteenth century descendants in Norfolk County and elsewhere Bell, Isaac and his wife Sarah came from Ireland to Walsingham Township about 1832. Includes children Bell, John (1767-1845) and his wife Janet came from Scotland and settled at Vittoria in Charlotteville Township by 1815 Includes children and grandchildren Bennett, Henry (c. 1803-1889), William (c. 1806) and Daniel (c. 1812) settled at St. Williams on the Walsingham-Charlotteville Township line in the 1830s. Includes their children and some grandchildren. William Bennett (c. 1796) and his wife Susan lived in Charlotteville Township. Daniel Bennett (c. 1803) and his wife Mary Ann Myers lived in Charlotteville and Windham Townships then Simcoe. Includes three generations of descendants Berdan, Albert (1753-1818) came from Totawa, Bergan County, New Jersey to Woodhouse Township in 1796. Includes three to four generations of descendants. The full Albert Berdan biography is included in The Long Point Settlers Journal Vol. 2, No. 3 ($6. 00) Bertran, Cornelius (c. 1783-) came from New Jersey and settled at Clinton Townshp, Lincoln County. His sons settled in Norfolk County. David Bertran (c. 1815-) and his wife Mary Boughner settled in Windham Township. Includes children and grandchildren. John Bertran (c. 1821-1889) and his wife Martilla Clouse settled in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descendants. James Bertran (c. 1826) settled in Townsend Township. Includes children Best, John and his wife Dota emigrated from Prussia to the United States by 1803 then arrived in Charlotteville Township by 1814 and moved about 1820 to Bayham Township, Elgin County. Includes three generations of descendants Betts, Joseph (c. 1822-1885) emigrated from Nottingham County, England and settled in Simcoe by 1840. Includes children and grandchildren Bezzo, Andrew (c. 1787) and Jean (John) Baptist (c. 1790/2) came from Quebec to Norfolk County and married respectively the sisters Sophia and Julia Beaupre, daughters of pioneer settlers Francois Charles and Josette Beaupre. They lived in Woodhouse then in Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendant from Jean Baptist Biddle, George (1802-1887) with his wife Hesther Pitman emigrated from Alveston, Gloucestershire, England to Port Rowan, Walsingham Township in the 1840s. Includes three generations of his descendants Bigcraft, Benjamin (c. 1758-) and his wife Elizabeth Westbrook lived in colonial New York. During the American Revolution, Benjamin came to Niagara and served in the Indian Department. He subsequently settled in Ancaster Township, Wentworth County. Their son James Bigcraft/Beecraft (1794-1853) lived in Oakland Township, Brant County, then in Charlotteville Township, Norfolk County. Includes two to three generations of descendants from James Bigcraft, George (1802-1887) from New York served in the Indian Department during the American Revolution and married Elizabeth Westbrook. They settled in Ancaster Township, Wentworth County. Their son James Beecroft settled at Glenshee, Charlotteville Township. Includes James’ children and grandchildren Billington, William (c. 1786- ) brought his family from England to Charlotteville Township about 1830. Includes three generations of descendants Birdsall / Birdsell / Birdsill, Isaac (1772-1827) went with his parents from Long Island, New York to Waterborough, Queen’s County, New Brunswick following the American Revolution. He married Rachel Brundage and late in life, they went with their family to Woodhouse Township. The sons James, John, Samuel, Ephraim, Isaac and William were all born in Waterborough during the 1790s and after a period in Woodhouse settled in Townsend and Charlotteville Townships. Includes three generations of descendants Blakesley, William (c. 1787) was born in New Hampshire and settled in New York State about 1808. He came to Upper Canada by 1830 and settled in Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Blayney/Blaney, James as a youth came from Basking Ridge, Morris County, New Jersey to Norfolk County in the 1796 McCall settlement party and married Phoebe Fisher. They lived in Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants Bonsor/Bonser, John (c. 1789- ) and his wife Ann Reynolds came from Nottingham County, England by 1838 and settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants Boomer, William (c.1799-) and his wife Elizabeth came from New York to Upper Canada about 1818 and settled in Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants Booth, John S. (1818-1910) and his wife Elizabeth Condie lived in Tyrone County, Ireland. In 1850 they emigrated to Walsingham Twp. Includes children and grandchildren Bostwick, John (1780-1849) and Henry Bostwick (c. 1785-1816), sons of Rev. Gideon Bostwick, arrived in Woodhouse Township in 1797. John married Mary Ryerson; Henry married Ann Williams. Includes four generations of descendants Boucher, John M. (1794-1845) came from Ireland to Ontario before 1818 and lived at Chippewa, Stamford Township, Welland County, then Caistor Township, Lincoln County. He settled at Townsend Township about 1838. Includes three generations of descendants Boughner, Matthias (1740-1816/18) married Elizabeth Bellis and lived at Oxford Township, Sussex County, New Jersey during colonial times. In the American Revolution, he served as a recruiter for the Loyalist forces. Following the war, the couple lived at Willoughby Township, Welland County, Upper Canada then about 1801 settled in Windham Township, Norfolk County. Includes Matthias’ ancestry and five generations of 19th century descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere