Lived to
Good Old Age
Rev. R. S. Lackland,
pastor of the Fairground, Kinglake and Houghton Centre Methodist
Churches for the past three years, has conducted the funerals of
14 persons, whose average age was over 79 years and 8 months,
indicating Houghton is a healthy township in which to live, if one
may judge by the long lives of some of the residents.
Mr. Lackland officiated
the funerals of:
Mr. Alton, 80 years, 6 months
Mr. Axford, 79
Mr. Crisp, 89
Peter Earl, 83
Mrs. Frances, 72
Mrs. Gates, 79 years 6 months
Silas Kier, 79
Joseph King, 80
Mrs. Thos. Matthews, 73
Mr. McCall, 97
Mrs. McGuire, 87
Mr. Meharg, 77
Mrs. Stansell, 91
Webber Williams, 81