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to Frazier Last updated: 20 Sep 2018 |
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Franks -- Charles Arthur
Franks of Paris, Ontario (772380), 20, married Church of England knitter,
born 8 May 1895 in Port Dover, next-of-kin: William Arthur Franks of Port
Dover. Attested 12 Dec 1915 Franks -- Pte. Charles A. Franks of Paris, who was born in Port Dover, has been killed in action, leaving a widow and infant daughter. His brother was killed about six months ago [SR19170301p10] -- also see pupils of F. H. Stringer Franks -- Edgar Franks -- see pupils of F. H. Stringer Franks -- Lillian May Franks of Port Dover, daughter of Wm. Franks, married Walter Bradbury of Port Dover 25 Oct 1905 in Simcoe [SR19051117] Franks -- Wm. & Eliza
Franks' daughters: Fraser -- Mrs. Fraser of Rexford, Pa. was a daughter of James A. Crabb of Waterford [SR19180822p8] Fraser -- Abbey Fraser -- see 1918 Simcoe Public School students Fraser -- Clarence Dawson
Fraser 1883-1940 Fraser -- David I. Fraser,
43, born 18 Oct 1857 in Ontario, farmer Fraser -- David Fraser,
farmer, Scotland 3 Fraser -- David Fraser: Fraser -- David Isaac Fraser
1857-1929 | his wife Jane Poole 1858-1925 Fraser -- Deborah Amelia Fraser, 82, died 28 Jun 1907 in Springford [SR19070712] Fraser -- Genevieve F. Fraser, daughter of Frank Fraser, married T. Bergin Gillies, 12 Feb 1900 in Chicago [SR19000222] Fraser -- "Suddenly,
at her residence, New Whatcom, State of Washington, on Saturday, Oct.
12th, 1900, Gordon Fraser Fraser [sic], relict of the late James
Fraser, Esq., of Ottawa, aged 63 years, and eldest daughter of the late
Sheriff Rapelje, of Simcoe."
[SR19001101] Fraser -- Harry C. Fraser of Woodstock married Miss Ethel, daughter of Bertley A. Mattice, 31 Oct 1910 at her parents home at Ellaton [BC19101116p6] [WS19101110p1] [Compiler's Comment: The Simcoe Reformer listed the groom as Harry Frayer.] Fraser -- Hellen Fraser died [Ontario Vital Stats 1883] Fraser -- the house and furniture of Henry Fraser of Houghton Township was destroyed by fire on the evening of the 4th. Stephen Boyer, 11, who had been left in charge of the premises, died in the fire. A inquest before A. McLennan, Esq., coroner, ruled the boy died of suffocation arising from the accidental burning of the house [NO18410123p2] Fraser -- J. A. Fraser of Walsingham -- see 1917 Norfolk Exemptions [pdf] Fraser -- J. M. Fraser of Rexford, Pa. -- see 20 Years Ago Fraser -- Mrs. J. M. Fraser of Ripford, Pa., was a daughter of James A. Crabb and Lugenia M. Reynolds -- see her parents' obituaries Fraser -- to the wife of J. M. Fraser, a son, 15 Sep 1901 in Rixford, Pa. [WS19011003p1] Fraser -- James Fraser wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1869] -- James Fraser, Esq., deputy clerk of the Crown for Carleton County, married Gordon, daughter of Henry Van Allen Rapelje. Esq., of Simcoe, 25 Aug 1869 at her father's home [NR18690902p3] Fraser -- James W. Fraser married Miss Olive Charlton of Lynedoch -- see his obituary Fraser -- wife of J. W. Fraser had a daughter 17 Jun 1907 at Twin Oaks, Lynedoch [SR19070621] Fraser -- to wife of J. W. Fraser formerly of Lynedoch, a son 23 Nov 1911 at Pembroke [SR19111123p7] Fraser -- Jane Fraser,
73, widow of William Salmon, died 2 Feb 1882 at Simcoe
[NR18820202] Fraser -- Jean Fraser attended Simcoe High -- see 1929 Monocle Fraser -- John Fraser was paid his 1840 over-assessment refund -- see 1841 Accounts paid Fraser -- John Fraser wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1871] Fraser -- John Alexander Fraser, 83, postmaster of Woonona, Manitoba, formerly of Port Ryerse, died 31 Jul 1894 at his son's home [NR18940823] Fraser -- Mary Isabella, youngest daughter of James Fraser, Esq., married James [E ms ger], Esquire of Montreal, 4th inst. at [C s da] by Rev. Francis Evans [NO18410109p3] Fraser -- to Nora Malcolm, wife of Norman Frazer [sic], a son [Bookton SR19160629p11] Fraser -- Norman, son of David Fraser of Kelvin, married Miss Nora H., daughter of Bidwell Malcolm of Teeterville, 10 Dec 1914 at her parents' home. Bride's aunt, Mrs. C. Butler of Port Dover played [SR19150114p7] Fraser -- Norman Fraser,
