Etc. -- Jam Factory re-opening, 1919
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A lightly edited partial St. Williams column from page 11 of the 10 Apr 1919 issue of 
the Simcoe Reformer newspaper.

St. Williams

As spring opens up the leading conversation here is strawberry raising and everyone is looking forward to the picking season and the opening of our Jam factory again.

At one time it looked as if we might loose the factory business here entirely, but last year at a meeting of the shareholders, the president, Dr. A. McInnes, and the secretary, F. W. Ross, informed those present that in case the farmers of his neighborhood would raise 75 acres of strawberries and raspberries combined, the factory would run again in 1919.

The growers were canvassed and acreage far exceeding the demand of contract was secured.

Copyright 2016 John Cardiff