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Caldwell, John (c.
1765-1842) following the American Revolution went with his parents in the
exodus of New York to Nova Scotia where he married Hannah Outhouse. The
couple came to Norfolk in 1796 and lived at Woodhouse then Charlotteville
Township. Includes John’s parents and four generations of his descendants in
Norfolk and elsewhere
Camfield, Ira (1765-1826) moved with his parents from New Marlborough, Massachusetts to Ballston, Saratoga Co., New York before 1793. In 1810, Ira and his family moved to Townsend Twp. Includes ancestry and three to four generations of descentants Campbell, James (1744-1828), a house carpenter, arrived in New York during the American Revolution by 1777 and joined the Loyal Voluteers of New York. Following the war, he went in 1783 the exodus from New York to New Brunswick and lived at St. Andrews. He settled in Charlotteville Twp. in 1797. One page biography Carpenter, Ashman (1725-1786) and his wife Mary Boyle lived during colonial times at Hopewell, Sussex County, New Jersey. During the American Revolution Ashman was loyal to the Crown and afterwards settled at Saltfleet Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada. His son Charles Carpenter (1796-) was father of John Brock Carpenter of Townsend Township, who with his children and grandchildren are included. Ashman’s son Joseph Carpenter (1769-1851) settled in Townsend Township. Includes three generations of his descendants Carpenter, James (1800-1873) came to Canada by 1820 when he married Lucy Hoy. They settled in Walsingham Township then in Malahide Township, Elgin County. Includes children and grandchildren Carrow, Michael (c. 1780-1848) settled in Charlotteville Township, Norfolk County by 1815 when he married Mary Willson, daughter of pioneer settler Joseph Willson. Includes children, grandchildren and some great-grandchildren Cartwright, John (c. 1770) arrived in Norfolk County in 1793 and settled at the present location of Port Rowan in Walsingham Township. Includes more of this surname during the 1800’s, relationship unknown Cattle, John (c. 1791-1877) and his wife Ann Blacker lived at East Riding, Beverley, in York County, England then brought their family to Ontario in 1840 or 1841. They settled at Wyecombe in Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildren Chadwick, James (1759-1829) brought his family from Bury, Lancashire, England to Charlotteville Township by 1826. Includes four generations of descendants Chambers, Joseph (c. 1761) married Ann Slaght and moved from New Jersey to Upper Canada about 1788 settling in Saltfleet Township, Wentworth County. They moved to Townsend Township by 1801. Includes Joseph’s parents, grandparents, Joseph’s brothers and four generations of their descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere Chapin, Elam (1778-) and his wife Mary Eddy came from Hampshire County, Massachusetts and settled in Oakland Township, Brant County. Includes three generations of descendants in Brant and Norfolk counties and elsewhere Chapman, Thomas (1787-1860) emigrated from Northamptonshire, England to Woodhouse Township about 1818 when he married Jane Buchner and settled in Woodhouse. Includes three generations of descendants Charlton, Adam E. (1806-1891) came with his father from Newcastle-on-Tyne, Northumberland County, England to Caledonia, Livingston County, New York in 1824 then lived at Ellicottville, Cattaraugus County, New York. In 1849 he moved to Ayr, South Dumfries Township, Brant County, Canada West. Several of his children settled at Lynedoch, Charlotteville Township in the 1850s and he joined them in 1875. Includes three generations of descendants Charters, David Landsborough (1812-1901) and his wife Janet Ferguson came from Renfrew County, Scotland to Townsend Township about 1845. Includes three generations of descendants Chipps, William and his wife Deborah Chambers settled in Charlotteville Township by 1830. Includes three generations of descendants Church, Solomon (c. 1801-1869) and his wife Sarah Johnson came from Essex County, England to Simcoe about 1835/6. Also includes other unrelated families of this surname. John Church (c. 1819-1900) was in Woodhouse Township by 1844 and settled