Groff at Pan
The Buffalo News
contains the following complimentary remarks regarding Mr. H. H.
Groff's exhibit at the Pan American: --
"Attention of all
flowers is called to the extraordinary fine exhibit of the
gladiolus now being held in the Horticultural building at the
north Conservatory at the Pan-American.
"There are several
extensive exhibits, but by far the largest exhibit is by H. H.
Groff, a banker, who for the past 20 years has been making the
gladiolus his specialty.
"He has crossed
several types and produced varieties that now surpass anything
known in this country or Europe.
"He planted specially
for the Pan-American 100,800 bulbs, and there is daily an exhibit
of 10,000 stalks by this gentleman alone.
"It is within bounds
to say that in quantity and quality it is the finest display of
gladiolus ever seen in this country and it excels in quality
anything previously shown in the world.
"Mr. Groff cultivates
10 acres in Simcoe, Ontario, and his associate, Arthur Cowee of
Berlin, N.Y., also grows for him 28 acres."