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17 Apr 2007  

What else would you like to see on this web site? How could it become a better resource for you? If you have found this web site useful and would like to give back, this is your chance. If you have not found this site meets your needs, we would particularly like to hear from you.

For a full decade now we have been plugging away, trying to develop a truly useful resource for those with ancestral ties to Norfolk County. 

We've added transcriptions, maps, school photos, introductions to Long Point Settlers, videos, queries, genealogy seminar notes, and more. What may not be obvious is that the best additions have something in common: they all started life as suggestions from site visitors.

Now we are looking ahead again, wondering what else site visitors need or would like to see. More local history? More sights and sounds? More births, marriages, deaths, etc.? Perhaps something that hasn't occurred to us.

Over the years we have heard from several of you, most typically thanks for finding the info you sought, or something you thought was particularly interesting. We are gratified by that. Your thanks is our only reward for the effort invested. But this time around thanks per se is not what we seek.

If it is obvious to you that something's missing or could be better, please take a moment to let us know. If you expected to find something that is not here, tell us about it. While we can't guarantee to provide everyone's fondest desire in full detail, we can and do promise to sincerely consider all suggestions, and do our best to comply.

"Perfection for free immediately" may remain elusive, but we really are trying. What else does it take to get the job done?

Got a suggestion? No matter how big or how small, just click on the name in blue below and email us your thoughts.

E-mail the webmaster, John Cardiff.