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Hagerman, William (c. 1792-) and his wife Margaret settled in Windham Township about 1838. Includes three generations of descendants. Halliday, Andrew (c. 1815-1869) and his wife Helen Redpath came from Berwick County, Scotland to Ontario in 1842 and lived for a time in Beverly Township, Wentworth County before settling in Silver Hill, Charlotteville Township in 1848. Helen’s brother William Redpath (c. 1819-) and his wife Agnes Gray joined them at Silver Hill. Includes three generations of descendants Hambly, John (c. 1746-1824) was born in England and served in the British Navy during the American Revolution. He settled in the Niagara District of Upper Canada where he surveyed new townships for the government. He then surveyed the southern townships of Norfolk County and settled in Woodhouse Township. Later he moved to Elgin County and continued surveying. Three page biography Hambridge, John (c. 1802-) came from England to Ontario by 1834 and married Sarah Fowler. They lived initially at Simcoe then moved for a time to Yarmouth Township, Elgin County, and finally returned to Simcoe. Includes children and grandchildren Hamilton, Thomas (c. 1750-1832) settled at Woodhouse Township in 1796 then after a short stay moved to the provincial capital at York (Toronto). Includes children 4.95 Hammond, William R. (1802-1853) and his wife Elizabeth Rowon came from New York and settled at Villa Nova, Townsend Township by 1844. Includes three generations of descendants Hanna, Samuel (c. 1817-) and Thomas Hanna (c. 1820-1899) emigrated from Ireland about 1840 and settled in Walsingham Township. Includes three generations of descent Harris, John (1782-1850) from Devonshire, England. Joined Royal Navy and came to Woodhouse Township in 1812. He married Amelia Ryerse, daughter of pioneer Samuel Ryerse and lived at Port Ryerse, Woodhouse Township until 1836 when he moved to London, Upper Canada. Includes children and grandchildren Hart, Thomas (1807-1898) moved from Lower Canada to Upper Canada by 1830, married Mary Ann Pease, and settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants. George Washington Hart (1816-1883) came from U.S. to Charlotteville Township by 1838 and married Eliza Ann Simons. Includes children and grandchildren. Hatch, William (1784-1874) moved from New Brunswick to Charlotteville Twp. by 1808 when he married Leah Johnson, a daughter of Norfolk pioneer Larrance Johnson. They lived in Charlotteville Twp. until 1817 then settled in Bayham Twp., Elgin Co. Includes four generations of descendants Havens, William (1738-1800) and his wife Lydia Masters lived during colonial times at Jefferson, Gloucester County, New Jersey then in 1787 moved to Grantham Township, Lincoln County, Upper Canada. Their sons John (1769-1806) and George (1774-1842) took an early interest in Norfolk County, although George finally settled on his father’s homestead. John married Norfolk pioneer Abraham Smith’s daughter Charity and settled in Charlotteville Township. Includes five generations from William Havens Haviland, John (1751-1839) lived near New York City during colonial times. He served as a Captain of a company in Delancey’s Brigade during American Revolution. Following the war, he settled at Sydney Township, Hastings County, Upper Canada then returned to New York. In 1803, he took up residence in Townsend Township. Includes five generations of descendants Hazelton, Thaddeus (1760-1845) lived at Townshend, Windham Co., Vermont then Nelson, Madison Co., New Yrok. He came to Townsend Twp. about 1816. Thaddeus returned to New York but his sons Ransom (1792-1878), Benjamin (c. 1782-) and Heman (1810-1841) stayed on Hazen -- Daniel Hazen (1755-1845) and his wife Anna (Ward) Carty lived in Independence Township, Sussex County, New Jersey before the American Revolution. Daniel served in New Jersey Volunteers then joined the exodus to New Brunswick. Moved to Upper Canada, settling first in Crowland Township, Welland County, then in Walsingham Township, Norfolk County in 1798. His brother Caleb Hazen came to Upper Canada after the War of 1812 and settled in Woodhouse Township. Includes four to five generations of descendants Hearl -- see Squires Heath, John (1763-1847) married Anna Sovereen in New Jersey and came with her family to Townsend Township in 1799. Includes three generations of descendants Henderson, Robert (c. 1755) came from Murrayshire Scotland to New Jersey in 1773. In 1796, he arrived in the McCall settlement party to Charlotteville Township. Includes three generations of descendants Hepburn, William (1790-1856) came from Berwick County, Scotland to the United States. He and his wife Margaret came to Upper Canada in 1828 and lived at Thorold Township, Welland County, then by 1841 settled in Walsingham Township, Norfolk County. Includes three generations of descendants Hewitt, William (1794-1883) and his wife Elizabeth Richardson emigrated from England before Nov 1827 and settled in Vittoria, Charlotteville Township. Includes ancestry, children and grandchildren Hibler, Simeon (c. 1783) and his wife Mary Decow lived in New Jersey then in 1832 came to Charlotteville Township. Includes Simeon’s parents, children and grandchildren Highland, John (c. 1792- ) and his wife Ann moved from England to Ontario during the 1840s and settled east of Bloomsburg, Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren Hilliard, Peter (1821-) and his
