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Barber, A to E Last updated: 15 Oct 2018 |
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Barber -- Mrs. Barber died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John McCormick. The Funeral was 19 Dec 1920 at Mrs. McCormack's home. Two sons then took remains to Ohio for burial. Mrs. McCormack accompanied them [Teeterville SR19201230p11] Barber -- A. Barber of Townsend, farm laborer -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] Barber -- Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Barber and daughter of Oregon arrived in town yesterday. Mrs. Barber, formerly Miss Tena VanDuzen, is a sister of Mrs. Wm. Davis, and has not been here for 35 years [SR19100811p1] Barber -- A. M. Barber -- see
Waterford Businesses, 1887 Barber -- Mr. A. M. Barber of Simcoe's sister, Mrs. Olive Green, eldest daughter of late J. Barber, formerly of Waterford, died 18 Dec 1896 at home of her mother in Paris, Ont. [SR18961231] Barber -- Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Barber have moved to Otterville, where their son Frank is engaged preaching [WS18990713p1] Barber -- A. M. Barber, Simcoe agent for Victor Gram-o-phone, offers recordings of comedian Harry Lauder for $1 each [SR19070107] Barber -- A. M. Barber opened his warerooms in Jul 1874 and thus is celebrating 45 years of selling pianos, violins, etc. [ad SR19140709p8] -- Pianos for sale. A. M. Barber, 20 Peel Street, Simcoe [SR19150225p8] Barber -- Aaron M. Barber, 7[7], died Saturday 13 Jul 1919 in Waterford [SR19190724p5] -- A. M. Barber died 15 Jul 1919 while visiting his sister in Waterford -- see his obituary Barber -- Aaron M. Barber 1841-1919 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] Barber -- A. N. Barber: Barber -- to wife of A. O. Barber twin daughters 14 Jul 1912 in Simcoe [SR19120718p5] Barber -- at home of A. S.
Barber: Wm. H. Withrow married Sarah Ann Smith Barber -- Aaron Barber, 1 year 6 months 5 days, son of Elisha and Elizabeth Barber, died 30 Aug 1823 -- see photo of his cemetery stone Barber -- Aaron Barber, 80, father of A. M. Barber of Simcoe, died 8 Sep 1887 at the home of his son, J. W. Barber, in Townsend [BC18870914] -- Aaron Barber born 24 Aug 1807 died 8 Sep 1887 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] Barber -- Aaron Barber Sr. of Simcoe was 1890 pall-bearer of Daniel Barber Smith Barber -- Aaron S. Barber, formerly of Simcoe, died 3 May 1898 at Chicago [SR18980512] -- Aaron S. Barber, father of Charles E. Barber, born 1810 at Flanders, N.J., died 3 May 1898 -- Aaron Barber, formerly of Simcoe, died in Chicago last week. Interred at Vittoria [WS18980512p1] -- Messrs. Guthrie and Courtney Barber of Chicago were in Simcoe last week attending the funeral of their grandfather, Aaron Barber [WS18980512p8] -- see photo of his cemetery stone Barber -- Aaron Starker Barber of Simcoe has foreclosed on the debt of yeoman Oliver Burnham and his wife Mary of Windham. Their 100 acres at south half of Lot 18, Concession 14, Windham, sold at auction 16 Nov 1861 [NR18611107p2] Barber -- Abigail Barber wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1882] Barber -- Abigail M., 48 years 7 months 8 days, wife of Elias Barber, died 23 Jun 1883 at Boston [WS18830628] [Ontario Vital Stats 1883] Barber -- Mrs. Abigail Barber died [BC19070814] -- see Barber, John L. Barber -- Mrs. Abe Barber -- see 1919 Charlotteville Officials Barber -- Abram Barber's widow, Clara Burk, 38, died 18 Jul 1928 in Simcoe -- see her obituary Barber -- Aggie, 10 months, daughter of J. V. Barber and granddaughter of L. G. Sovereen. Esq., died 13 Jul 1887 in Winnipeg, Man. [BC18870720] Barber -- Ainsley Barber -- see 1920 Windham Centre promotions Barber -- to wife of Albert Barber a daughter 2 Dec 1907 in Simcoe [SR19071205] [BC19071204] Barber -- to wife of Albert Barber a daughter 21 Jun 1909 in Simcoe [SR19090624] Barber -- to wife of Albert Barber a daughter 30 Mar 1911 in Simcoe [SR19110330p7] Barber -- Albert Barber,
