Etc. -- William Lindsay wed Flossie Riley
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A lightly edited article from page 7 of the 29 May 1919 issue of the Simcoe Reformer newspaper.


On Thursday, May 22nd, at the Baptist parsonage, Delhi, Mr. William Lindsay of Delhi was married to Miss Flossie Riley, only daughter of Mrs. M. Riley of Delhi.

The officiating clergyman was the Rev. O. F. Kendall. The bridesmaid was Miss Cora Lindsay, sister of the groom, and Mr. T. Murphy acted as best man.

The bride's gown was of white silk crepe de chine.

After a wedding luncheon, Mr. and Mrs. Lindsay left for a short honeymoon trip to Buffalo and Goversville, N.Y. The bride's travelling costume was a navy blue serge suit with hat to match.

Upon their return they will reside in Delhi.

Among the many beautiful presents received was a handsome walnut rocker, a gift from the bride's friends at the Simcoe Shoe and Glove Company.

Copyright 2016 John Cardiff