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to McNirty Last updated: 01 Aug 2019 |
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McNab -- Charles S. McNab -- see Carillon Tower's WWI Plaque McNabb -- Jean Campbell McNabb, daughter of A. C. McNabb, married Newton Lloyd Somers of Sault Ste. Marie, only son of Ellison Somers of Rockford, 10 Jan 1917 at her parents' home at Milton [SR19170118p7] McNabb -- Miss Harriet O.
McNabb of Tillsonburg married William G. Kelly of Glen Meyer McNall -- Francis McNall wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] McNalley -- Miss Adelaide
McNalley of Woodhouse married John B. McNalley of Townsend, McNalley -- John B.
McNalley of Townsend married Miss Adelaide McNalley of Woodhouse, McNally -- Amanda T.
McNally 1851-1940 |
her husband Thomas Henry Johnston, McNally -- Carrie McNally
1871-1941 | her husband James Gibbons 1857-1937 McNally -- Miss Eileen McNally -- see Porter-Evans wedding McNally -- Mrs. Frank
McNally of Otterville was daughter of Mrs. John Lofus McNally -- George W. McNally wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1882] McNally -- Capt. Harry McNally arrived home last night [SR19100529p9] McNally -- Miss Hulda McNally of Round Plains married Lloyd Coulson of Lynnville, 31 Mar 1920 at Old Windham parsonage [SR19200415p3] McNally -- to the wife of Isaac McNally, a son, 21 Jan 1912 in Simcoe [SR19120125] McNally -- J. McNally -- see 1907 Simcoe Voters List McNally -- J. McNally Jr. McNally
-- J. W. McNally, tailor, three doors west of the Post Office [ad SR19141208p8] McNally -- Jack McNally -- see 1918 Simcoe Public School students McNally -- Mrs. John McNally donated to Belgian Relief [SR19141119p1] McNally -- Mrs. Jno. McNally donated to Belgian Relief [SR19141203p1] McNally -- Katherine A.
McNally, 44, born 10 Mar 1857 in Ontario McNally -- K. A. McNally, spinster, Port Dover [1919 Voters List] McNally -- Miss Lottie McNelly [sic] of Port Dover -- see Weidrick-Benn wedding McNally -- Miss Louisa McNally of Woodhouse married Clayton A. Mathews of Woodhouse, New Years Day [BC18810112p3] [NR18810107p3] McNally -- Miss Maggie McNally of Port Dover, who taught school there for a number of years, is very ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. Henry McElhone. No hope is entertained for her recovery [Bookton SR19161207p2] McNally -- Miss Maggie McNally who taught in Port Dover for over 40 years, died at the home of her sister in LaSalette, Monday of last week [SR19161214p12] McNally -- Miss Martha McNally of Northfield married Harold Marlatt of Bookton, 15 Sep 1915 in Bookton [WS19150930p1] [SR19150923p5] McNally -- Mary Jane McNally wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McNally -- the will of William McNally of Port Dover was probated in 1884 [Norfolk Wills] McNally -- William H. McNally, 30, son of B. McNally, died 5 Jan 1880 at Port Dover [BC18800107p3] McNally -- William Henry McNally born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McNally -- Wm. J. NcNally, 24, single, born 3 Nov 1876 in Ontario, jeweller, boarded at the hotel of Leonard Brady [1901 Census of Simcoe:2] McNamara -- Miss B.