Bowen, Cornelius (c. 1744-1797) and his wife Christina Rebecca Putman lived in the Mohawk River Valley of New York in colonial times. During the American Revolution Cornelius served in Butler’s Rangers then afterwards settled in Bertie Township, Welland County, Upper Canada. The genealogy follows his son William Bowen (c. 1777-1860) and his wife Elizabeth Brown, a daughter of pioneers Benajah and Violetta (Paine) Brown. The couple lived out their lives in Bertie Township but several of their children lived in Walsingham and Townsend Townships, Norfolk County. Includes three generations of William’s descendants. Bowen, William Daniel (1778-1821) went with his father to Nova Scotia following the American Revolution. William and his wife Sarah came to Upper Canada in 1811 and settled in Burford Township, Brant County. During the War of 1812, William Bowen was a Major in the Norfolk County Militia then served as a Justice of the Peace of the London District. Includes children and grandchildren Bowlby. Thomas Bowlby (c. 1766-1848) joined New Jersey Volunteers during American Revolution, lived afterwards in Nova Scotia until returning to Sussex County, New Jersey. He married Sarah Axford and they moved to Woodhouse Township in 1796. Includes ancestors and four generations of descendants. Thomas' nephew Adam James Bowlby (1792-1883) came from Nova Scotia as a young man and settled in Townsend Township. He married Elizabeth Sovereen. Includes four generation of descendants Boyer, Henry (c. 1818-) came from Wurttemberg, Germany with his wife Catharine in 1851 and settled in Middleton Township. Includes children and grandchildren Bradshaw, John (1819-1893) and his first wife Margaret lived in Ancaster Township, Wentworth County, then in 1845 settled in Townsend Township near Hartford. Includes children and grandchildren Brady, George (c. 1808-1908) lived at Rockford, Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Brandow, Abraham (1775-) and his wife Grietje Becker lived at Westcamp, Ulster County, New York then settled in Walsingham Township about 1805. Includes Abraham’s parents, grandparents and five generations of his descendants in Norfolk County and elsewhere Bray, John (c. 1786) and his wife Joanna Kitchen came from New Jersey to Upper Canada about 1805, settling in Townsend Township. Includes parents, siblings and four generations of descendants Brock, James (c. 1791-) and his wife Sarah Grimshaw settled on Turkey Point, Charlotteville Township by 1841. Includes three generations of descendants Brown, Benajah (1762-1805) went with his parents from Lebanon Township, New London County, Connecticut to Dutchess County, New York where he married Violetta Paine. In 1797, they brought their family to Upper Canada and lived near Brantford. After Benajah died, Violetta remarried and lived in Walsingham Township. Includes four generations of descendants Brown, Mark (c. 1797-) emigrated from England before 1833 and settled in Charlotteville Township by 1841. Includes children and grandchildren Brown, Neil (c. 1755) during the American Revolution served in the British Regiment of Foot and was discharged in Nova Scotia. He came to Upper Canada mid-1795 and settled in Townsend Township. Includes three to four generations of descendants. Brown, Patrick (est. 1780-1835) and his wife Mary came from New Jersey and settled in Charlotteville Township before 1836. Children include Goble Brown (c. 1808-) of Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants [First released Nov 2004] Brown, Reuben (c. 1796-) and his wife Johana came from the United States by 1841 and settled in Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants Brown, Samuel (c. 1760-1837/40) and his wife Margaret lived in New Jersey then after 1801 settled in the Niagara area of Upper Canada. In 1809, they moved to Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants Brown, Samuel (1756-1829) and his first wife Hannah Marsh lived at Sutton, Massachusetts. He and second wife lived at Fort Niagara in the early 1790s. In 1795, Samuel settled at Walsingham Township and married third Phoebe (Burdick) Hoy. The genealogy includes Samuel’s ancestry and follows his younger sons Moses, Abraham, William, Tyler, Isaac and Peter who remained in Norfolk County, and three generations of their descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere $9. 95. The full Samuel Brown genealogy is in The Long Point Settlers Journal Vol. 6, No. 4 ($6) Brown, Samuel (1756-1829) (above) had older sons Joshua, George and Eli who settled in Elgin County, Upper Canada. Includes three generations of their descendants Bryning, John (1770-1853) came to New Brunswick, Canada from England in 1820 and soon after settled in Charlotteville Township. During the 1820s he was a minister of the Congregational faith then about 1830 converted to the Presbyterian faith and settled with his third wife Nancy Lee at Mount Pleasant, Brantford Township, Brant County. Includes three generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere. His biography is also in The Long Point Settlers Journal, Vol. 6, No. 2 ($6) Buchner, Henry (c. 1734-1817) and his wife Miss. Dell lived at Oxford Township, Sussex County, New Jersey during colonial times. In the American Revolution Henry was prominent in recruiting for the Loyalist forces. He and his family settled in Crowland Township, Welland County. Some of his children settled in Middleton Township and neighbouring Bayham Township, Elgin County. Includes ancestry and five generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere $9. 