farmer, RR1 Port Dover Barber -- Mrs. Alfred Barber of British Columbia will spend the winter with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Osborne [Bealton WS18991228p8] Barber -- Alice Barber,
widow, 401 Queen Street North, Simcoe Barber -- Alton Barber died [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Barber -- Alva A. Barber wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Barber -- Ambert Barber wed Sarah Rice [Ontario Vital Stats 1875] Barber -- Ambert Barber of Townsend Centre was father of Fred Barber of Grove Union [WS19100908p8] Barber -- Ambert Barber of Villa Nova died 31 Jan 1912 in Hamilton [SR19120215p6] Barber -- Amert L. Barber wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1880] Barber -- Ambrose Barber, 16, son of Elijah Barber of Simcoe, shot in the face and seriously wounded a 12-year old son of Hugh Stewart of Simcoe. Ambrose has been committed to goal. [SR18991005p1] Barber -- Ambrose Barber of Simcoe married Miss Annie Gardham of Simcoe 14 Mar 1906 in Delhi [BC19060328] [SR19060330] Barber -- to
wife of Ambrose Barber a son 15 Jun 1907 in Simcoe Barber -- to wife of Ambrose Barber a son 1 Apr 1913 in Simcoe [SR19130410p7] Barber -- to wife of Ambrose Barber a daughter 22 Sep 1914 in Simcoe [SR19140924p5] Barber -- Ambrose Barber,
[32], died Fri 12 May 1916 in Simcoe [SR19160518p9] Barber -- Miss Amel[ia] Barber of Simcoe married David Moore of Villa Nova, 3 Feb 1905 in Simcoe [SR19050210] Barber -- Amos Barber, 83, father of Mrs. Joseph Brook of Elmhurst, Simcoe, died 3 Apr 1897 in Courtland, N.Y. [SR18970415] [Compiler's Comment: Elmhurst was the name of the residence of H. B. Donly, son-in-law of Mrs. Jos. Brook] Barber -- Andrew Barber -- see 1920 S.S. 14 Charlotteville promotions Barber -- Annie Barber married Charles Freure, 8 Mar 1920 in Simcoe [SR19200318p7] Barber -- Ann Elizabeth Barrett, born 25 Dec 1819 in Marston St. Laurance, Northamptonshire, Eng., married 13 Feb 1840, John E. Barber. They came to Canada in 1845, settled in Norfolk shortly after. She died 12 Dec 1900 in Simcoe. Husband and approximately 95 descendants survive [SR19001220] Barber -- Miss Anna V. Barber of Townsend married Arthur H. Haviland of Townsend 24 Sep 1890 at her father's home [BC18901008] -- Arthur A. Haviland [WS19151007p1] Barber -- Mrs. Aquilla Barber's funeral Thursday last was largely attended [Brown's Corners SR19161109p8] Barber -- Aquilla Barber, farmer, RR6 Simcoe; Lot 21, Concession 8, Charlotteville [1919 Voters List] Barber -- Arthur A. Barber born [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] Barber -- Arthur A. Barber of Windham married Miss Sarah [Lamont/Lamout] of Charlotteville, 10 Oct 1888 [BC18881024] [Compiler's Comment: Bride's surname listed as both "Lamout" and "Lamont"] Barber -- Arthur A. Barber,
