Etc. -- Clara B. Hellyer's 1921 farewell
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A lightly edited transcription of a page 1 article in the 6 Oct 1921 Waterford Star newspaper.

Bid Farewell to Miss Hellyer

A meeting of unusual interest was held on Wednesday evening of last week when representatives from the various churches in the vicinity gathered with the congregation of the Baptist Church to bid farewell to Miss Clara B. Hellyer, who leaves the middle of the month for India, as a missionary of the Women's Baptist Foreign Mission Society of Ontario and Quebec. She sails from New York on the 18th in company with six other missionaries.

After the opening exercises led by the pastor, Rev. J. D. MacLachlan, Rev. Rickard of the Anglican Church and Rev. L. Vail of Boston, short commentary addresses were given by Rev. J. B. Moore representing the Villa Nova Church, where Miss Hellyer was brought up, and Mrs. George Pearce, representing the Women's Board. Doris and Phyllis Veale sang beautifully "Missionary Bells."

Rev. H. E. Stilwell, Secretary of the Baptist Union of Canada, representingg 144,000 Baptists was the speaker of the evening. Having spent several years as a missionary, Mr. Stilwell was able to describe most vividly the journey to India and the trials and joys that await the new recruits as they learn the language and adapt themselves to new surroundings and conditions of life. He appealed for a constant support of Miss Hellyer by prayer and sympathy.

He spoke too of the unrest in India caused by the non-cooperative movement led by Gandhi, which it is hoped may be quieted by the British Government's present great experiment in giving India a large measure of Home Rule.

Miss Hellyer spoke of her call and training for mission service and appealed to the young men especially for greater interest and activity in B.Y.P.U. and other fields of Christian service. Her strong Christian character and splendid training promise a successful career for her as a worker in India.

Mr. R. D. Gibson, on behalf of the Church, read an address, while the presentation of a tray of silverware was made by little Helen Snively, cousin of Miss Hellyer, and a basket of flowers in which was hidden a cheque, by Doris Veale. Miss Hellyer made a graceful, appropriate reply. 

Later a social hour was most pleasantly spent in the basement where refreshments had been prepared. Short addresses were made by Rev. L. Vail of Boston, Mr. O. U. Robinson of the Methodist Church, and Mr. Wallace E. Mason. The doxology and benediction by Rev. H. E. Stillwell closed a meeting unique in the history of the church and long to be remembered.

Copyright 2018 John Cardiff