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to Dursling Last updated: 26 Nov 2018 |
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Dunnett -- Alfred H. Dunnett, formerly of Simcoe, for a number of years a Toronto high school teacher, is an aldermanic nominee in that city [SR19181226p4] Dunnett -- Douglas Dunnett of Aylmer -- see 1910 Visitors to Simcoe Dunnett -- Ellsworth Dunnett -- see 1895 Townsend Officers Dunnett -- Ellsworth Dunnett of Oakland married Martha Rammage of Windham, 21 Dec 1898 in Waterford [SR18990105] -- Ellsworth Dunnett of Oakwood married Martha Rammage of Windham, 21 Dec 1898 in Waterford [WS18981229p4] -- Elsworth Dunnett, 29, farmer, of Brant County, son of John S. and Eliza Dunnett, married Martha Rammage, 28, widow, daughter of Lewis and Mary Van Every, 4 Dec 1898 at Waterford [Ontario Vital Stats 10263-98] Dunnett -- Fanny C. Dunnett of Wilsonville married Allen B. Wilson of Wilsonville, 5 Jan 1898 in Waterford [WS1898013p5] Dunnett -- Harry Douglas
Dunnett, 23, single Presbyterian clerk, born 20 Mar 1891 Dunnett -- one-time Simcoe boy Horace [sic] Douglas Dunnett joined the 18th Battalion as a Private and has risen to Captain. He recently wrote to his former employer, George W. Davey of St. Thomas [SR19170517p7] -- Douglas has risen to company commander with the rank of Major. He and his family once lived in Simcoe. His parents now reside in Aylmer [SR19170726p1] -- Major H. Douglas Dunnett (photo), a one-time Simcoe boy, whose rise from the ranks to a company commander was told in a recent issue [SR19170809p1] -- Capt. H. Douglas Dunnett, son of Mrs. John Dunnett of Aylmer, formerly of Simcoe, has arrived in Canada from France [SR19180523p12] Dunnett -- Capt. Douglas Dunett [sic] of Aylmer, formerly of Simcoe, married Myrtle, daughter of W. J. James of St. Thomas, Thursday [26] Dec 1918 in St. Thomas [SR19190109p5] Dunnett -- Mrs. J. Dunnett of Simcoe's sister, Miss Sarah Hughes, 44, died 25 Dec 1895 in Aylmer [SR18960109] Dunnett -- James Dunnett of
RR3 Jarvis, 28, single Presbyterian farmer, born Dunnett -- to wife of John Dunnett, twins -- son and daughter -- 30 Mar 1891 in Simcoe [BC18910401] Dunnett -- John Dunnett, engineer at the water and light plant at Aylmer, formerly of Simcoe, suffered a painful accident at work [SR19170719p6] Dunnett -- Miss Julia Dunnett, who went overseas last year with an American nursing unit, has returned to this continent. She is spending time in New York, before her discharge [SR19190327p1] Dunnett -- Miss Julia Dunnett, formerly of Simcoe, is marrying Mr. Rudolph today in Norfolk Virginia. She returned last month from overseas. They coming north to visit Mr. and Mrs. Dunnett at Aylmer [SR19190410p12] Dunnett -- Miss Lillian
Dunnett is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Riddle Dunnett -- Minnie Dunnett
1873-1954 | her husband David G. Persall, Dunnett -- V. Eliza Dunnett, 59, widow, born 15 Jan 1842 in Cornwall, England, immigrated 1847 | her single daughter Lillian V., 19, born 7 Feb 1882 in Ontario [1901 Census of Townsend:1] Dunnett -- Wm. Herbert Dunnett born [Ontario Vital Stats 1870] Dunning -- Dunning, J. Buck,
and others, Lot 2, Concession 10, Charlotteville [1857
Sketch] Dunning -- Laura L. Dunning wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Dunning -- Thomas Dunning wed Melissa Jane Gee [Ontario Vital Stats 1877] Dunning -- Thomas Clayton D. L. Dunning born [Ontario Vital Stats 1881] Dunsheath -- Eliza, [8]0,
