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Egypt -- see Where was Egypt?

Ellaton -- hamlet in Windham Township on Lots 11, Concessions 10, west of Lynnville. Previously called Gibson Station for William and David Z. Gibson who operated a sawmill nearby. Occasionally confused with Gibson in Simcoe County, Ontario. Also called Rattlesnake Harbour. Named Ellaton for William Gibson’s daughter. The 8 Mar 1882 British Canadian reported the Ellaton post office had revenue of $28.50 and salaries of $10. The 14 Mar 1888 British Canadian newspaper reported the Ellaton post office had revenue of $25.50 and salaries of $15 in the year ending 30 Jun 1887. The 12 Dec 1912 Simcoe Reformer reported the Ellaton Post Office had revenue of $40.75 and salaries of $25. Today, primarily a few homes at an intersection. No community buildings. In the 1990s residents erected Rattlesnake Harbour road signs. Current official Norfolk County road signs identify this community as Rattlesnake Harbour [GPS:52.700/24.790] 
-- also see our Rattlesnake Harbor video

Elmwood -- this name appears in a page 1 news report in the 19 Mar 1896 Simcoe Reformer: -- Lewis Cole was killed yesterday by a boiler explosion in H. R. Palmerton's mill near Elmwood in Charlotteville -- but Elmwood's precise location and other  details are unknown. Elmwood may have been nothing more than the name of a well-known farm. But between 1906 and 1967 Elmwood School -- S. S. 14 Charlotteville -- was located on Lot 7, Concession 13, Charlotteville -- on Turkey Point Road, just north of Walsh.

Eppels Corners -- hamlet in Middleton Township at the intersection of Talbot Road (Regional Road 38) and Bell Mill Road. Site of Bethel Methodist Episcopal Cemetery. Estimated 2002 population: less than 100 [GPS:47.840/39.977]

Erie View -- hamlet in Walsingham Township on Lot 4, Concession B, on Regional Road 42 west of Port Royal. The 12 Dec 1912 Simcoe Reformer reported the Erie View Post Office had revenue of $231.75 and salaries of $170. Apparently named for location on bluffs overlooking Lake Erie  [GPS:35.745/30.905]

Copyright 2002-2012 John Cardiff and Robert Mutrie