32, born 22 Sep 1868 in Ontario, gen'l. labourer Barber -- Arthur A. Barber, 1866-1948, husband of Sarah M. Lamont [St. Mary's Cemetery stone] -- Sarah M., wife of Arthur A. Barber, 1870-1936 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] Barber -- Art. W. Barber of Belle Plaine, Assa, married Edith J. McCall, daughter of J. H. McCall of Vittoria, 26 Apr 1905 at Moose Jaw, Assa [SR19050505] Barber -- C. Barber was a 1867 Simcoe Grammar School student Barber -- Mr. C. Barber of Dawson City visited Waterford last Friday. He intends to build two or three large hotels on the Yukon River next spring [SR18970909p1]Barber -- C. Barber -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Barber -- C.. Barber: Barber -- C. E. Barber -- see 1880 Simcoe Firemen Barber -- to wife of barrister C. E. Barber a daughter 28 Feb 1880 in Simcoe [BC18800324p3] Barber -- to wife of C. E. Barber a daughter 31 Oct 1882 in Simcoe [NR18821102] Barber -- C. E. Barber was pall bearer following Jack Ryerson Inquest Barber -- C. E. Barber was solicitor of William Schuyler's estate; Stephen Elliott's estate; Richard Dalton's estate Barber -- Carrie Barber born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] Barber -- Miss Carrie Barber, daughter of W. Barber of Mixon [sic] married Renard Sitts of Dereham township 10 Dec 1902 in Simcoe [SR19021211] Barber -- to wife of Carroll Barber, a daughter: Nellie Velma Luceal, 5 Nov 1911 at Boston [SR19111116p7] Barber -- Carroll Barber
married Nora Loudell Haviland on 6 Sep 1905. She was born 24 Mar 1885 in
Townsend, and died 26 Sep 1925. Survived by her husband, two children, her
father Ephraim Haviland, and sister Mrs. Lelah Lefler of Brantford;
predeceased by her mother. Barber -- to Catherine Barber, wife of farmer John Bent, a son: Thomas Franklin, 24 Jun 1884. Informant: Charles Bent [Ontario Vital Stats 022256] Barber -- Catherine Barber
1846-1923 | her husband John Bint 1832-1921 Barber -- Mrs. Charity Barber of Villa Nova is visiting her sister, Mrs. Heath in Waterford, before spending months with her daughters in Thornhill and Florida [WS19101006p8] Barber -- Charity Barber, 82, died Sun 16 Apr 1916 in [Erza] Township. Funeral was from home of her son Frank Barber, Villa Nova [SR19160427p11] Barber -- Master Charles Barber -- see January 1862 News Barber -- Charles Barber was a 1889 Townsend pathmaster [BC18890327p1] Barber -- Charles Barber of Townsend married Miss Ethel Pearson of Townsend, 31 Oct 1894 at her father's home [NR18941115] Barber -- Charles Barber was promoted from grade 6 to grade 7 at Simcoe Public School [SR19100701p1] Barber -- Charles Barber, gentleman -- see 1919 Voters omitted Barber -- to wife of Chas. E. Barber a son , 5 Jun 1877 in Simcoe [BC18770613p3] Barber -- Charles E. Barber, attorney at Law, office south of the Bank of Montreal, Empire Block, Simcoe [NR1880702p1] [NR18810204p1] Barber -- to wife of barrister Chas. E. Barber, Esq., a son, on Thanksgiving Day, 15 Nov 1888, in Simcoe [BC18881121] Barber -- Charles Edgar
Barber: Barber -- Charles Edgar Barber, 65, barrister-at-law, died 5 Apr 1917 in Chicago, Ill. [SR19170412p7] -- Charles Edgar Barber was buried Sunday -- see his obituary Barber -- Charles Edgar
Barber, born 1 Mar 1852, died 5 Apr 1917 Barber -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Barber, after spending a short honeymoon with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barber, left this week for their home in Detroit [SR19190911p7] Barber -- Clarence Allen
Barber, 796546, Private [1916 Norfolk's Own]
-- Clarence Allan Barber, 19, of Simcoe, Baptist, laborer, born 11 Aug 1896 in