wife of John Dunsheath, died 10 Nov 1879 in Simcoe [NR18791113p3] Dunsmore -- Dr. C. P. Dunsmore died [BC19070814] Dunton -- James Clement Dunton wed Martha Smith [Ontario Vital Stats 1879] Duprix -- Mrs. A. Duprix subscribed to 1918 Sailors Fund Durant -- also see Durent Durant -- Mr. A. Durant, late of Windham Centre, died recently. Funeral Saturday at Lynnville [WS18981215p8] -- Mr. Durant, late of Lynnville, died at Windham Centre last week. He was buried at Lynnville on Sunday [WS18981215p8] Durant -- Miss Alice Durent [sic] of Windham married Wm. H. Collins of Townsend, 12th inst. in Waterford [BC18910819] Durant -- Fred Durent [sic] -- see 1910 Waterford pupils Durant -- Leo Durent [sic] -- see 1910 Waterford pupils Durant -- Lillina Durant, daughter of Thos. Durant of Windham, married Theodore Arthur Rowe of Windham, 6 Oct 1915 in Windham [SR19151007p7] -- Miss Lillia Durant, daughter of Thos. Durant of Windham, married Theodore Arthur Rowe of Windham 6 Oct 1915 in Windham [WS19151014p1] Durant
-- Martha E. Durent [sic], 63, widow, born 4 Apr 1837 in Ontario,
resided in the household of her grandson [sic] William F. Roberts [1901
Census of Windham:1] Durant -- Mrs. M. E. Durrent [sic], 84th birthday party -- see news report Durant -- Mrs. M. E. Durant of Vanessa attended 1921 Teeterville Reunion Durant -- Mary A. Durant
1860-1928 | her husband Wm. F. Roberts 1860-1940 Durant -- Phinas Durrent [sic] was a son of Mrs. Mary Durrent [sic] -- see Mary's 84th Durant -- Thomas Durant,
farmer, RR1 Simcoe Durby -- George Durgy of Langton married Miss Mary Foster of
South Walsingham, daughter of Edward Forster, 6 May 1896 at her father's
home [SR18960514] Durdle -- Mrs. J. T. Durdle and Mrs. Wm. Durdle, both of Washington, were daughters of Mrs. Joseph Vannatter -- see mother's obituary Durent -- see Durant Durrent -- see Durant Durfee -- Miss Mary Durfee of Bolivar married Henry A. Carter of Simcoe, 7th instant, at her grandparents home at Bolivar NY [BC18901015] Dugee -- Geo. Durgee of Toledo, Ohio, is renewing acquaintances in Langton after an absence of 18 years [SR19201202p15] Durgin -- H. C. Durgin -- see 1921 Waterford Band concert Durgy -- George Durby of Langton married Miss Mary Foster of
South Walsingham, daughter of Edward Foster, 6 May 1896 at her father's
home [SR18960514] Durham -- Durham & Baker -- see 1929 Monocle ad Durham -- Charles Durham,
farmer, Norwich 4 Durham -- Chas. Durham was a 1921 Windham officer Durham -- Daniel Durham died [BC19070814] Durham -- Edna Durham Durham -- Eliza Durham,
widow, Vanessa post office; Lot 6, Concession 3, Windham Durham -- Mrs. Elizabeth Durham of Charlotteville married Robert Morrow of Charlotteville 17 Apr 1890 in Woodhouse [BC18900423] Durham -- Gladys Durham-- see 1914 Elementary School Grads Durham -- Isaac Durham wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] Durham -- J. Durham: Durham -- J. V. Durham: Durham -- J. V. Durham,
farmer, RR3 Vanessa Durham -- James Durham of Blayney has his nephew, Erwin Daniels of Sterling, Michigan, visiting [SR19170830p8] Durham -- Mr. and Mrs. James Durham spent New Years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moss at Erie View, where her brother is suffering from blood poisoning [SR19180117p5] Durham -- James Durham,
farmer, RR1 Simcoe Durham -- Mrs. Jas. Durham of Blayney had her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Tait of Toronto, visit for the holidays [SR19200120p3] Durham -- Jane Durham wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1873] Durham -- John Durham was a 1915 Windham Officer Durham -- John Durham of