wife Catharine Wiersch emigrated from Germany to Upper Canada in 1851. His
widow took her family to Woodhouse Township. Includes children and
grandchildren Hollowood, Thomas (c. 1770-1863), son of a soldier in the King’s American Regiment who was a casualty in the American Revolution. Went with his mother to New Brunswick. In 1808, he settled in Charlotteville Township then moved to Bayham Township, Elgin County. Includes children and grandchildren Holmes, Asa (c. 1745) moved from his parental home at Woodstock, Connecticut to pioneer at Greensboro, Orleans County, Vermont in 1774. During American Revolution, he served as a guide to British General Burgoyne’s army, then went to Fort Niagara where he married Betsy Loomis. They lived at Detroit then were the first settlers in Walsingham Township in 1790. Includes three page biography and children. The major continuation is his daughter Sarah who married Richard William Dease of Charlotteville Township and is included in the Dease genealogy Holtby, Matthias (1799-1880) came from Yorkshire, England by 1834 when he married Margaret Crawford. They lived at Chinguacousy Township in Peel County, then at Simcoe and finally at Wycombe in Walsingham Township. Includes three generations of descendants Honey: Includes three families of unknown relationship, all from Cornwall County, England. Nimrod Honey (1805-1874) and his wife Mariah settled at Boston, Townsend Township. Henry Honey (1811-1909) and his wife Elizabeth Moys Blewett settled near Villa Nova. John Honey (c. 1834- ) and his wife Mary Sophia Shaw settled in Middleton Township. Includes children and grandchildren Horning, Aaron (c1798- ) and his wife Anne Kelly came to Windham Township from Wentworth County, Upper Canada. Includes three generations of descendants Horton, Samuel (c. 1770) arrived in Upper Canada by 1797, lived in Walsingham Township by 1803, and in 1807 settled in Windham Township. Includes three generations of descendants Hoskin, Peter (c. 1825-) came from England and settled with his wife Martha in Townsend Township. Includes children and grandchildren House, George (c. 1792-), Daniel (c. 1794-) and Harmon (c. 1797) settled in Houghton Township. Includes three generations of descendants for each. William House (c. 1805-) married Alice Hazen in 1834 and settled in Windham Township. Includes children and grandchildren. Also includes House families who settled in Walsingham Township Howick, George (1794-1838) and his brother William Howick (c. 1798-1882) emigrated from Sussex County, England about 1834 and settled in Woodhouse Township Includes three generations of descendants Howey brothers. Daniel Howey (1786-1857) and his wife Anna Buchner lived in Crowland
Township, Welland County, then settled in Charlotteville Township about 1817. Huffman,
Daniel (c. 1816- ) and his wife Sarah King lived at East Flamborough
Township in Wentworth County, then moved to Townsend Township, near the village
of Villa Nova about
1842. Includes three generations of descendants. Hunter, David (1777-1854) came with his parents from North Carolina to Barton Township, Wentworth County, Upper Canada in 1794. In 1803, he settled at Windham Township. Includes children and grandchildren Husted, Peter (1796-1874), a stone mason, married first Elizabeth Varndell and lived at Hambledon, Hampshire, England. With his second wife Sarah Searles and the children of both marriages, Peter Husted moved to Canada in 1835 and lived at Drummondville (Niagara Falls), Welland County. Late in life Peter and Sarah moved to Tuscola County, Michigan, with some of their family. The oldest son George Husted (1819- ) married Priscilla Jane Mabee and worked as a blacksmith in Port Dover, Norfolk County. His sister Caroline Husted (1821-1910) married Silas Jennings and lived at Port Dover until moving to Michigan. A younger brother Peter Husted (1828- ) married Helen Murch and also lived in Port Dover. Includes four generations. Surnames included: Duckett, Fralick, Jennings, Markham McCartney, Teeple, Tipp [First released Mar 2007] Hutchison/Hutchinson, John, born in Ireland c. 1806. He married Mary Ann Jamieson, born in Ireland c. 1811. Includes three generations of descendants Hutchison, William (c. 1745-1826) lived in New Jersey during colonial times. Joined American Revolution New Jersey Volunteers, served as a company Captain. Following the war in 1783, he went in the Loyalist exodus from New York to New Brunswick, settling at Kennebecasis. He moved to Walsingham Township in 1802. Includes five generations of descendants Hyde, Sherman (c.
1784-1825) and his wife Anna Lodor moved from Sandytown, New Jersey to Upper
Canada about 1810. They settled in Windham
Township then in Burford Township. Includes parents, children and
grandchildren. |
Copyright 2001-2008 Robert Mutrie and John Cardiff |