fatality occurred on the dangerous Wabash crossing at Courtland
Thursday evening when James Ferris was hit by a train and instantly
Mr. Ferris was driving over the tracks in a buggy and did not
notice the approaching train, which was a fast Wabash express.
He was alone in the rig. His horse was also killed and the buggy
It was at this crossing that the late Mr.
and Mrs. James F. Cohoe, who were relatives of Mr. Ferris, were
killed some years ago.
Mr. Ferris is survived by his wife and two daughters, Mrs. Walter
Berry of Tillsonburg and Mrs. John Rennie of Drayton; and five sons,
Thomas and David of Courtland, Arthur of Lyons, Charles of Curries,
and John of Minneapolis, Minn.
The funerla [sic] took place on Sunday from his late
residence, the interment being made in the Methodist cemetery.