in Walpole Township, Haldimand County. James Church (c. 1820-) and his wife Angeline lived in Charlotteville Township. James H. Church (1829-1885) and his wife Ann Cornell came from London, England to Charlotteville Township by 1860. John James Church (1807-1901) came from the United States and married Lydia Jane. They settled in Windham Township. Includes children and grandchildren for all Churchill, Levi (1777-1866) came from Connecticut to Charlotteville Township in 1801. He married first widow Charity (Smith) Havens, daughter of Charlotteville pioneer Abraham Smith, then married Asenath Doxsie. Includes three generations of descendants.. Nathaniel Churchill (c. 1773) and his wife Ennid came from Nova Scotia to Townsend Township after 1826. Includes children and grandchildren. Churchill, James (c.1819-1906) can from England and settled in Woodhouse Township. Includes children and grandchildren. Chute, James (1778-1851) lived at Granville, Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. His sons Oliver and William Chute lived in Norfolk and Elgin Counties. Includes four generations of descent Clark, William (c. 1785-1813) and his wife Catharine Whitehead lived in Woodhouse Township. William lost his life in the War of 1812, leaving one son Thomas W. Clark (1812-1892) who lived in Townsend Township. Includes Thomas’ children and grandchildren Clendennin, James lived in Nobleton, Sussex County, New Jersey during colonial times. He and his sons Abraham and Walter served in Butler’s Rangers during the American Revolution. Following the war they settled in Grantham Twp., Lincoln Co. A younger son James Jr. married Catherine (Plato) Wyckoff, widow of Peter Wyckoff then settled in Woodhouse Township by 1800 Cline, Peter (c. 1775) and his wife Sarah (Scott) Wagner came from Pennsulvania to Jordan, Clinton Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada by 1801. The genealogy follows their son Frederick (1801-1878) who lived in Norfolk around 1830 then returned to Jordan. It continues with his son Frederick (1830-1896) who settled in Woodhouse then Charlotteville Township at St. Williams. Includes his children and grandchildren Cline, Peter (c. 1730-c. 1798) emigrated from Germany to Frederick (Washington) County, Maryland. His children moved to Upper Canada in 1799, including sons John (1755-1854), Adam (c. 1762-1828) and Peter (1772- c. 1799). Peter died during the trek and his widow, Magdalena Fryberger, married Joseph Willson and took her first family to Charlotteville Township. Includes five generations of descendants from the immigrant Peter in Norfolk and elsewhere Close, O’Neill (1792-1879) came from Pennfield, New York and married Eunice Culver, a daughter of Jabez Collver Junior. He settled in Yarmouth Township, Elgin County in 1822. Includes three generations of descent Clouse, Leonard (c. 1760-1823) married Elizabeth Sovereen and lived at Wantage, Sussex County, New Jersey. In 1800, they moved with Elizabeth’s father Frederick Sovereen to Townsend Township. Includes four generations of descendants Coates, John (1818-1865) and his brother Thomas (1820-1883) lived at Richmond, York County, England. John came to Simcoe by 1844 and was joined by his brother in 1851. Includes three generations of descendants Cohoe, Nathan Smith (1787-1860) came from Pennsylvania to Ontario and married Rebecca Lemon. They lived in Grimsby Township, Lincoln County, then settled in Middleton Township. Includes three generations of descendants Cole, Jacob (1806-1890) married first Sarah Beal and second Eliza Robinson. They settled in Walpole Township, Haldimand County. About 1860, Jacob and Eliza Cole moved to Charlotteville Township east of Lynedoch and finally lived in North Walsingham Township. Includes four generations in Norfolk County. Descendant surnames included: Dowswell, Haun, Hodges, Wilson. Includes Jacob's possible brother Frederick Cole (1803- ) and his wife Mary Bolton, who lived in Walpole Township then Dorr, Allegan County, Michigan. Includes three generations in Norfolk County and Michigan. Descendant surnames included: Mathews, Wood Cole, William (c. 1793- ) and his wife Charity Heal lived in England. They came to Canada by 1844 and settled in Windham Township near Atherton