McNamara of South Norwich married Thomas Hennessey of Ingersoll, McNamara -- Bridget McNamara 1786-1873 -- see St. Anthony's Monument McNamara -- Charles McNarnara was killed under almost identical circumstance a year ago: William Swain, a young Walsingham farmer, father of two, was killed Tuesday when he was struck by a train at LaSalette station [SR19140226p1] McNamara -- Clarence McNamara of Norwich married Mrs. A. O'Dwyre [sic] of LaSalette, Mon [.] Feb 1918 in LaSalette [SR19180214p6] -- Clarence MacNamara [sic] of Norwich married Mrs. O'Dwyer of LaSalette, 4 Feb 1918 in LaSalette [SR19180307p7] McNamara -- Clarence McNamara and wife Alice are buried in LaSalette Cemetery McNamara -- Dana McNarama [sic], 25, single, born 10 Mar 1876 in Ontario, engineer, boarded in the household of hotel keeper [Alc.] M. Robinson [1901 Census of Waterford:1] McNamara -- to wife of D. McNamara a son 20 Oct 1908 in Waterford [SR19081022] McNamara -- Miss Emma Jane McNamara, died 2[3] Oct 1912 in Windham [SR19121031p7] McNamara -- Francis McNamara of Windsor married Miss Minnie Foley, only daughter of Like Foley of LaSalette 20 Apr 1910 in LaSalette. Her brother, Frank Foley, of Osgoode Hall, Toronto, attended [BC19100504] McNamara -- J. McNamara was a 1900 Windham officer McNamara -- James McNamara was a 1889 Townsend pathmaster [BC18890327p1] McNamara -- James
McNamara of Windham married Miss
Theresa M. Steinhoff, daughter of McNamara -- James McNamara donated to Ag. Society in 1916. McNamara -- James McNamara is retiring and has sold the "Tupper Place," his 152-acre farm in Windham, to Lorne Forest of Charlotteville for $16,500 [SR19170201p1] McNamara -- James McNamara, who recently moved from Colborne neighborhood to Simcoe, has gone to the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, for treatment [SR19180523p2] McNamara -- James McNamara
1860-1919 | his wife Theresa Steinhoff 1872-1935 McNamara -- John
McNamara, 72 years 8 months, died 1 Oct 1887 McNamara -- John McNamara of Duluth, Minnesota -- see 1866 Fenian Raid veterans McNamara -- John B. McNamara, 79, an old resident of LaSalette vicinity, died at his residence near Hawtry, after a long and painful illness. Remains brought to LaSalette by his sons and interred here [SR19190403p11] McNamara -- John B. McNamara, 80, died 26 Mar 1919 [LaSalette Cemetery stone] McNamara -- Miss Laura Mildred McNamara married Lloyd S. Culver, yesterday afternoon in Simcoe -- see Culver wed McNamara McNamara -- Miss M. McNamara was a 1920 Simcoe Junior Second Book teacher [SR19200708p3] McNamara -- Mary McNamara wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McNamara -- Miss Mary
A. McNamara of Bloomsburg married James Donevan of Woodhouse, McNamara -- "Michael McNamara - 1839" -- see photo of original LaSalette monument McNamara -- Michael
McNamara 1811-1894 | his wife Catherine Walsh 1817-1890 | McNamara -- Roger McNamara, 85, died 4 Feb 1896 in Windham [SR18960213] McNamara -- Roger
McNamara, 86, died 2 Feb 1896 McNamara -- T. McNamara -- was a 1915 Windham Officer McNamara -- Teresa
McNamera [sic], widow, 284 Colborne St. N., Simcoe McNamara -- Thomas McNamara wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McNamara -- Thomas McNamara of Townsend married Miss Minnie R., daughter of James Downing of Windham, 19 Apr 1905 at her father's home [SR19050421] McNamara -- to wife of
Thos. McNamara, a son: Thomas James, last Sunday McNamara -- Thomas
McNamara, farmer, Waterford McNamara -- William Macknamara [sic], 45, born 10 Jan 1855 in Ontario, laborer, lodged in the household of Elizabeth Chesterman [1901 Census of Middleton:3] McNamara -- Wm. McNamara
of Courtland
married Mrs. Elizabeth Chesterman of Courtland, McNamara -- William
McNamara 1848-1933 | Eliza McNamara 1859-1942 McNames -- Mrs. Margaret McNames, 64, died 26 Feb 1879 at home of her son-in-law, miller Wm. Sutton, in Simcoe [BC18790305p3] McNaughton -- Frank McNaughton and wife of Woodham attended 1921 Teeterville Reunion McNaughton -- Nellie McNaughton, now Mrs. R. Will of Norwich attended 1921 Teeterville Reunion McNeal -- Fanny McNeal died [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] McNeal -- Robert McNeal died [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McNeally -- Wm. McNeally of Woodhouse, about two miles south of Varency, met with considerable loss last Friday when fire destroyed three stacks of grain, a hog house, and a registered bull [SR19200923p6] McNeaney -- to wife of B. McNeaney a son 16 Apr 1894 in Port Dover [NR18940426] McNeaney -- Barney McNeany
[sic] subscribed to
Pork Packing McNeaney -- Barney H.
