Delhi, May 23. George A.
Smith, prominent local lumber merchant, passed away in Toronto General
Hospital on Saturday night following several months' illness.
Born near Simcoe 63 years ago,
the late Mr. Smith was a son of the late Eli Smith and Ann Pullen, well
known pioneers of Norfolk County.
He spent his entire life in and around
Delhi where he was widely known and respected by all who knew him. He
will be greatly missed in the community and in the United Church of
which he was a member and elder for many years.
Surviving are his wife, formerly
Olive E. Ferguson; two sons, Dr. Hugh F. Smith of Brantford and William
G. Smith of Delhi; and a brother F. Ray Smith of Carstairs, Alberta.
funeral will be held on Tuesday afternoon at 2.30 o'clock from his late
residence on Queen street.