Port Dover High School, 1929-30
Last updated: 31 Jul 2015
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This is teacher: Miss Mary Murchison
Identified on the back of the photo
Confirmed 17 Sep 2011 by Robert Jones

From Robert: I attended Port Dover High 1943-1945. When I was in grade 10, Miss Murchison told my mother (also a Port Dover teacher) I would be better off leaving school and joining the work force, as our school didn't offer technical training. After discussing the matter with her brother-in-law, Dr. John Bannister, Mom agreed. Whoopee! 
Uncle John recommended I work at the hardware store during the day and take night courses until I found out what I wanted to do. Five years later I bought Harold Sharman's tinsmith business. Had it not been for the Korean war I would have continued with that trade, but steel was in short supply, so I looked for a temporary job. I was hired by Ontario Hydro, and liked the job so much I stayed 37 years as a fitter machinist. Later, I became proficient in high pressure air systems and taught apprentices for several years. 
Thank you Miss Murchison. Your suggestion led me to a very successful and interesting life.

Miss Murchison subsequently taught at Simcoe District High School into the 1950s.

If you can tell us more about Mary, please do. E-mail your answer (re Person PDH-48) to John Cardiff.
Your response will be posted here.

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Copyright 2010-2011 Wayne Long and  John Cardiff