Some of the older residents of
Simcoe will remember Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Upper and family, who lived here
some twenty years ago.
The family consisted of four daughters and one son,
the children attending the town schools.
One daughter died of consumption
nearly twenty years since, and in the hope of saving the rest of the
family from a like fate, removal to Seattle was effected, but the change
was of little advantage, as the other three girls died within the next
year or two.
A week ago Sunday, Aug. 16th, Mrs.
Upper was about the house as usual, when a violent fit of coughing caused a
rupture of a blood vessel in a very few minutes after she was dead.
At the
time the only other occupant of the house was the Japanese servant. He
cared for her as best he could, but as death came in such a short time,
nothing could be done. Funeral services were conducted at Seattle on Aug.
19, by Rev. O. T. Mather.
Mrs. Upper was the second wife of
Mr. Upper, but her devotion to her husband's family won for her the
admiration of her friends. The family were members of St. Paul's church
while they resided in Simcoe.