Simcoe, son of Mrs. Alice Barber of Simcoe Barber -- Private Clarence Allan [sic] Barber (photo) of Simcoe, has been officially reported wounded and gassed [SR19171004p1] -- Private Clarence Barber of Simcoe's letter home to his mother from England [SR19171108p2] Barber -- Clarence Barber, a returned soldier who married in England last November, and arrived home in March, and is the sole support of his wife and mother, asked to be exempted from paying poll tax because he did not own his property at the time the tax notice was served. Exemption granted [SR19190710p1] Barber -- to the wife of Clarence Barber, a daughter, 21 Dec 1919 in Simcoe [SR19191225p5] Barber -- to the wife of Clayton Barber a child [BC19061010] Barber -- Clayton Barber -- see 1913 Townsend Officers Barber -- Clayton Barber and family have returned to their home at Vanessa after spending a year in Virginia for Mrs. Barber's health [SR19180516p2] Barber -- Clayton Barber -- see 1919 S.S. No. 14, Charlotteville Promotions Barber -- Clayton Barber,
farmer, RR5 Waterford Barber -- Clayton Barber,
farmer, RR1 Vanessa; Lot 3, Concession 3, Windham Barber -- Clayton Barber and Maitland Barber were executors of the estate of Ruth Lyons [WS19210602p2] Barber-- Messrs. Courtney and Guthrie Barber of Chicago were in Simcoe last week attending the funeral of their grandfather, Aaron Barber [WS18980512p8] Barber -- Courtenay Barber of Chicago hopes planned "Norfolk Old Boys" reunion is realized [Letter to Editor SR19010411p1] Barber -- to wife of Courtenay Barber a daughter 4 Jan 1903 in Chicago [SR19030115] Barber -- to wife of Courtenay Barber a son 29 Oct 1905 in Chicago, Ill. [SR19051117] Barber -- Courtenay Barber -- see Photos & Bios Barber -- Courtenay Barber, born 5 Jun 1887, died 4 May 1951 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] Barber -- Cyrus Barber: Barber -- while visiting home of Daniel Barber in Townsend, John Shepherd of Delhi died suddenly 6 Jan 1890 [BC18900115] Barber -- Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Barber of Cherry Valley celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary last Saturday. He took over his father's farm so it has been occupied by one family for 96 years [WS19000329p1] Barber -- the will of Daniel Barber of Townsend was probated in 1900 [Norfolk Wills] Barber -- Daniel Barber of Cherry Valley's reliect, Mrs. Elizabeth Barber, 94, the oldest member of the church at Bloomsburg, died Saturday [SR19180905p8] Barber -- Daniel Barber, 75, died 29 Aug 1900 in Townsend [SR19000906] -- Daniel Barber, born 24 Jun 1825, died 29 Aug 1900 | his wife Elizabeth, born 17 Jul 1824, died 7 Sep 1913 [Greenwood Cemetery stones] Barber -- teacher David Barber of Townsend, 27, born in Townsend, son of William and Hannah Barber, married Celesian S. Colon of Townsend, 18, born in Townsend, daughter of Philip and Margaret Colon, 29 Dec 1869 [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] Barber -- D. D. Barber of Waterford was cousin of Miss Rozetta Slaght Barber -- Mrs. D. D. Barber of Waterford's sister, Mrs. Charlotte Culver, has returned to Hartley Culver at Bloomsburg, after visiting for a few weeks [SR19180221p11] Barber -- David Barber,
farmer, RR6 Simcoe Barber -- David D. Barber,
gentleman, Temperance, Waterford Barber -- David E. Barber, 15, single, born 8 Aug 1885 in Ontario, farm labourer, resided in the household of Edward Hunter [1901 Census of Townsend:3] Barber -- Del Barber, farmer, RR5 Waterford; part Lots 5 and 6, Concession 9, Townsend [1919 Voters List] Barber -- Del D. Barber of Townsend, farmer -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] Barber -- E. Barber: Barber -- to wife of E. Barber a son 22 Mar 1888 in Charlotteville [BC18880404] Barber -- to wife of E. S. Barber a son 11 Jun 1883 at Vanessa [WS18830621] Barber -- E. S. Barber,
