Etc. -- J. D. Christie died in 1924 (6 articles)
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An lightly edited partial transcription of a page 12 article in the 
28 Feb 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer

Mr. J. D. Christie very ill

A letter just received from H. H. Groff in Daytona, Florida says... "Mr. Christie is in the hospital here, making a great fight, with the ultimate outcome a matter of doubt and anxiety to his friends here. He is a sick man."

An lightly edited transcription of a page 1 article in the 6 Mar 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer


Not only to the people of Simcoe, but to hundreds of the ex-pupils of the Simcoe High School now scattered over the world, the news of the death of James Douglas Christie will cause profound and reverent sorrow.

In a letter from H. H. Groff which we published in our last issue, the news came that Mr. Christie was in hospital at Daytona, Florida, making a gallant fight for life. On Tuesday of this week news was received that he had passed away on Monday.

The remains have been taken from Florida to Grimsby, Ontario, where the funeral takes place today at 2.30 p.m., service being held at St. Andrew's Church.

Before coming to Simcoe, Mr. Christie was English Master at the St. Catharines Collegiate Institute, and was known throughout the province as an outstanding teacher of English. He served for over 30 years at the principal of Simcoe High School.

During that time he not only left his mark on the student population of those long years, but became one of the best known and most highly respected of the citizens of Simcoe.

He resigned the principalship in 1921, but continued to teach for a short time after that. For the past two or three years he had been in very poor health. But his indomitable will and his never failing optimism never failed him and enabled him to maintain a cheerful front to the grim enemy and sustained him in his failing strength.

He was a loyal member of Trinity Church and for many years superintendent of that Sunday School. 


An lightly edited transcription of a page 1 article in the 13 Mar 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer

The funeral of The Late J. D. Christie 

The following attended the funeral of the late James Douglas Christie, ex-principal of Simcoe High School, 
at Grimsby last Thursday: 

B. B. Baillie, Mayor of Simcoe
D. F. Aiken, chairman, Board of Education
James Skeele, principal, Simcoe High School
H. Frank Cook, inspector of schools
Rev. C. K. Master, rector, Trinity Church
Thos. Muir, warden, Trinity Church
Wm. McGuire, warden, Trinity Church
G. Eatwell, Trinity Sunday School superintendent
Rev. A. B. Farney, Dr. Julian Boyd, Mrs. Small,
C. Martin, H. A. Johnson, C. S. Ryerse.

The funeral took place at St. Andrews Church and interment took place in the cemetery by the side of the highway that passes through Grimsby.

At 2.30 the tolling of Trinity Church bell announced to Simcoe that the remains of one who had, for so many year, been a prominent figure in the civic life of the town, were being laid to rest in Grimsby.

At the High School the flag flew at half mast and no session of the school was held in the afternoon. 


An lightly edited transcription of a page 1 article in the 13 Mar 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer

Memorial Service

On Sunday next, 16 Mar 1926, at 4 o'clock there will held a public memorial service in Trinity Anglican Church, in memory of the late James Douglas Christie, B.A.

The members of Trinity Anglican Sunday School, of which he was superintendent for 25 years, will attend.

The High School pupils have been invited and are expected to attend. They are requested to meet at the Parish Hall at 3.45 p.m. prompt.

The public and Mr. Christie's friends generally will be cordially welcomed. 


An lightly edited partial transcription of a page 3 article in the 13 Mar 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer

Our Letterbox

To the Editor of The Reformer:
[I] was very sorry indeed to see in your last issue of the passing of our old friend, James Douglas Christie, former principal of the High School. He was a fine type of man and certainly a courteous gentleman. His memory will ever live in the minds of those whom he used to teach, and I am sure there are many sad hearts in Simcoe as a result of his passing. I had hoped to see him in August [during the Old Boys' Weekend], along with many others with whom old associations were so pleasant at the School.
                             From L. M. Mabee, Goderich, 9 Mar 1924 


An lightly edited transcription of a pages 1 and 6 article in the 
20 Mar 1924 issue of the Simcoe Reformer

Striking Tribute to the 
Late J. D. Christie

It was a wonderful tribute the people of Simcoe paid to the memory of the late much beloved James Douglas Christie, when they thronged Trinity Church for the memorial service on Sunday afternoon last. 

Present at the service were the Mayor, members of the  Town Council, Board of Education, the Public Library Board, the Masonic Lodge and Chapter, representatives of the Children's Aid Society, the principal and pupils of the High School and members of Trinity Anglican Sunday School. In addition to these were hosts of old friends and ex-pupils of the late Mr. Christie, who came to do honor to his memory.

