An unedited
transcription of a page 3 ad from 5 Nov 1840 Norfolk Observer.
Subscriber having opened the above Hotel, situated in Kent Street,
next door to the Printing and Land Agency Office, trusts by
attention to the wishes and comforts of those who may honor him with
their patronage to ensure a share [of] public support.
Being determined to secure as far as in his power, the custom of the
most respectable port of the community The Subscriber will not allow
his Hotel to be the resort of Loafers and Idlers, and will at all
times suppress riot or disturbance about his premises.
As Winter is now rapidly approaching, he would also inform
travellers [sic] generally, that he will at all hours, during
the night as well as in the day time, keep up good fires, so as to
ensure his patrons a Warm reception.
N. B. -- Good Stabling on the premises
Simcoe, November 4th, 1840