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Thicks vs Thins Hockey Teams

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14 Feb 1899 Thicks vs. Thins. Hockey Team
"Thicks vs. Thins Hockey Teams, Simcoe, Feb. 14, 1899.
Left to right
" -- Top row -- F. E. Curtis, centre forward, 150 pounds; Wm. Sutton, right wing, 212 pounds; H. B. Donly, point, 208 pounds; D Robb Tisdale, centre forward, 232 pounds; 
W. E. Tisdale
, centre forward, 225 pounds; W. B. Browne, right wing, 139 pounds. Middle row -- C. A. Austin, goal, 243 pounds; C. C. Fairchild, referee;
W. S. Wood, goal, 124 pounds; W. D. Battersby, cover point, 206 pounds. 
Bottom row -- H. S. Falls, right wing, 143 pounds; G. H. Backus, cover point, 147 pounds; G. A. Curtis, centre forward, 125 pounds, C. E. Boyd, left wing, 212 pounds; 
T. R. Slaght
, point, 146 pounds. 
Average weight of Thicks: 220 pounds. Average weight of the Thins: 149½ pounds."

Source: Simcoe and Norfolk County published by Pearce Publishing, 1924
(Out of print. Copy available for inspection at Norfolk Historical Society.)
Copyright 1997-2018 John Cardiff and Norfolk Historical Society