W. E. Kelly, k.c.,
Yesterday morning, Mr. Kelly
was in receipt of an official communication from Toronto, informing
him that he had been appointed County Crown Attorney and Clerk of
the Peace for Norfolk in the sted of the late T. R. Slaght.
The appointment is in accord
with popular opinion in the community. Of Mr. Kelly's fitness for
the duties of the office no one entertains any doubt. And his
transfer from the defence to the prosecution side of the court is
the saddest news the law breakers of the county have had in many
W. E. Kelly was born in
Woodhouse about 50 years ago, and has lived here all his life. He
qualified to enter the profession of the law by studies at Simcoe
High School. His professional studies were prosecuted first with the
late firm of Tisdale, Livingstone & Robb, afterwards with the
late G. Bruce Jackson and the late C. E. Barber.
He began the practice of law
himself in 1901, and he has had a most successful career. He has
come to be regarded as one of the leading criminal lawyers in this
part of the province, and is almost as well known in the court
roomsd of Elgin, Oxford, Brant and Haldimand as here at home.