A very pretty wedding
took place last evening at the residence of Mr. John G. Cambell [sic], King
street, when his daughter Louise was united in marriage to Mr. Ernest
Maybee [sic], of Vittoria, by Rev. Mr. Hoyt.
The bride was tastefully attired in
white organdie, trimmed in chiffon and lace, carrying a boquet [sic]
of white
roses, while her sister, Miss Nellie, acted as bridesmaid. She also wore
white organdie trimmed with chiffon.
The groom was supported by his
brother, Mr. Maybee [sic], of London.
The wedding march was
beautifully played by the bride's brother, Prof. Campbell, of Norwich.
Guests were present from Grand
Rapids, Simcoe, Brantford, Woodstock and St. Thomas. The presents were
costly and numerous.
The happy couple left amid
showers of rice on the evening train for points west. -- St. Thomas Times.