McNeaney 1855-1923 | his wife Rebecca A. 1857-1904 McNeaney -- to wife of John McNeaney a son 30 May 1897 in Jarvis [SR18970610] McNeely -- Miss Mary Myrtle McNeely, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McNeely of Medicine Hat, Alberta, married Rev. Allan E. Armstrong, M.A., of Lynedoch, 21 Jun 1906 at the home of Rev. J. McP. Scott, 20 Simpson Avenue in Toronto [ SR19060706p10] [BC19060704] McNeill-- Ellen McNeill, 54, died 17 Dec 1917 in Hamilton. Buried Wednesday last in Oakwood Cemetery [SR19171227p5] -- Ellen McNeill 1863-1917 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] McNeil -- Fanny McNeil,
31, wife of James McIntosh, died 7 Sep 1872 McNeil -- R. F. McNeil of Lytton, B.C. married Miss Bessie, daughter of Mr. McTaggart of Thompson, B.C., at her father's home. Bride's sister Miss Annie attended. Bride is a former resident of Waterford; she was organist in Latter Day Saints church for over two years [WS18981110p1] -- R. F. McNeil of Lytton, B.C. married Bessie, daughter of J. McTaggart of Thompson, B.C., formerly of Waterford, 26 Oct 1898 at her parents home in Thompson, B.C. [WS18981110p5] McNeiledge -- also see McNeilledge McNeiledge -- Colin McNeiledge, grandson of late Capt.
McNeiledge, married Annie, daughter of
Wm. Shand, 23 Oct 1877 at her father's home [BC18771107p3] McNeiledge -- Miss Helen McNeiledge married Garb[u]tt M. Steel of Jarvis 25 Oct 1906 at home of bride's parents near Port Dover [SR19051110] McNeill -- Miss Mary Jane McNeill of Woodhouse married Wm. Meikle of New York City, 1 Jan 1908 at her father's residence [SR19080116] McNeill -- to wife of Neal McNeill a son 21 Oct 1883 in Woodhouse [BC18831114] McNeill -- Neal McNeill
1836-1911 | his wife Mary Jane 1839-1920 McNeill -- Rachel, daughter of Neal McNeill, married Robert Nixon of Woodhouse 27 Feb 1901 at her parents' home in Woodhouse [SR19010307] McNeill -- Robert McNeill, 73, a native of Ireland, died 20 Feb 1881 in Woodhouse [BC18810223p3] McNeill -- Robert McNeill donated to Belgium Relief at Simcoe [SR19141217p1] McNeill -- Robert
McNeill, farmer, RR5 Simcoe McNeilledge -- also see McNeiledge McNeilledge -- James McNeilledge -- see More Voters in Woodhouse McNeilledge -- Aletta Viola, 12 years 8 months, daughter of A. R. McNeilledge and granddaughter of late Capt. Alexander McNeilledge of Woodhouse, died 30 May 1891 in Toronto [BC18910610] [NR18910611p2] McNeilledge -- Capt. Alex McNelledge's son Colin, 10, died 24 Mar 1841 at his father's residence, Greenock Farm, Woodhouse. Funeral 9 a.m. Sunday from his father's residence [NO18410327p3] McNeilledge -- the late Capt. Alex. McNeilledge of Port Dover's granddaughter, Helen, 23, daughter of John Tisdale died 16 Oct 1878 at her father's home in Woodstock [BC18781106p3] McNeilledge -- C. McNeilledge subscribed to Simcoe Pork Packing McNeilledge
-- C. McNeilledge, farmer, RR2 Port Dover McNeilledge -- Charles Alexander McNeilledge born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McNeilledge -- the Woodhouse Township properties of the late Colin McNeilledge have been seized from his executrix Ann Jane McNeilledge by Sheriff H. V. A. Rapelje and will be sold at auction at Simcoe on 13 Feb 1841 to satisfy the suit of Samuel Street [NO18401205p4] McNeilledge -- Colin McNeilledge -- see 1921 Port Dover Horticultural Society McNeilledge -- Collin John McNeilledge wed Annie Shand [Ontario Vital Stats 1877] McNeilledge -- Elizabeth, 