A beautiful wreath of roses marked the seat in the church that Mr. Christie and his family had so long occupied. Relatives present for the service from Grimsby were three nieces: Mrs. Berry, Miss Lena Wolverton and Miss Winnie Grant, and a grand-nephew, Mr. George Nelles.

The choir entered singing the favorite hymn of Mr. Christie, "Till He Comes." In the course of the service the two hymns chosen for the funeral service in Grimsby were repeated, "On the Resurrection Morning" and "Now the Laborer's Task is O'er" while the recessional hymn was "For All the Saints Who From Their Labors Rest."

After the address, a very beautiful solo was sung most fittingly by Miss Irene Hurley, entitled "Face to Face." The large congregation was breathless still while she sang.

The Psalms read were the 39th and and the [3]5th, and the lessons Jobs 29, 1 to 6 and 11 Timothy 44, 1 to 8. These and the special prayers were beautifully appropriate ad suitable to the occasion.

The Holy Table was exquisitely and lavishly adored with pink roses donated in part by the pupils of the High School and in part by close personal friends of Mr. Christie.

The general tone of the service was not mournful, but rather one of quiet and reverent thanksgiving for the life and example of a good man, whose unselfish eagerness to be of service to his fellows, and especially to his beloved pupils, will long remain as an inspiration.

Mr. Masters took his text from Isaiah 57, verse 2: :He shall enter into peace." In the course of his address he paid tribute to Mr. Christie as being, to the limit of his powers, a friend of every good cause and a helper of every one who needed a lift upward.

Born in the east, in Nova Scotia, he brought to life's tasks som of the wisdom, the strong common sense, the tact and sympathy proverbially ascribed to the men of the east. 

A son of the manse, he carried with him through life the deep religious convictions, the clear-cut grasp of religious truth, the moral eagerness, and the deep sense of moral and spiritual values handed down from his ancestors.

In Yarmouth Seminary he came under the influence of such instructors as Dr. McLennan and the late Chief Justice Falconbridge. With the late Chief Justice Kellum of Manitoba, he shared the honor of being the first Nova Scotia graduate of Toronto University, in the class of 1872.

A dweller in many places -- Halifax, Toronto, Grimsby, Peterboro, St. Catharines, Chatham and Simcoe -- Mr. Christie acquired from each an additional store to add to his wide knowledge of human nature and human affairs, and to deepen the admirable mixture of culture and refined courtesy that characterized him.

 A keen student and a great reader, his honors in Moderns at Toronto were but the beginning of his education.

Gifted, with a fine appreciation of the best in art and literature, and with unusual elocutionary powers, and with what was called in St. Chrysostom a golden voice, his gifts were always at command, and a host of friends have gained fresh insight into the wealth of English and Canadian literature through his interpretation.

His keen interest in all departments of life is shown by the breadth of his activities. In his chosen profession as a teacher he has always been counted a wise and capable guide to right thinking and right living, and an exponent of the highest ideals of honour and uprightness.

All over this continent are men and women by the hundreds to rise up and call him blessed for his kindly interest and clear leadership.

Mr. Masters then spoke of the noble tribute paid Mr. Christie on the occasion of his retirement after 50 years of active service in 1922, and proceeded:

"As a citizen his interests have been manifold. Coming to Simcoe in 1889, he at once took his place as a force in the life of the community. In all matters educational, and all things pertaining to the life of the young, his great love of mankind showed itself. On the Library Board, ensuring the best literature for old and young readers; in the Children's Aid, promoting right conditions for child life; in the philanthropic activities of the great Masonic order, he used his time and strength unstintedly.

"Wide was the field of his activities, yet he found time and strength to serve his church in many capacities. He was the first one confirmed in All Saints Church, Hamilton, in 1866. As a member of Trinity Church, Simcoe, he has held office as a Lay Reader, Church Warden and Lay Delegate to Synod. But great as we his service to the church in general, still greater was his service to Trinity Sunday School. As superintendent for 25 years, as teacher, and on occasion as the whole staff, with incomparable faithfulness and the utmost love and devotion, he served his heavenly Master in this most important department of the church's work. 

"When we think of the beautiful life of James Douglas Christie, our sorrow is touched by joy and there is in our hearts a great thanksgiving for God's gift to our community of a good man -- a true and loving disciple of Jesus Christ."  


J. D. Christie

Copyright 2017 John Cardiff