Sergt. Robert Rowling, caretaker
of the Armories, has called the attention of The Reformer to an
error made
in crediting Private J. Watmough with being "the
first Norfolk man to fall.
Privates Nile Sloat, John
Watmough and Jack Doudney all lost their lives through the battle
of Langemack. Seven other Norfolk men were wounded that day.
Who was the first to actually
fall? No one knows, but the first man to die, according to those
Norfolk men actually present, was Private Sloat. He lived less
than half an hour after being wounded.
Watmough got to an English
hospital. Doudney died instantly on the battlefield. These three
deaths were Norfolk's contribution to the fatalities of the
The names of these three young
heroes should go down in Norfolk's annals sharing equally the
glory of being the county's first sacrifice.