70, relict of Alex. McNeilledge, died 6 Dec 1888 at Greenock Farm in Woodhouse [BC18881212] McNeilledge -- Mary W., daughter of C. McNeillidge, married John C. King 4 Nov 1911 in Woodhouse [SR19111123p7] McNeilledge -- Rapelge McNeilledge was an officer of 1887 Woodhouse Council McNeilley -- also see McNeilly, McNelly McNeilley -- [Compiler's Comment: we have found no McNeilley cemetery stones in Norfolk County. There are several for McNeilly, mostly in Port Dover Cemetery] McNeilley -- Elizabeth McNeilley wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1872] McNeilley -- Kate Augusta, 32, wife of W. A. McNeilley, sister of Mrs. Thomas McBride of Simcoe, died 5 Jan 1920 in Hamilton [SR19050113, repeated SR19050120] McNeilly -- Cameron McNeilly was an officer of 1918 Woodhouse Council McNeilly -- David O. McNeilly of Woodhouse married Miss Bertha A. Jackson of Jarvis, 24 Sep 1902 at home of bride's sister, Mrs. Brown, in Jarvis [SR19021009] McNeilly -- to wife of David McNeilly a son 10 Jul 1903 in Woodhouse [SR19030724] McNeilly -- David
McNeilly, farmer, RR1 Port Dover McNeilly --Eliza McNeilly died [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] McNeilly -- Elizabeth McNeilly -- see Doan's Cemetery Monument McNeilly -- Miss H. McNeilly married Ansley A. Evans, 4 Sep 1901 at her parents' home in Woodhouse [SR19010919] McNeilly -- Hannah Jane McNeilly born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McNeilly -- James McNeilly, Phm. B. of Port Dover, who won the Gold Medal in chemistry at Ontario College of Pharmacy last year, has been secured by Mr. J. de W. Randall, as assistant in his drug business [WS18990713p1] McNeilly -- James
McNeilly, 28, born 22 Jun 1872 in Ontario, druggist, and his wife Anna M.
McNeilly, 27, born 8 May 1873 in Ontario, lodged in the household of
James H. Buck McNeilly -- to wife of Woodhouse farmer James McNeilley [sic], nee Agnes [R]yle, a son: William Carly[a]le McNeilley [sic], 20 Sep 1884 [Ontario Vital Stats 022502] McNeilly -- James McNeilley [sic], 75, died 28 Mar 1907 in Woodhouse [SR19070412] McNeilly -- James McNeilly's widow, Agnes Kyle, 75, died 7 Mar 1917 in Woodhouse [SR19170315p7] McNeilly -- James McNeilly
1832-1907 | his wife Agnes 1842-1917 McNeilly -- James McNeilly of Port Dover married Miss Mabel, youngest daughter of Martin Tobin, 12 Jun 1895 at her parents' home in Waterford [NR18950620] -- see Martin's obituary McNeilly -- to wife of J. McNeilly a son 21 Dec 1896 in Port Dover [SR18961231] -- James McNeilly's infant son Lloyd Tobin died 26 Dec 1896 in Port Dover [SR18970107] McNeilly -- Mrs. James McNeilly of Port Dover and her brothers, Messrs. S. and R. Tobin of Pontiac, Michigan, visited their mother, Mrs. M. Tobin of Waterford [WS19011003p1] McNeilly -- James McNeilly 1872-1947 | his wife Mabel Tobin 1874-1943 [Greenwood Cemetery stone] McNeilly -- Jeremiah
McNeilly, 63, died 26 Aug 1891 in Woodhouse McNeilly -- Margaret McNeilly -- see Doan's Cemetery Monument McNeilly -- the will of
Mary McNeilly of South Walsingham was probated 1899 McNeilly -- Robt. McNeilly of Port Dover passed 1882 Entrance Exams McNeilly -- Samuel McNeilly -- see Doan's Cemetery Monument McNeilly -- Thomas McNeilly, 39, died 8 Feb 1889 at his brother's home in Woodhouse [BC18890227] McNeilly -- to wife of W. McNeilly, a son, 9 Jun 1917 in Woodhouse [SR19170614p7] McNeilly -- William
McNeilly, farmer, RR1 Port Dover McNellis -- Charles W.
