Etc. --  J. H. Woodley grocery robbed
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A lightly edited page 1 article from the 7 Apr 1910 issue of the Waterford Star newspaper.

Bold, Bad Man

White River, Washington Journal -- The J. H. Woodley grocery store was robbed Saturday night in one of the most daring holdups which ever occurred in the valley.

Soon after eight o'clock, when Mr. Woodley was alone in the store, a man about 35 years old came in and ordered five cents worth of crackers after visiting a few minutes with Mr. Woodley. Mr. Woodley tied up the cracker and the man pushed up 10 cents. As Mr. Woodley turned to the cash register to get the change, the man followed him, and when he turned around with the change, he pushed a big gun in his face and said "I need the balance of this." Mr. Woodley was, of course, helpless and gave the man the money in the till, amounting to between $35.00 and $40.00.

Marshall Cook was notified at once, as well as the adjoining towns, to be on the lookout, but nothing has been heard  from the man, and he will probably never by apprehended. The man was evidently acquainted with the town, and knew that Mr. Woodley was alone part of the time. People were passing on the sidewalk constantly, and it is remarkable that he escaped without detection.

[Rev. J. H. Woodley was a former resident of Townsend, and a brother of the late Mrs. J. B. Johnson.]

Copyright 2018 John Cardiff