REV. W. J.
Forthcoming Retirement From the Pastorate of St. Paul's
Presbyterian Church, Simcoe, was Announced Recently
Marking the retirement of
Dr. Dey, announced by him to the officers of the church two weeks
ago, Mr. Frank Reid, a prominent official of St. Paul's, has been
kind enough to furnish the Reformer with this short appreciation
of Dr. Dey's work here.
It is with feelings of
deep regret and sympathy that the members and adherents of St.
Paul's Presbyterian Church, Simcoe, have learned that through
physical infirmities our beloved pastor, Rev. W. J. Dey, M.A., D.D.,
has been compelled to give up the active duties of the ministry
and the pastorate of St. Paul's Church.
Dr. Dey has been a
minister of the Presbyterian Church for over 40 years. His first
charge was at Spencerville, in the County of Grenville. He was
inducted as pastor of St. Paul's Church, Simcoe, in January 1890,
coming from Erskine Church, in the City of Hamilton, on the
unanimous invitation of the congregation.
He found us few in
number, there being only a little over 100 members at the time.
There was a mortgage indebtedness on the church property of
$1,500. Within a very few years, through the influence and efforts
of Dr. Dey, the debt was paid and the mortgage was discharged.
The history of the
congregation since Dr. Dey's induction has been one of constant,
steady growth, not on in numbers, but in grace and good works. The
present membership is over 350. Under his sound gospel preaching,
the missionary givings of the congregation have increased
Dr. Dey has always taken
an advanced position in the cause of temperance and under his
leadership a very strong temperance sentiment has grown up in the
congregation, which has made its impression on the community.
For over 26 years Dr. Dey
has ministered faithfully to his congregation and has been a
devoted pastor. His ministrations in time of sorrow and
consolation to the hearts of many of his congregation and will
long be remembered by not a few.
He has married our young
people and baptized our children until a congregation has grown up
that knew no other pastor.
He has taken an active
part in the work of the church as a whole, both in Presbytery,
Synod, and General Assembly. For a number of years he has been
chairman of the Hymnal Committee of the General Assembly and has
by his efforts added materially to the hymnology of the church.
Dr. Dey has always taken
an active interest in all public questions for the betterment and
moral uplift of the community and by his consistent Christian life
and conduct has gained the respect and esteem of not only his own
people but the public generally.
Through his efforts the
most friendly feeling of Christian brotherhood and fellowship has
grown up with the other religious denominations in the town and
the strong feelings of sect have to a large extent disappeared.
Dr. Dey, while not
considered a pulpit orator, has always faithfully preached the
pure gospel of Christ to the salvation of many souls. Evangelistic
and missionary spirit he has been instrumental in developing a
like spirit in his congregation.
In all the years of his
pastorate Dr. Dey has been ably assisted by his esteemed wife, who
has so faithfully and diligently discharged all the duties of the
ideal pastor's wife.
It is the sincere wish of
the congregation, and all his friends, and they are numerous, that
a complete rest from pastoral duties and responsibilities may
restore him to physical health again, and that his life may long
be spared to enjoy the blessings and comforts of a well-spent life
until his Master shall call him home with the "Well done,
thou good and faithful servant."