Arrangements have bee
completed for the erection on the vacant lot on the north side of
Robinson street, between Colborne and Kent streets of a fne new
two-storey and basement building.
The gentlemen behind the
movement are Mr. Geo. C. White and Linn C. Cratt, and the plans now
being made call for a brick building, 57x115 feet with basement and two
floors above ground.
The garage proper will be
located in the rear, with a front entrance in the centre of the bulding,
with a store on the one side, and the offices of the garage on the other
side of the driveway.
Tenders will be asked for as
soon as the plans are completed, and it is expected that the building
will be ready for occupancy in the early spring.
When completed the new garage
will be one of the best in the smaller towns of Ontario, and these two
young men are to be congratulated upon their enterprise.
Mr. White still holds a lease on
the Norfolk street garage, and business will continue as usual there
till the new building is ready.
During the year just closed, Mr.
White has handled 83 automobiles, 65 of which were new Fords, and the
business has grown to such an extend that he feels it necessary to have
larger floor space.