Township Fair Meetings
Agricultural Society Officers and Directors elected for 1919:
S. Benn, director, Middleton
John Bingleman, director, Charlotteville
Chas. Bint, director, Charlotteville
Geo. Boughner, director, Windham
Percy Brock, director, Townsend
W. A. Buchner, director, Middleton
J. G. Burnett, Sec.-Treas., Middleton
Wesley Card, 1st V.P., Charlotteville
J. J. Casey, director, Windham
F. Cousins, 2nd V.P., Middleton
John Cousins, director, Middleton
F. D. Culver, director, Townsend
Hartley Culver, 1st V.P., Townsend
A. W. Dawson, director, Charlotteville
W. C. Day, director, Windham
O. H. Duncombe, director, Townsend
Jack Erwin, director, Townsend
R. C. Erwin, director, Townsend
L. A. Everett, director, Charlotteville
A. R. Ewing, retiring sec.-treas., Townsend*
H. Fisher, director, Middleton
Bert Granger, auditor, Windham
Charles Guiler, director, Charlotteville
Benson Hall, director, Charlotteville
Nelson Hall, president, Townsend
Leonard Harison [sic], director, Townsend
Geo. Haviland, 2nd V.P., Windham
Kennedy Henry, sec.-treas., Windham
J. Herman, director, Middleton
L. Herron, director, Middleton
Lorne Herron, director, Windham
Edward Hill, director, Windham
Jesse Hoover, director, Charlotteville
Wm. Hutchinson, director, Charlotteville
C. W. Hyde, director, Townsend
Bruce Jull, director, Windham
Hilton Kellam, president, Windham
Ansley Kellum, director, Townsend
Clendon Kitchen, director, Windham
Wesley Lewis, director, Charlotteville
Geo. Marcel, director, Windham
Wm. E. Mason, director, Townsend
V. McDonald, director, Middleton
John McElhone, director, Windham
Arthur McEown, director, Charlotteville
Daniel Munn, auditor, Windham
Frank Perry, director, Townsend
R. Pery [sic], 2nd V.P., Charlotteville
D. Pettinger, director, Middleton
Clyde Renner, director, Townsend
Wm. Robertson, director, Middleton
O. L. Ronson, 1st V.P., Middleton
M. H. Rutherford, sec.-treas., Charlotteville
G. B. Ryan, president, Middleton
M. H. A. Sanderson, sec.-treas., Townsend
Edward Schram, director, Charlotteville
Jack Silverthorn, 1st V.P., Windham
Sidney Silverthorn, director, Windham
Wm. Snively, director, Townsend
Ernest Stickney, president, Charlotteville
N. O. Stillwell, director, Middleton
Chas. Stockhouse [sic], director, Charlotteville
Walter Taylor, director, Charlotteville
T. H. Thompson, 2nd V.P., Townsend
H. VanLoon, director, Townsend
J. H. Vivian, director, Townsend
Carl Wilson, director, Charlotteville
Horace Winder [sic], director, Windham
Glen W. Witham, director, Townsend
Cecil Yeager, director, Windham
* Mr. Ewing has been an
active worker on the Townsend fair board for nearly 40 years. Has
been secretary 18 years and during the past eight years has been
treasurer also. His services have been of much benefit to the fair.