While we appreciate the efforts
of all who identify students, identifications should be
considered tentative until confirmed by a second identifier.
Richard's scan appears to have been of a photo that has faded and yellowed,
with signs of age and other
imperfections, which are obvious on a
few of our enlargements. There are 24 people (students and
teacher) in the picture, which appears to have been taken in the spring of
1947. The identity of the photographer is unknown. Doan's
Hollow Public School (S. S. #2 Woodhouse) was a one-room elementary school house located
south-east of Simcoe and north-west of Port Dover. Students are
assumed to have lived within a mile or so of the school.
At the time this photo was taken, Ontario elementary education
consisted of eight grades:
1 through 8. Typically students would
have started elementary school at approximately age 5 and graduated eight
years later, age 13, so the students in this photo would have been born
between the early 193os and the early 194os.
Richard drew our attention to the potatoes baking on the gas heater in
the foreground of this photo. "As my father was the largest potato
grower in the area, lunches for that class were often baked
potatoes." |