1947 Norfolk
County Umpires Association
Left to right, back row: Bus Whitehead, Walter
Krell, Henry Edgar, vice president Army Hodgson, David
Weaver, Roy Hazlett, Dr. W. Sutherland, Elson
Front row: secretary-treasurer Frank Brenchley,
Biff Cote, past president Ralph Nelles, umpire-in-chief and
president Leslie Rundle, and Tom
courtesy Bill Helka. Shown
above are some of the 1947 members of the Norfolk County Umpires
Association which was originally formed in Simcoe in 1938 and was the
first county softball umpires' group in the province. In 1948 the
association assigned a total of 401 umpires to handle 212 games, which
included 35 in OASA playdowns. |