McNellis, 39, born 2 Jun 1861 in Ontario, farmer McNellis -- Chas.
McNelles: McNellis -- Mrs. C. McNelles [sic] was sister of Mrs. Joseph Shepherd [SR19170426p2] McNelles -- Mrs. Charles
McNelles has her mother, Mrs. R. McCombs, recovering at her home McNellis -- Charles McNelles, farmer, RR3 Scotland McNellis -- Charles McNelles, 61, died 28 Apr 1921 at Kelvin [SR19210505p9] McNellis -- A number of Vanessa people attended the funeral of Charles McNellis at Kelvin on Sunday [WS19210505p4] McNellis -- Charles W.
McNellis 1863-1921 | his wife Harriet McCombs 1867-1940 McNelles -- Miss Ellen McNelles of Windham married Andrew Fink of Windham 6 Mar 1906 in Brantford [SR19060323] [also see Eileen McNelles in BC19060321] McNelles -- George Awdy
McNelles of Windham married Ettie Elizabeth Almas of Windham, McNelles -- George
McNelles' infant daughter was buried Sunday at Kelvin McNelles -- George
McNelles, farmer, RR3 Scotland McNelles -- Jane McNelles wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] McNelles -- John McNellis
[sic], 43, born 13 Aug 1857 in Ontario, farmer McNelles -- Mr. and Mrs. Jno. McNelles of Vanessa had their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crane of Norwich, visiting [WS19100922p8] McNelles -- Mrs. John McNelles visited her daughter Mrs. S. Arthur of Hawtrey and had her sister, Mrs. Wm. Miller of Ranelegh, visiting [SR19170913p5] -- Mr. and Mrs. J. McNelles of Vanessa had their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arthur of Hawtrey, visiting [SR19180418p2] -- Mrs. John McNelles of Vanessa visited her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Arthur of Hawtrey [SR19190828p2] McNelles -- John
McNelles, farmer, RR3 Scotland McNelles -- John McNelles
1867-1945 | his wife Maggie Tallman 1868-1926 McNelles -- Mary McNillis
[sic], 67, widow, born 20 Aug 1833 in England McNellis -- "Mr. and Mrs. S. Durham of Fairfield spent Sunday with the former's uncle, James McNelles [sic]" [Vanessa SR19170208p2] McNellis -- James A.
McNellis 1871-1955 McNellis -- Philip
McNellis, 81, died 12 Mar 1897 | his wife Mary 1828-1911 McNerney -- Norah
McNerney, wife of Martin Cunningham, 1833-1913 McNichol -- James McNicol of Hagersville married Miss Percie, daughter of Jas. Buckley of Cheapside, 6 Jul 1898 at her father's home [SR18980721] McNichol -- Robert McNichol of Carman, Man., married Miss Minnie E. Church of Vanessa, Ont., 27 Mar 1901 at Vanessa [SR19010404] McNiff -- John McNiff born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] McNiff -- Mary McNeff, 23, born 9 Jan 1878 in Ontario, domestic servant, resided in the household of Edgar Burch [1901 Census of Townsend:6] McNiff -- Miss Mary Alice McNiff of Woodhouse married William R. Leedham of Woodhouse, 25 Jun 1902 in Jarvis [SR19020710] McNiff -- Mary Alice McNiff, 42, wife of Wm. R. Leedham, 241 Chapel Street, Simcoe, died 28 May 1920. Her funeral was 30 May 1920 to Oakwood Cemetery. She leaves a husband and seven young children [SR19200603p1] McNiff -- Patrick McNiff wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] McNirty -- Ellen McNirty, 68, died 29 Apr 1912
| her husband John Dunn 1844-1903 McNulty -- James McNulty 1866-1866 -- see St. Anthony's Monument McNulty -- Mary Connolly
McNulty 1831-1866 -- see St.
Anthony's Monument |