Off For Chicago
The following young
men will leave for Chicago on No. 37, Friday night to learn the
telephone business. They are a bright lot of young fellows and we hope
they will work diligently, as the new factory in Waterford will depend
upon them to come back and make excellent mechanics. Probably not one of
the number has been in Chicago before and they will have an opportunity
to see a large city. Keep you money in your inside vest pocket boys and
hang on tight.
W. Almas -- Kelvin
W. E. Axford -- Lynnville
Foster Bechtel -- Waterford
Gordon Bechtel -- Waterford
James M. Bell -- Villa
Delbert Boughner -- Waterford
R. Cunningham -- Waterford
Clarence Dusling -- Waterford
A. Green --
V. Green -- Teeterville
R. H. Johnson -- Boston
Robt. Kerr -- Villa Nova
A. W. Robinson -- Round
J. M. VanDusen -- Scotland
Chas. F. Wade --Villa Nova
H. Walden -- Waterford
W. Walmsley -- Lynnville
J. M. Young -- Waterford