Vanessa has purchased John Edgeworth's West Street residence in Simcoe Durham -- John Vanderlip Durham of Burford married Mary Gertrude, eldest daughter of Mr. Slade Baker of Charlotteville, 2 Feb 1893 at her parents' home [NR18930209] Durham -- at home of John V. Durham: his father-in-law, Slade Baker, 82, died Sun 10 Oct 1915 at Vanessa [SR19151014p5] Durham -- Jos. Durham,
farmer, RR4 Waterford Durham -- Mamie Durham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Durham, and her husband Herbert Ripley and family have arrived here from Seattle -- see Ripley-Durham trip Durham -- Richard Durham died [Ontario Vital Stats 1883] Durham -- Mrs. Rodolphus Durham of Vanessa has her daughter, Mrs. John Moore and family of Leamington, visiting [SR19200415p2] Durham -- Miss Susie Durham, 19, born 1 Aug 1881 in Ontario, servant, in household of Charles C. Fairchild [1901 Census of Simcoe:1] Durham -- Miss Susie Durham of Blayney married William Walsh, 5 Feb 1902 in village of Walsh [SR19020213] Durham -- Wm. J. Durham, 25 years 9 months 13 days, printer, died 28 Apr 1884 in Toronto [WS18840501] Durkee -- G. F. Durkee of Erie View had his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Davidson of Delhi, and granddaughter, Miss Hazel Durkee of Toronto, visiting [SR19180718p6] -- Mrs. E. Davidson of Delhi visited her father, G. F. Durkee at Erie View [SR19180815p2] -- G. F. Durkee of Erie View has his son W. Durkee of Toronto, staying with him for a while [SR19181003p8] Durkee -- Mrs. G. F. Durkee
of Simcoe was a sister of Laura (Foster) Marr Durkee -- Geo. F. [sic] Durkee, RR2 Port Rowan -- see Enumerating Women Durkee -- George W.
Durkee's wife Mary Ann, 48 years 9 days, died 18 Dec 1895 Durkee -- George Durkee,
54, born 14 Aug 1846 in Ontario, merchant Durkee -- George Durkee -- see Middleton's Fallen Durkee -- Geo. Durkee, 72, died 17 Nov 1918 at his home in Erie View in South Walsingham [SR19181121p7] -- Geo. Durkee of Erie View died at his home last Sunday [SR19181121p5] Durkee -- George Durkee's widow, Mary, 87, of Woodhouse, born at Erie View, a daughter of Edward Foster, died Saturday at Simcoe [obituary, SR19400415p3] Durkee -- George W. Durkee
1846-1918 Durkee -- Harry Durkee of Langton married Miss Nellie G. Pratt, second daughter of Joseph Pratt, 17 Oct 1900 at home of her parents in South Middleton. Bride's sister, Miss Maggie Pratt, attended [SR19001025p1] [SR19001025] Durkee -- Harry M. Durkee,
27, born 6 Jun 1873 in Ontario, store clerk Durkee -- Harry S. Durkee has graduated County Model School with Professional Certification as teacher [SR18961224] Durkee -- Harry St. Clair Durkee married Miss Minnie E. Harris of Collingwood, 20 Aug 1902 at Collingwood [SR19020828] Durkee -- Jennett, the wife of Mr. Durkee of Winfield, Kas., was daughter of Thomas H. Clark Durkee -- Emerson B.
Davidson 1866-1945 Durkee -- Mary Durkee,
widow, 124 West Street, Simcoe [1919
Voters List] Durkee -- Melvin Durkee, a resident of Port Dover for several years, died 23 Oct 1917 at Winfield, Kansas [SR19171101p8] Durkee -- Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Durkee and daughter Miss Hazel of Toronto are visiting his sister, Mrs. E. H. Davidon in Delhi [SR19181226p4] Durkee -- Warren W. Durkee wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Durker -- Mrs. Geo. Durker of Vienna is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Foster of Erie View [SR18970128] Durnion -- Margaret Laing Durnion married Private Peter Brown Cronkite of the 133rd Batt., Wed 7 Jun 1916 in Simcoe [SR19160608p7] Durphy -- Angeline Durphy wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1874] Dursling -- C. Dursling of Waterford, express man -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf]