M. M. Smith
"Manager of The Molsons Bank
'Monte' as he is more familiarly known to his fellow townspeople, caught his first glimpse
of daylight in the town of Strathroy, Ont. Educated at the public school and collegiate
institute in that place, he entered the Traders' Bank, remaining there for one year.
years with the Southern California Fruit Exchange in California preceded his advent in
Simcoe in 1902. Seventeen years' diligent service with the Molsons
Bank were rewarded by his elevation to present managerial post in 1919.
'Monte' has
won quite a wide reputation in the community as a sportsman, fisherman and hunter.
specialty is raising and training bird dogs, notably Liewellin Setters.
In his younger
days he piloted the Simcoe baseball team, and was active in the management of the hockey
teams. He was also a member of the famous 'Original Minstrels,' where he shone as an
'endman.'" |