An unedited
transcription of a page 1 article from 27 May 1897 Simcoe Reformer.
Mr. Lyley
Happy Again
Loses a
prospective wife but
gets his farm back once more
Mr. Thomas
Lyley, an old man of Houghton Township has had a peculiar affair of the
heart during the past year. Mr. Lyley has been paying his attentions
to a Miss Calistia Wilson and vice versa. Marriage was talked of and
in October last, Mr. Lyley's farm was deeded to Miss Wilson. The
talk of marriage did not come and Miss Wilson retained the title to the
seventy-five acre farm and refused to put the matter right in consequence
of which Mr. Lyley through his solicitor Mr. H. D. Petrie of Simcoe,
issued a writ for [cancellation] of the conveyance. The proceedings
were settled however last week, Mr. Lyley getting back this farm and the
old gentleman is now rejoicing in his single blessedness and the
possession of his farm.