Etc. -- 1920 S.S. No. 10 Charlotteville promotions
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An edited compiled transcription of a list of students in a page 8 article in the 8 Apr 1920 issue 
of the Simcoe Reformer newspaper.

S.S. No. 10 Charlotteville
Teacher: Amy I. Robinson
June 1920

Howard Arnold
Mildred Arnold
Aileen Brown
Haldon Brown
Leila Brown
Ward Brown
Jessie Calvert
Kathleen Collyer
Agnes Horton
Georgina Horton
Marie Horton
Beatrice Mayo
Bruce Mayo
Charlie Mayo
Clinton Mayo
Della Mayo
Harold Mayo
Myrtle Mayo
Roy Mayo
Stanley Mayo
Stella Mayo
Harmon Mike
Mamie Moore
Dorothy Shelley
Mabel Shelley
Lester Sherman
Lyle Sherman
Viola Sherman
Donald Stitt
Mae Stitt
Orval Swick
Dorrold Walton
Myrtle Walton
Clarence Wilson
Freddie Wilson
Glenford Wilson
John Yeager

Copyright 2017 John Cardiff