Messrs. Arthur A. Clarke and W.
J. Clarke, two sons of our late esteemed representative in the local
Legislature, Dr. John Clarke, now Sheriff of Thunder Bay, who have for a
number of years been carrying on a Drug store at Prince Arthur's Landing,
have dissolved partnership.
The business is to be carried on in future by
Mr. W. J. Clarke, the other brother goes to Winnipeg, where he hopes to
find a wider scope for his talents.
We clip the following from the
Thunder Bay Sentinel's comments upon the departure of Dr. A. A. Clarke
from their town: --
We regret to learn of the
contemplated departure of Dr. A. A. Clarke who purposes leaving for
Winnipeg by one of the first boats. During the several years of his
residence here, he has, by his gentlemanly, courteous address, won for
himself the esteem of his fellow citizens, and by his energy always ready
to aid in any enterprise having for its object the general good of
the town, he has proved himself to be a good citizen.
He is at present representing the
North Ward in the Municipal council, and is besides a school trustee, at
both of which boards he has always proved himself a valuable public
officer and has been a Director of the P. A. L & K. R. Rail Road from
its inception to the present hour and will be so until its affairs are
finally wound up, to such men as he and other enterprising spirits is due
the success of the road under both local and governmental oppositions of
the bitterest kind.
The Dr. is a prominent Free mason
and will be missed from the various orders of which he is a member in this
His good lady likewise will be
missed in social circles, where she has ever been a favorite, and the
young people of this town have good cause to remember he hospitable
entertainments. The Sentinel but expresses the feeling of the community,
when it wishes them ever success in their new home.