farmer, Norwich 4 Fraser -- Norman Frazer's wife, Nora Malcolm, 1895-1982 [Bookton Cemetery stone] Fraser -- Norman S. Fraser
1893-1970 Fraser -- Miss Olive Fraser of Parry Sound married Dr. John Leeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Leeson of Aylmer, Ont., 24 Jun 1907 in Parry Sound [SR19070712] Fraser -- Peter Fraser, 88, died 12 Oct 1910 at home of his son-in-law, R. S. Milligan. Remains to Napanee for interment [BC19101019p4] -- Peter Fraser, 88, died 12 Oct 1920 in Simcoe. Funeral 15 Oct 1910 in Napanee Cemetery [SR19101013p12] -- see his obituary Fraser -- Samuel Fraser,
baker, 44 Robinson Street, Simcoe Fraser -- Samuel Fraser 1881-1947 | his wife Agnes J. Tegart 1879-1941 [Oakwood Cemetery stone] Fraser -- Serena, daughter of John Fraser, married Egbert Moore of Woodhouse 31 Dec 1890 at her father's home in Woodhouse [BC18910114] Fraser -- Mrs. Wm. Fraser, died 7 Mar 1887. Funeral 8 Mar 1887 at Vittoria
Fraser -- to wife of Wm. Fraser a son 24 Jul 1900 in Port Rowan [SR19000823] Fraser -- William A. P. Fraser wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1880] -- William A. P. Fraser of Charlotteville married Miss Emily S. A. McCall of Charlotteville, 5 Apr 1880 in Simcoe [BC18800414p3] Fray -- Mrs. A. C. Fray is
visiting her sisters Misses Melissa and Harriet Price of St.
Williams Fray -- F. Fray, T. H. Clark and H. Miller, Lot 8, Concession 10, Windham [1857 Sketch] Fray -- [Compiler's Comment: John Fray and his wife Rhoda appear on the 1901 Census of Port Rowan in error. The census taker recorded Fray. Their surname was Frayer.] Fray -- W. Fray, J. Slaght,
E. Kern and B. Tisdale, Lot 3, Concession 1, Charlotteville Fray -- William Fray and R. Wolvin, Lot 3, Concession BFsw, Charlotteville [1857 Sketch] Fray -- Mrs. William Fray of St. Williams was aunt of Mrs. Robt. Corner [Cultus SR19161130p11] Frayer -- Harry Frayer of Woodstock married Miss Ethel, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Mattice of Ellaton, 31 Oct 1910 at her parents' home. They will reside at Woodstock [SR19101110p8] [Compiler's Comment: The Waterford Star and British Canadian listed the groom as Harry C. Fraser.] Frayer -- Herbert Frayer married Miss Nellie Tait, 12 Feb 1896 in Port Rowan [SR18960220] Frayer
-- Mrs. William
Watkins, nee Jane Frayer, celebrated her
100th birthday on 27 Dec 1902 Frayer -- Jennie Maria Frayer died [BC19061017 obituary and death notice] Frayer -- John Frayer was a 1887 officer of Charlotteville Council Frayer -- John Fray [sic],
71, born 29 Jul 1829 in Ontario, farmer Frayer -- Deacon John Frayer, 76, died 6 Apr 1905 in Port Rowan [SR19050414] Frayer -- Deacon John Frayer died of apoplexy 6 Ap 1905. Born 1829 on old homestead on Front Road, about 5 miles from Port Rowan. Married Miss Rhoda Spencer in 1851. Survived by wife, son William, daughter Mrs. Wm. Baldwin of Mount Pleasant. [obit clipped from PRN19050407] Frayer -- John Frayer, 75
years 8 months, died 6 Apr 1905 Frayer -- Mrs. O. Frayer was sister of Miss Bessie Howell of Forestville [Clear Creek SR19220315p2] Frayer -- Rhoda Isabella
Frayer 1914-1974 | her husband Charles Walter Knell 1912-1990 Frayer -- Susan Frayer wed [Ontario Vital Stats 1876] Frayer -- the will of William Frayer of Charlotteville was probated in 1875 [Norfolk Wills] Frayer -- William Frayer,
49, born 12 Feb 1852 in Ontario, farmer Frayer -- William Frayer's 64th birthday was last Saturday [St. Williams SR19160217p3] Frayer -- Mrs. William Frayer -- see 1916 St. Williams Frayer -- William Frayer,
farmer, St. Williams Frazier -- D. I Frazier: Frazier -- Lizzie Frazier,
16, single, born 22 Jul 1884 in Ontario, student, lodged in the
household of Thomas Townley [1901
Census of Simcoe:2] |