95 Buchner, Jacob (1763-1841) and his wife Catharine Shelar lived at Hardwick Townshp, Sussex County, New Jersey during colonial times. During the American Revolution he served as a guide to the British Army. Following the war, in 1787, he settled in Crowland Township, Welland County, Upper Canada then in 1796 moved to Woodhouse Township. Includes biographies of his parents and grandparents and four generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere $9. 95 Buck, Barzillai Benjamin (est. 1790- ) came from Vermont to Townsend Townshp, Norfolk County by 1817. Includes three generations of descendants Buck, Henry (c. 1767-c. 1812) came from New Jersey to Crowland Township, Welland County, Upper Canada by c. 1790. His oldest son Adam Buck settled in Crowland Township and next son John in Walpole Township, Haldimand County. Third son William lived in Woodhouse Township and fourth son James Henry in Middleton Township. Includes four generations of descent Buckberrough, John (est. 1760- ) came from New Jersey to Upper Canada between 1794 and 1801 and settled in Beverly Township, Wentworth County. Includes four generations of descendants in Norfolk County and elsewhere Budd, Isaac (1800-1850) married first Mary Hopkins. He came to Upper Canada about 1830 and lived at St. Thomas in Elgin County. Isaac married second Phoebe Douglass (1807-1850), daughter of Long Point Settler Levi Douglass and settled in Windham Township. Includes four generations in Norfolk County and elsewhere [First released Oct 2007] Burdick, James (1744-1807) and his wife Phoebe Smith lived at Lanesboro, Massachusetts in colonial times. During the American Revolution, James, who was a local preacher, preached for the Loyalist cause and was imprisoned. He took his family to New Brunswick and then to West Oxford Township, Oxford County, Upper Canada in 1796. His son Caleb settled in Charlotteville Township in 1805 and lived there until moving to Malahide Township, Elgin County in 1819. Includes four generations of descendants Burgar, Thomas (1779-1855) came from New Jersey to Woodhouse Township by 1811 and married Charity Decow. The couple then settled in Houghton Township. Includes three generations of descendants. Stephen Burgar/Burger (1781- ) married Sophiah Becker and came from New York to Walsingham Township by 1819. Includes four generations of descendants Burnett, John and his wife Maria (c. 1812-) came from England to Ontario about 1840 and settled in Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildren Burtch, Edee (c. 1757-1812) lived at Fishkill, Dutchess County, New York then came to Upper Canada in 1792 settling at Louth Township, Lincoln County, then Brantford Township, Brant County. Includes five generations of descendants in Brant, Norfolk and elsewhere. Zachariah Burtch (c. 1759-1822) lived at Frederickstown, Dutchess County, New York then came to Upper Canada in 1800 settling in East Oxford Township, Oxford County. Includes three generations of descendants in Oxford and elsewhere. Stephen Burtch (c. 1766-1833) lived in Paulding, Dutchess County, New York then in 1790 came to Louth Township, Lincoln County. He settled later in Brantford Township, Brant County. Includes children and grandchildren. Charles Burtch (c. 1750) served in Delancey’s Corps during the American Revolution and in 1788 moved to Louth Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada. In 1801, he settled in Burford Township, Oxford County. Includes three generations of descendants in Oxford, Norfolk and elsewhere. Thomas Burtch (1768-1852) and Israel Burtch (1775-) came from New York as youths and lived at Louth Township, Lincoln County. Includes three generations of descendants Burwell, Adam Hood (1748-1828) lived in Morris County, New Jersey in colonial times. During the American Revolution, Adam served as a sergeant in the New Jersey Volunteers. In 1784, he brought his family to Bertie Township, Welland County, Upper Canada. Late in life, Adam moved to Southwold Township, Elgin County. Among his children was Mahlon Burwell who surveyed Norfolk’s western townships and much of Elgin County. Includes three generations of descendants Burwell, James (1754-1853) lived at Rockaway, New Jersey in Colonial times and was a Loyalist in the American Revolution. Afterwards he settled at Red Stone, Pennsylvania then came to Upper Canada. He settled in Southwold Township, Elgin County in 1810. Includes three generations of descendants Butler, Ira (c. 1809- ) came from New York to Windham Township by 1830 and married Sarah Brown. They lived later at Caradoc Township, Middlesex County. Includes three generations of descendants. Butler, Philip (c. 1788-1866) came from New Brunswick to Woodhouse Township by 1818 then settled in Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants. Butler, Andrew (1801-1866) grandson of Colonel John Butler of Butlers Rangers. Andrew settled in Windham Township by 1850. Includes children and grandchildren. Butler, John (c. 1792-) came from Ireland to Ontario about 1830 and settled at Walpole Township, Haldimand Co. Some of his family settled in Woodhouse Township. Includes three generations of descendants Butler, John (c. 1790) came from New Brunswick to Woodhouse Township by 1809 and married Sarah Matthews, daughter of pioneer James Matthews and Margaret Forse. They settled in Windham Township then later returned to Woodhouse. Includes three generations of descendants.Byerley,
George (c. 1781-) and his wife Jane came from England to Wainfleet
Township in Welland County, Upper Canada then settled in Middleton Township by
1825. Includes children and grandchildren. |
Copyright 2001-2008 Robert Mutrie and John Cardiff |