farmer, RR4 Vanessa Barber -- Earl Barber wed [BC19070731] Barber -- Miss Edith Isabella Barber of Simcoe married John Frederick Marshall of Charlotteville, 1 Oct 1918 in Simcoe [SR19181003p7] Barber -- Edward Barber of Charlotteville married Miss Lizzie Edwards of Walpole, 14 Oct 1891 in Jarvis [BC18911028] [NR18911129] Barber -- to wife of Edward [L]. Barber, nee Elizabeth Ann Edwards, a daughter, 26 Jul 1900 in Charlotteville [Charlotteville Births 1876-1900] Barber -- Edward Barber,
farmer, RR6 Simcoe Barber -- Edward Barber,
farmer, RR6 Simcoe Barber -- Miss Effie Barber of Villa Nova, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambert Barber, married Edwin Andrews of Tyrrell, 25 Apr 1906 in Waterford [SR19060504] [BC19060502] Barber -- Effie N. Barber -- see 1919 Voters omitted Barber -- Effie Valerie Barber born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] Barber -- Eli Barber, 23, livery, born in Townsend, resident of Townsend, son of Henry and Esther, married Maria Clark, 24, born in Townsend, resident of Townsend, daughter of Thomas W. and Nancy, 19 Jun 1872 at Waterford. Witnesses: Aaron Clark of Waterford, Alice Scovell of Waterford [Ontario Vital Stats] Barber -- Eli S. Barber of Windham was a Grand Jury member at 1899 Spring Assizes [WS18990413p1] Barber -- Eli S. Barber, 53,
born 10 Feb 1848 in Ontario, accountant Barber -- Eli Barber was an executor of Franklin Kellum's estate in 1901 [WS19011024p8] Barber -- Eli S. Barber's auction sale was quite largely attend. Good prices were realized [Vanessa SR19191120p2] -- Eli S. Barber and family have moved into their new home in Scotland [SR19191204p2] Barber -- Eli S. Barber, born
10 Feb 1843, died 16 Sep 1923 Barber -- Elias Barber's
housekeeper Miss Jane Mitchell, died last Friday. She was buried here
Sunday. Mr. Wilkie Barber of Brantford visited his father Sunday [Boston WS18991012p8] Barber -- Elijah Barber, 39,
born [9] Jun 1861 in Ontario, laborer farm; Barber -- Elijah Barber -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List Barber -- Mrs. Elijah Barber, 40 years 10 months, died 9 Feb 1903 in Simcoe, leaving a husband and four sons [SR19030305] Barber -- Elisha Barber: Barber -- Elisha Barber, 61,
born 23 Feb 1840 in Ontario, farmer Barber -- Elisha Barber of Townsend married Mrs. Hannah Bradshaw of Townsend 15 Mar 1906 at her home [BC19060328] [SR19060323] Barber -- Elisha Barber sold at auction his farm stock and implements, 30 Sep 1910 at Lot 24, Concession 5 in Townsend, a mile south of Hartford [WS19100922p4] Barber -- Elisha Barber, 76
years 10 months 11 days, died 3 Jan 1917 Barber -- Elizabeth Barber,
77, daughter of John and Mary Barber, widow of Deacon Henry Kitchen, mother
of Rev. A. E. Kitchen and 10 others, died 26 Nov 1886 in Townsend Barber -- to Ella Patacia Barber, wife of farmer Georg I. Bint, a daughter, Sarah Edith, 23 Aug 1884 [Ontario Vital Stats 022270] Barber -- Ellen Barber of
Windham, 16, born in Windham, daughter of John and Ann E. Barber, married John Gustin
of Charlotteville, 23, born in Charlotteville, son of Charles and Mary
Gustin, 11 Nov 1869 Barber -- Elwyn Barber died [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Barber -- Emily A. Barber of Simcoe married Wesley Sloat of Simcoe, 31 Jul 1900 in Port Dover [SR19000809] Barber -- Emma Barber, widow, 40 Water Street, Simcoe [1919 Voters' List] Barber -- Emma Belle Barber of Charlotteville married Charles A. Marlatt of Windham, 4 Mar 1918 in Windham [SR19180307p7] Barber -- Emma E., 19 years 1 month 14 days, wife of Lewis C. Barber, died 26 Mar 1869. Buried in Boston Cemetery -- see photo of cemetery stone Barber -- Enslie Barber -- see 1910 S.S. 12 Charlotteville pupils Barber -- Eva Barber's husband R. George Harper, born 29 Dec 1885, died 26 Jun 1956 Barber -- Ester, 6[3], wife
of Henry Barber, died 25 Oct 1885 in Waterford [NR18851105] |