Miss Alice
Murphy died quite suddenly and unexpectedly about noon on Sunday,
of heart failure. She had been ill only three or four days.
Her mother died only a
couple of months ago, after a long illness, and it would appear
that the strain of nursing had weakened her daughter.
Miss Murphy was the only
daughter of the late Thos. Murphy, L.D.S., of Simcoe.
She is survived by two
brothers, Messrs. Bruce and Robert Murphy of Orillia.
Miss Murphy was a graduate
of the Toronto Conservatory of Music and had been a successful
teacher of piano in Orillia for many years.
The funeral, which was
private, was held on Tuesday afternoon to St. James Cemetery. -- Orillia
The family of the late Mr.
J. T. Murphy,
Mrs. Samuel Chadwick and her two sons and the Misses Polley are
among the Simcoe relatives of the deceased, who will be well
remembered by many other residents who were schoolmates of hers in
the seventies of the last century.