southeast of Delhi. Includes four generations. Descendant surnames included: Beck, Kelly, Lee, Mills, Sensebaugh, Wilson. Collard, Edward (c. 1750-1824) joined New Jersey Volunteers during American Revolution. Following the war, he and his wife Sarah lived in Carlton County, New Brunswick. About 1806 settled in Charlotteville Township. They lived next in Woodhouse Township, and finally in Middleton Township. Includes son John and his children Collins, Susan Naomi (1796-1861) nee Church. After her husband Thomas Collins died, she brought her family to Simcoe from Essex County, England by 1835. Includes three generations of descendants Collver, Jabez (1731-1818) and his wife Anna lived in New Jersey during colonial times. Jabez served as pastor of the Presbyterian Church at Wantage, Sussex County. During the American Revolution was imprisoned for his loyalty to the Crown. Following the war, he preached in several communities in New York and Pennsylvania. In 1794 he settled in Windham Township. Includes parents, grandparents and five generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere Collver, Timothy (c. 1730) lived at Schooley’s Mountain, Morris County, New Jersey until 1796 when he came to Upper Canada and settled in Townsend Township. Four of his daughters married sons of Jabez Collver and are included in that genealogy. Timothy’s genealogy continues with his sons Nisbet, Timothy and Ebenezer. Includes his parents and five generations of descendants Colt, Isaac (c. 1773) and his brother Asahel (c. 1777) moved from Sussex Co., New Jersey to Charlotteville Twp. in 1799 and seem to have left within two years. One page biography Coltman, John (c. 1750) came to America with the British navy in 1774 and saw service at Boston and Quebec. In 1776, he joined the King’s Royal Regiment of New York and served as a sergeant throughout the American Revolution. Following the war he lived for a time in eastern Ontario then in 1795 moved to Charlotteville Twp. In 1815, he settled in Middleton Twp. Includes his children Combs/Coombs, George (c. 1792-1872) and his wife Mary Lowell their family from England to Canada prior to 1836 and lived successively in Woodhouse Township, Simcoe, then Windham Towmship. Includes three generations of descendants [Modified Mar 2007] Conklin, James (c. 1769-1797) came to Upper Canada from New York about 1785 and settled in Woodhouse Township in 1797. He drowned several months later. His possible son James Conklin and his wife Sarah Ann Frost lived in Windham then Charlotteville Township. Includes children and grandchildren [Revised Nov 2004] Conradt, John (c. 1757-1819/21) served in New Jersey Volunteers during American Revolution and went in the 1783 exodus of New York to New Brunswick. He came to Woodhouse Township in 1802. Includes his children Cooley, Gideon (c. 1740) and his wife Elizabeth Osborne lived at Brimfield Township, Greenwich County, Massachusetts then in Pittsford Township, Rutland County, Vermont, during colonial times. In 1793, they took their family to Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Cope, William (1719-1813) was a soldier of fortune from Scotland or England who went to Wurtemburg, Germany then with the British Army to America during the Seven Years War. He married Phoebe Ellsworth and lived in several locations in downstate New York. During the American Revolution he served in the Queen’s Rangers then settled at Queenston, Lincoln County about 1785. Afterwards he settled at Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada. He showed an early interest in a property in the front of Walsingham Township and the claim was taken up by his son William Cope Jr. (1757-1813) who settled there with his wife Frances Sands. Includes four generations of descendants from William Cope Jr. Cope, Henry (1760-1844), Thomas (1763-1853), Conradt (1765-1861) and Jacob (1777-1858) sons of William Cope Sr. settled in Beverly Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada. Includes three to four generations of their descendants in Wentworth and elsewhere Corbett, James (c. 1789), lived in Ireland and England until 1830 when he settled in Woodhouse Townshop in 1830. Includes three generations of descendants Corlis, James
