very quiet wedding took place at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Alward, near Cultus, on Wednesday,
1 May 1918 at four o'clock, when their third daughter, Neva, was
united in marriage to John T. Franklin, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs.
John W. Franklin of Clear Creek.
The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Mr. Woolley and Walsingham Centre, assisted by Rev. Mr.
Chapman, in the presence of the immediate relatives.
The bride looked charming in
lblue and white silk poplin.
After congratulations were
received, a solo was rendered by Rev. Mr. Chapman.
At the conclusion of a
dainty luncheon the happy couple left amid showers of rice and
confetti for Norwich and other western points, the bride travelling
in a blue serge suit, with large yellow hat.
The presents received were
both lovely and useful.