"On Thursday evening
last, the 31st ult., the Hon. David M. Walker, Attorney General for
Manitoba was entertained at a banquet at the Norfolk House, Simcoe,
tendered him by the people of Simcoe.
"The Honorable
gentleman arrived here a short time ago on a visit to his relations and
a number of the leading citizens of Simcoe took advantage of the
occasion to mark their approval of his career in his new home, and to
congratulate him on the honors he has attained in Manitoba."
Approximately 50
attended, including:
John B. Freeman, M.P.P.
H. A. Hardy, County Crown Attorney
G. B. Jackson
R. T. Livingstone, Esq.
Peter Mabee, Esq.
Captain Matteson
Thomas B. McMahon, County Judge
James Robb
T. R. Slaght, Esq.
Col. Tisdale
William Wallace, M.P.
A. Walsh, Esq., Ex-M.P.
G. W. Wells