An unedited
transcription of page 11 article in the 10 Jun 1915 Simcoe
Reformer newspaper.
Boughner died Thursday
Passed Away
at LaSalette last week One of the
very oldest residents, not only of this county, but of Western
Ontario, passed away near LaSalette last Thursday, in his 92nd year,
in the person of Nelson Boughner. The
name is a familiar one in this county, and the deceased leaves a great
many descendants in this neighborhood, among whom are a widow, four
sons and two daughters: Fred of Lynnville; Hosey of Teeterville;
George of Nixon; and Louis, on the homestead; Mrs. H. Beaton of Bookton; and Mrs. C. Miller of Windham.. The
deceased was the oldest person to attend the Boughner picnic held here
last year, and was at that time able to enjoy the day's outing fully. The
funeral was held on Saturday to Lynnville, where interment took place,
the services being conducted by Rev. Mr. Carpenter of Delhi.
[Compiler's Comment:
In a 23 May 2007 email, site visitor Winston
said: [This] obituary names two daughters.
This puzzled me, as census returns only show one daughter (Roxy, Mrs. H. Beaton). The other person, Mrs. C. Miller, I am reasonably sure is his granddaughter, the child of Louis (Lewis) Boughner, as shown in the 1901 census, next door to Nelson.
There is a wedding announcement in your B-M-D Etc. for Mary Hazel Boughner marrying Charles Miller -- and they are buried in Vanessa Cemetery, the dates matching