Remembering Private Wesley Mark Gurr: his WWI Journal
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Private Wesley Gurr's nephew and namesake, site visitor Wesley John Gurr of Humboldt, Arizona emailed us scans from his family history: Private Gurr's photo and his WWI medals, an early 
birth family photo, and pages of his WWI Journal (below), in Apr 2017

Our roadmap of Private Gurr's Journal: 
cover, wife's forward, several pages of names and addresses, 
several pages of Wes' diary, wife's postscript. Our transcription.
Click on any page to see an enlargement.


Wife's Forward

Addresses 1

Addresses 2


Addresses 3

Addresses 4

Addresses 5

Diary 1

Diary 2

Diary 3

Diary 4

Diary 5

Diary 6

Wife's Postscript 1

Wife's Postscript 2

Contributed Information is provided by site visitors and has not been verified by the webmaster. To pursue data provided on this page, email the contributor directly, by clicking on his name above.

Copyright 2017 Wesley John Gurr and John Cardiff