(c. 1755-1817) and his wife Sarah (Sherman) Corlis (widow of his uncle)
lived at Shrewsbury Township, New Jersey where he was a blacksmith. Asher
Corlis Countryman, Abraham (1798-1877) and his brother Philip Countryman (1800-1876) came from Montgomery County, New York to Walsingham Township about 1820 when Abraham married Catharine Dedrick and Philip married Elizabeth Fick. Includes four generations of descendants Cowan, John C. (c. 1747-1826) and his wife Agnes Knox lived in Glasgow, Scotland. In 1817, John with several of his sons emigrated to Charlotteville Twp. and was followed by two more who settled in eastern Ontario. Includes four generations of descendants in Norfolk and elsewhere Cowperthwaite, David (c. 1770-1811) went with parents from Pittsgrove Township, Salem County, New Jersey to Burton, Sunbury County, New Brunswick following the American Revolution. Came to Upper Canada by 1801. Settled at Charlotteville Township. Includes parental biography Craig, Robert (1820-1904) and James Craig (c. 1829-1877) emigrated from Ireland to Walsingham Twp. in 1850. Includes children and grandchildren Cram, Robert (c. 1740) was a Loyalist during the American Revolution; went to New Brunswick following the war; came to Upper Canada; settled in Burford Township, Brant County in 1805 then in Charlotteville Township by 1811. Includes three generations of descendants. Crane, James (c. 1785) and his wife Ann settled in Charlotteville Township by 1815. Includes three generations of descendents Cridland, Robert (1795/6-1879) and his wife Mary A., come from Gloucestershire, England at 1850 and settled in Walsingham Township. Includes children and grandchildren. Cromwell, Josiah (c. 1785-1867) came from the United States to Charlotteville Township by 1811 and lived out his life there. Cromwell, Thomas (c. 1780) and his wife Elizabeth Van der Linde came from Otsego County, New York to Charlotteville Township by 1834. They lived afterwards in Michigan. Includes three generations of descendants for each Cronk, Tunis (1753-c. 1796) married Mary Cope and came to Upper Canada with his father-in-law William Cope Sr. He lived at Queenston, Lincoln County, then in 1793 settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes ancestors and four to five generations of descendants. Crooker, Joseph (1792-1852) came from New Jersey to Upper Canada by about 1817 and settled at Townsend Township. Includes three generations of descendants Crosby, Eliakim (c. 1780) physician. Married Marcia Beemer, settled in Woodhouse Township by 1804. He sold his land in 1813 and moved to Ohio. A short biography Cruise, William (1824-1904) and Peter Cruise (1825-) came from County Down, Ireland to Canada in 1843 and 1836 respectively and settled in Walsingham Township by 1849. Includes children and grandchildren Cudney, Samuel (c. 1799- ) and his wife Mary Burke lived for a time at Caistor Township, Lincoln County, then brought their family to Woodhouse Township, then Windham Township. John Young Cudney (c. 1809-) and his wife Caroline Stafford lived at Stamford Township, Welland County, then settled for a time in Charlotteville Township. Includes children and grandchildren for each. Daniel Cudney (c. 1855- ) and his wife Cynthia Reece came from Welland to Houghton Township. Includes children. This genealogy also includes others of this surname of no known relationship Culp, Michael (c. 1793-1877) went with his parents from Pennsylvania to Clinton Township in Lincoln County, Upper Canada about 1800; settled in Middleton Township by 1825 then settled in Houghton Township. Includes children and grandschildren. Culver, Joseph and his wife Phoebe lived in Morris County, New Jersey until 1799 when they moved with their son William Culver (1772-1828) to Charlotteville Twp. and a few years later to Woodhouse Twp. Includes four generations of descendants from William Cunningham, George (c. 1759-1804) married Mary Sitts and settled at Little York on the Grand River in Haldimand County, then took his family to Townsend Township. Includes four generations of descendants.
Cutting, James (c. 1825-) came from England by 1848 when he married
Sophia G. Chart. They lived at Waterford then operated a hotel at Port
Ryerse. |
Copyright 2001-2008 Robert Mutrie and John Cardiff |