The first patrol of Boy
Scouts in the County of Norfolk was enrolled at Port Rowan the
first of September.
The movement has taken the
fancy of the boys, and on Saturday last the patrol marched
to St. Williams, where a number of boys had been prepared to pass
the tenderfoot test by Mr. Clayton McCall.
Dr. Andrew MacInnes had
kindly placed his spacious grounds at the disposal of the boys,
and there, after a demonstration of drill by the Port Rowan
patrol, the test was applied and the Scouts' oath administered to
the members of the St. Williams patrol by the Rev. Horace E. Bray,
and they were received in the brotherhood of Scouts.
The patrols then joined
forces and after saluting the flag, marched forth under the
leadership of the assistant scout master, Mr. Clayton McCall, for
a couple of hours work.
The ceremony of initiation
was witnessed by a number of the inhabitants of St. Williams, who
expressed themselves as delighted not only with the ceremony
itself, but also with the carriage and conduct of the boys.